Bad Blood [ A Modern Fairytale ] - F O L L E T T x Set Me Free [Inactive]

"It was nothing like a date and if it was, it was for sure the worst. That man gives me a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach and a headache... and makes me feel like I need to nap." Charlotte shook her head as if trying to shake off the bad vibe but she still had a bit of a disgusted look on her face.

She sighed and sat down next to Pierce, holding her head in her hands for a moment before staring into the blue flicker in front of her. She had no clue what to do with it but she had to do something. Leaning over, she lifted the lid of the bell jar and reached out to the flame, to her surprise, it moved into her hand. It traveled up her arm as she stared on in shock, finally coming to rest above her heart but for no more than a moment.

With urgency, the blue flame sunk into her flesh and engulfed her heart. Charlotte nearly fell to the floor, screaming out profanities in between heaving breaths and coughs. She felt as if someone really had set her chest on fire and the more oxygen she took in the more it felt like it was only going to fuel the fire. Her knuckles were white, at any moment her nails seemed as if they'd pierce her palms.

It was over in a matter of minutes but she was still breathing heavy. When she looked up at Pierce, her eyes were an even more intense blue than before and if one looked closely, the flicker of flames could be seen.
"Shit... I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy." Char took a deep breath, unfurled her fists and sat up. "Don't ask me now what cause I don't know... All I know is that I have to learn to control this before I can actually help you..." She sighed heavily and leaned back into the couch.

There was silence for a while before she looked over at him and grabbed his left hand. "I'm really sorry if this hurts." Charlotte focused herself on his hand, eyes closed. She could feel the flames traveling through her blood and she did all she could to not flinch. However rather than major heat touching Pierce's skin, it was a minty cool sort of sensation, as if someone with peppermint breathe was blowing away film that left his hand paralyzed.
Pierce stared, fascinated at the flame that traveled along Char's arm as if it has a mind of it's own. It was bright, and interesting, until the cursing began. Charlotte looked as if she's being engulfed in an invisible fire. Pierce only continued staring, unsure of what to do. After what felt like hours, she calmed down for just a bit, while her eyes reflected the embers of the flame that had sunk inside her.

"Not even on Mini?" He asked curiously, wondering what the heck had just happened.

A few more minutes passed by when Char broke the silence and grabbed his hand. It was still paralyzed, like how it had been before. He braced himself for the upcoming pain, but found none. Instead of a searing heat, something cool ran up to his fingertips. It lingered for a while on his palm, and flowed on towards his chest.


Why isn't there anything happening? Why is it so cold?

Pierce ran a hand through his hair, and rested it on the back of his neck.


The coldness made him remember the streets, right before Joseph had found him. The people passing by were looking at him differently. Where's his parents? They probably left him. Oh that poor boy, left by those good-for-nothings. He remembered balling his fists and holding back tears that never came. That poor boy looked as if he was ready to beat them up with his eight-year old fists.


Joseph looked at Pierce and handed him the toy soldier back. "I want to be your friend," the grown man had replied though kind blue eyes, and a warm smile. Pierce remembered shaking his big, calloused hand with his small, fragile one. He didn't get to feel it, but warmth seemed to flow from the man into his tiny, encased heart.


The man's hoarse laughter boomed throughout Joseph's shop as much as the smoke from his tobacco occupied the entire space. He had brought three other men along with him, all of them donning ties and jeweled cuff links. They were picking out presents for their wives. Pierce remembered listening to them, about how they had first met their other half, and how they had spent their days together. He remembered leaving the shop for a breath of fresh air, while a painful, irritated feeling rose inside of him.


A shock of fine brown hair, paired with deep blue eyes greeted him so early in the morning. Across her cheeks are sprinkles of freckles, like dewdrops on a humid day. She began with a simple "Good Morning," and ended it with a hand on top of his chest. His heart was trying to tell him something, but it can't. Maybe he had felt something, maybe it had managed to get something out. Because after a moment, he turned and walked away.


She was telling him about how many men she had kissed over the years, and he was ignoring her. He didn't notice his free hand curl up in a fist, ready to beat the crap out of the face-less men that swam through his mind and made that irritating feeling crawl up inside of him. Instead, he moved on to the next question, deciding not to think about it.




"I'm really sorry if this hurts."

Charlotte's voice ripped him away from his thoughts, and back into reality. Oh it does hurt. It hurts to realize how many times he had ignored and shoved everyone away, when it was him who was calling out for help. It hurts that he had turned down Char's offer the moment he had met her, only to hurt her feelings. It hurts that he had never acknowledged Joseph as his father no matter how many times he tried, and laughed Pierce's disregard away. Why am I such a coward?

Pierce turned his attention back to the brunette in front of him, finally noticing her for the first time. He realized how lucky he was to have gone out so early in the morning that day to have met her. He stared at her for a moment, before leaning closer, with his lips inches from her own. It lingered in that small space for a moment, before he changed his mind and pressed it to her forehead instead.

"I'm sorry."

He wrapped his hands around her waist, dreading the moment to let go.
"Not even on Mini," she said softly. "Not even on my father or on any of my ex boyfriends. I don't hate anyone enough to put them through that."

They sat in still, intimate silence for what could have been hours but it was surely only a matter of minutes. Though to her it didn't matter, her sense of time was lost and silence with Pierce didn't bother her. Charlotte kept her hands covering his left one and her focus on directing this new fire within her into his hand. She had no clue if what she was doing was working or if it hurt him as he didn't say anything, nor did he seem to pull away from her.

It wasn't until Pierce's lips pressed against her forehead that her eyes fluttered open and all concentration was lost. This caused a new burning sensation to rush back toward her heart, as if the flame itself suddenly changed its flow, went against the direction of her blood and settled itself once more in her chest. She hissed at the pain but the feeling didn't translate in her eyes, for when she looked up at him, her eyes were soft and almost curious.

"You have nothing to be sorry for," she assured him, placing a hand on his cheek. Char gave him a soft smile and wiggled herself closer to him until she was leaning against his shoulder. She took a deep breath, realizing for the first time that he smelled like freshly cut pine, a scent that she often wandered through home improvement stores just to smell. Had they known each other better, she would have nuzzled her nose into his shirt just to breathe in more of that woodsy smell.

What she hadn't noticed when she looked at him was that he seemed more alive, there was more than a blank look in his eyes. Nor had she noticed that both of his hands had been around her waist, she'd simply felt the warmth of his body and taken that as an invitation to move closer.
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