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  1. F O L L E T T

    Bad Blood [ A Modern Fairytale ] - F O L L E T T x Set Me Free [Inactive]

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  2. F O L L E T T

    Hey! Oh gosh, I'm sorry if I was gone a long time. I felt really down, sick and depressed. ;^;

    Hey! Oh gosh, I'm sorry if I was gone a long time. I felt really down, sick and depressed. ;^;
  3. F O L L E T T

    ✖ WASTED ✖ [Inactive]

    In one swift movement, the mug came crashing down on the ground. Vincent watched incredulously as Gemma actually manhandled the mug out of his bare hands. He stared at her for a moment, speechless, before looking at the splatter. His once white, stained shirt now looked like a murder scene where...
  4. F O L L E T T

    ✖ WASTED ✖ [Inactive]

    Vincent has many regrets in his life, but he hadn't regretted anything more that the words "I would do" combined with "anything" in his entire life. He watched as Kyle started to get up and say goodbye. He wished he had gotten to know her better, but maybe next time. "Later Kye. These losers...
  5. F O L L E T T

    ✖ WASTED ✖ [Inactive]

    Vince nodded towards Gemma, fully agreeing with her. "But Gem," he began, finally comprehending what she had just said. "How exactly do you rooftop?" He watched as she took out a lone cookie out of her pocket. Finally feeling the first pangs of hunger, the cookie looked as if it's a glass of...
  6. F O L L E T T

    ✖ WASTED ✖ [Inactive]

    Vince absentmindedly began to scratch and tug at the drying splotch on his shirt. The dark stain was beginning to seep into the fabric, making his shirt's ground coffee smell even stronger. He wondered if the stain will even come off when he wash it back home. Thinking about it, he also wondered...
  7. F O L L E T T

    ✖ WASTED ✖ [Inactive]

    Vince watched as Mija sat down on the empty chair in their table. He remembered bumping into her this morning on his way to the shop. It was his fault for wearing a damned paper bag over his head with slits for eye holes. Why was he wearing that thing anyway? He searched around for the bag and...
  8. F O L L E T T

    ✖ WASTED ✖ [Inactive]

    "See ya weedy. Try not to get killed or I'll cry about it!" -- "I'm staying up late as well," Vince replied, returning Eve's playful smirk. "There's enough of me to go around ladies," he added jokingly, before turning back to rubbing the coffee stain which seemed to make it worse. Vince...
  9. F O L L E T T

    Realistic or Modern Marone's School for Stars

    He died, he died, he died. Toby the dog died. You should be sad right now, try to focus on the dead do-- "Vincent! Can you hear me?! I told you to help Emelie pack up her stuff!" With you screaming like a banshee, how can I not hear you? After another swig of alcohol off of his flask...
  10. F O L L E T T

    ✖ WASTED ✖ [Inactive]

    "Sweet, so everyone's down on the Rooftop yeah?" Vincent asked with a smile. Maybe this day isn't so bad after all. He watched Eve smile at his stupid joke before he tossed a couple of quarters to her. Well if no one's tipping, maybe he should be the first to go. Man these people are cheap. He...
  11. F O L L E T T

    ✖ WASTED ✖ [Inactive]

    "No problem Eve. Be sure to remember old Vincent when you become a sensation, and give me back the five hundred dollars you owe me," he replied jokingly. He turned just in time to see Scott dump the rest of his coffee into his own mug. "Thanks man, you'll be my best-est hobo friend for like, the...
  12. F O L L E T T

    ✖ WASTED ✖ [Inactive]

    "Well, since you're my friend, I'll give you a dollar off Kyle." Vince offered a smile, and mentally cursed his coffee cup for spilling the last of his hard-earned dollar. Well, that coffee cup can damn well go to hell with it's voodoo powers.Maybe that ugly cashier cursed it or something. Vince...
  13. F O L L E T T

    ✖ WASTED ✖ [Inactive]

    "Thank you, thank you," Vince replied, while attempting to bow dramatically while sitting on the cramped table. As if on cue, his coffee cup tipped over when he accidentally nudged it with his head. "Shit." The black liquid created a huge, dark circle on the middle of his white, splattered...
  14. F O L L E T T

    ✖ WASTED ✖ [Inactive]

    Before the lady at the counter could open her mouth to call for someone, possibly security, Vince heard a familiar voice. "Hey! I didn't know you're here ball of weedy sunshine!" He took a seat on the opposite side of the table and reluctantly grabbed the joint. He knew he had told Scott that...
  15. F O L L E T T

    ✖ WASTED ✖ [Inactive]

    [Vincent Goodridge] Vince was staring at his empty plate for almost fifteen minutes before he decided to call it a day. The fridge was also empty, as well as the makeshift cooler. Heck, even the water dispenser can only dispense dust for what it's worth. He was contemplating on whether or...
  16. F O L L E T T


    I'm getting my post up in quite a bit. Just a question though, which coffee shop are you guys heading into? Is it just random, is someone working in there>>? Because my character works in a coffee shop as well. Haha. Wait, nope. Never mind, I figured it out. :)
  17. F O L L E T T

    Bad Blood [ A Modern Fairytale ] - F O L L E T T x Set Me Free [Inactive]

    Pierce stared, fascinated at the flame that traveled along Char's arm as if it has a mind of it's own. It was bright, and interesting, until the cursing began. Charlotte looked as if she's being engulfed in an invisible fire. Pierce only continued staring, unsure of what to do. After what felt...
  18. F O L L E T T


    "I'm crazy, and always will be." V i n c e n t G o o d r i d g e Old enough to drink...
  19. F O L L E T T

    Bad Blood [ A Modern Fairytale ] - F O L L E T T x Set Me Free [Inactive]

    Pierce didn't get to read what Charlotte had to say for he had already zoned out the moment he closed his eyes. Luckily for him, it had been a dreamless sleep; blank, uneventful, and quiet. Minutes later, Pierce opened his eyes only to find out that they had arrived home, well, to Char's home to...
  20. F O L L E T T

    Marone's School for Stars

    Student Skeleton Name: Vincent Carraway Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf73396d7_MV5BMTkxMjQ1NjgzOV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMjczMjA5MTE@._V1_SX214_CR00214317_AL_.jpg.9eeaad7f9adb1d1cb9ddcfccdd943310.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img...