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  1. DarkAngel

    Ww: Legends~

    Arianna didn't reply as she continued down the hall, dowsing for Angafay. Too much had happened that day, and she wasn't used to so many things going on at once. She was used to things being quiet, and almost simple. She began to wonder if coming to this school was the right thing to do after...
  2. DarkAngel

    Ww: Legends~

    It took running the statement through her head a few times before Arianna made sense of what Daniel had said. She had dedicated most of her mentality to trying to track down Angafay, and listening to him at the same time proved difficult. She glanced at him, then back ahead. She felt...
  3. DarkAngel

    Ww: Legends~

    Arianna was about to snap back at Daniel, getting rather tired of being told what to do by a mortal, but stopped herself upon listening to Daniel chastise the other boy. She raised her eyebrows in an impressed way and sat back, merely taking her quiet exit of the room. She remembered she...
  4. DarkAngel

    Ww: Legends~

    "Ohhhh Ari!" a voice chimed. Arianna looked up, ready to tear into the assailant, but instead the boy that had her head was standing there, grinning at her. "What do YOU want? And why did you let her get away?!" she snapped, standing and stumbling a little. He grabbed her arm to steady...
  5. DarkAngel

    Ww: Legends~

    Arianna let her cape blow behind her and unsheathed her sword, the metal against the sheath making a loud hiss. "You fail to realize just how many tricks a failure can hold up their sleeve, brute." she replied, rushing over. She expected the girl to jump and let her, throwing her axe up and...
  6. DarkAngel

    Ww: Legends~

    Arianna kept pace with Daniel, drawing her sword, axe sheathed at her side. She wasn't going to let that girl get away with what she did to Daniel, the guards, and even for kissing Arianna. Because she was raised in an older time, girls kissing girls was LARGELY frowned upon and punishable...
  7. DarkAngel

    Ww: Legends~

    "!" Arianna thundered, bringing her arms up, snapping the knives loose. She got them from her arms and yanked them out of her knees, looking at Daniel. "Daniel!" she ran over, looking at him. "Oh, not move, do not squirm...I am going to get help." she gently...
  8. DarkAngel

    Ww: Legends~

    Arianna didn't wait around to listen to Daniel and took off down the hall where she saw the red go, yanking out her axe. Her cape billowed out behind her as she rounded the corner and took off running. Even with her armor, she was deadly fast, since her muscles didn't need oxygen to move, or...
  9. DarkAngel

    Ww: Legends~

    Arianna ignored him completely as she walked, focused completely on where the energy from Angafay's necklace was taking her. She couldn't have gotten far, and Arianna hoped she would be alright upon being found. When she got to the stairs, she rounded the corner, her cape sliding around the...
  10. DarkAngel

    Ww: Legends~

    Arianna sat up when her body was kicked over, her head on the floor where it fell. As she stood up, and Daniel grabbed her head, she felt her anger bubble. She wasn't going to kill the student, but yanking her head by the hair off the floor was blood boiling. Her body trumped over and...
  11. DarkAngel

    Ww: Legends~

    Arianna growled silently; that was it. She sliced right through the club in one swing, cutting it clean in half, the actual wood of the club smoking from the hellfire on her blade. She kicked one of the orcs clean in the knee, knocking him backwards, and stood over him, boot on his chest...
  12. DarkAngel

    Ww: Legends~

    Arianna took her sword and drew it, getting between the orcs and Daniel, glaring full force. "If you brutes are looking for a fight, look no further, because I cannot die. I am warning you to stop while you are ahead, lest you enter something you shall regret." she warned, holding the sword...
  13. DarkAngel

    Ww: Legends~

    "We should go find Angafay. We have been gone for quite a few hours." she said, turning and walking what she thought was the right way. "Wait, no....this way." she said, turning and walking the other way, using her necklace to dowse for where Angafay was.
  14. DarkAngel

    Ww: Legends~

    "I do not know anywhere in this school, therefore I have no clue where to go." she answered, looking around curiously. If it were up to her she would go riding on Dixie into the woods to explore, but she didn't want to risk running into that kid again. She growled to herself, eyes flashing at...
  15. DarkAngel

    Ww: Legends~

    Arianna shrugged, placing her head back on her shoulders. She swallowed as she watched, her cloak around her like a dark mass. She chuckled when the boy fell and screamed, finding it obviously amusing. She grinned when the boy got up, the teacher chuckling too. "I have never...
  16. DarkAngel

    Ww: Legends~

    Arianna nodded by moving her torso some, turning to follow him. She wondered if they would be racing horses, or on foot. If they were on horses, maybe she could join. She couldn't hardly run with her armor and weapons bound to her anyway.
  17. DarkAngel

    Ww: Legends~

    Arianna raised her eyebrows at the display, impressed. She was also impressed by the sign, and read it quietly to herself. After a moment, she snatched her head off her shoulders, tucking it under her arm like a basketball, watching the class again. She mildly wondered if she would be allowed...
  18. DarkAngel

    Ww: Legends~

    Arianna watched with slight interest as the two fought, standing stone still without breathing, since it wasn't necessary. Fighting now was different than the fighting she witnessed back at the village; most everyone dealt their problems out with fist fighting, but it wasn't this good. Very...
  19. DarkAngel

    Ww: Legends~

    Arianna listened to Daniel as she walked, trying to find some kind of hall that lead somewhere interesting. She felt uncomfortable, and almost belittled compared to the students here that COULD use magic. She had never used magic, nor had any desire to, and wondered if she could be expelled...
  20. DarkAngel

    Ww: Legends~

    Arianna blinked softly, unsure of what Daniel meant. She stopped when he stepped in front of her, not entirely sure what he meant by magic. She had her sword and axe, which were infested with hellfire to cut through most anything, she was technically dead, since she couldn't be killed, she...