Bad Blood [ A Modern Fairytale ] - F O L L E T T x Set Me Free [Inactive]


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Bad Blood [ A Modern Fairytale ] - F O L L E T T x Set Me Free - What does it take to cure a fevered heart?

Bad Blood is about a modern story of "Pinocchio," wherein an old family curse continues to rip through generations until someone pays the right "price."
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The story starts off pretty much like the tale we know. There really is a man named Gepetto (Joseph), and he really is a woodcarver. Joseph's wife, Maria, had always wanted a son. That is the only wish she had ever wished for, even up to the day on her death bed. You see, Maria was a very pale, frail woman. She never got to go out and enjoy the world. She stayed home, knitting small sweaters, hoping that one miraculous day, a little boy with fine hair like his mother, and a knowing, warm smile like his father would get to wear them. Unfortunately, pale, frail women aren't fit to conceive a child. So Maria, with her old, worn needles, clicked away at home, nursing a wish she would never get to fulfill.

On her deathbed, Joseph presented his wife with a gift. It was a a statue of a little boy, with a mop of fine hair painted on his head, and a knowing smile etched on his lips. It took him years to carve it, and it took her just a second to appreciate all the wonders that the little statue holds. Joseph knew it wasn't a real boy, but he could see, through Maria's dimming eyes, that she thought he was real. "Pinocchio," she whispered, and Joseph understood.

Contrary to popular belief, Pinocchio didn't turn out to be a real boy, and there was no blue fairy. There was only the constant harshness of real life, but there is still some magic. Maria passed away, and Joseph continued to be a woodcarver. One day, Joseph was going through his usual business when he noticed a little boy staring quietly into his shop. The boy was looking intently at the little wind up soldier on his front desk, his eyes never moving on to any other thing. Joseph beckoned him to go in, and so he did. "Does it move?" the boy asked, eyes filled with curiosity. Joseph wound up the toy, and it clanked away, the boy following its every mechanical step. Soon, another customer went in, and Joseph left the boy alone with the toy. When he came back, both were gone.

[ Modern Day ]

Stern, grey eyes drifted over each sculpted figure, taking in the fine detailing that each bore. No craftsman would have ever sculpted something close to perfection. This is something else entirely, it's almost like magic.

A lean, rough man with chiseled features and graying hair stood up from his leather couch, and slowly padded towards the kitchen counter. He took a sip from the China blue porcelain teacup he had prepared earlier today. The tea was still hot, sending a warm, calming sensation down his dry throat. It's almost time, he thought, while taking a quick glance at his pocket watch. My new statuette will soon be started.


Pierce's eyes suddenly shot open, while he swallowed a breath of air. He couldn't remember what he saw, but he was sure it wasn't something pleasant. The sinking sensation followed him while he got up from his bed and into the washroom. As he splashed his face with cold water, fuzzy images began to appear at the back of his mind. It was transparent and domed, like one of those fragile bell jars. Inside it was something bright and pulsing. Pierce wiped his face clean with a towel, and stared at his reflection in the mirror. He has bags under his eyes, and messy stubble had begun to grow. It was 3:00 in the morning, and he could hear Joseph still snoring in the room opposite his. Putting on a fresh clean shirt, Vincent Pierce walked out of the door and began his stroll around the neighborhood. He shoved his hands in his pockets, and let his feet take him wherever they want to go.

Pierce doesn't go out of the house much, but he suddenly had the urge to come out in the open today. Maybe it was the dream, maybe he needed to get it out of his mind for a while. He didn't know exactly what made him go out. The streets were deserted, and the skies are still dark and heavy. A faint spot of sunlight dotted the horizon, but it still wasn't enough to illuminate the gloom. Well, at least no one's going to bother me, he thought, reasoning to himself. He must be the only crazy person in town to go around walking so early in the morning, and he likes it that way. No noisy stereos and sputtering cars, no boisterous men and ditsy women, no unnecessary laughter and offensive shouts. He stopped for a while and placed a calloused hand upon his chest, just above his heart. "Just like that," he whispered, "silent just like that."
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Three in the morning, what a wonderful time to be up. Her poor alarm clock surely didn't think so since it earned a thorough smack, on the dot, every morning. However, Charlotte was happy to be up. For her, an early morning run was the perfect way to get her day started and to ensure that Nita wouldn't attack Timber or the furniture due to day time boredom. Not to mention, it was a thoroughly satisfying way to keep a great figure.

The brunette bounced up from her bed, turning around to lean over and ruffled the scruff of her dog's neck. Nita was up already and wiggling around on the bed, her way of telling her owner to hurry up so they could get going. Char laughed, rolling her crystal eyes as she pulled her wavy hair up into a high ponytail. Taking her time, she dressed in a black sports bra, a loose black Superman tank top, bright blue tight fitted running shorts and blue and black Nikes.

"Alright, Squirmy, let's get goin'." That was the only cue that Nita needed to leap from the bed and scramble to be the first at the door. As she laughed and followed behind the excitable pup, Charlotte's hand brushed the ball of fluff that was her cat. "See ya, Timber." With that, she opened up the door, something she equated to Pandora opening the box. Nita was out on the sidewalk before the door was closed, barking happily, ignoring every shush.

Her morning run was the only part of her day that wasn't an adventure, Char and Nita followed the same route every day, around the perimeter of the neighborhood then through all the twists and turns. Today was different though, when she got to the inner workings of the subdivision, she saw a man whom she'd never seen before yet he didn't look misplaced like most visitors did. With a tilt of her head, she slowed to a walk and grasped Nita's collar, grip tightening as they approached him. "Good morning, sir," she said softly, almost hesitantly.
[[ Flashback ]]

Joseph finally spotted him just a few blocks away from the shop. The pale, skinny boy was breathing heavily, as his brown locks stayed plastered onto his sweat-soaked forehead. He was clutching the toy soldier in one hand, and his chest in another. "You should have just asked," Joseph stated, taking small, careful steps towards him. When he got nearer, the boy's breathing finally went back to normal.

"I would have, but then you'll say no," he replied in a defiant tone.

"I could have just given it to you. Without anything in return."

The boy looked up at Joseph as if he had said something foreign. He stared at the man in front of him, fixing his deep green eyes to stranger's blue.


Joseph stopped and thought for a moment.

"Because I'd like to be your friend."

[[ Modern Day ]]

"Good morning, sir."

A soft, feminine voice broke through the early morning's stillness. So much for being the only crazy person in town. Pierce wasn't expecting company, especially at three in the morning. He never asked for any of these interruptions in life, and yet, it seems as if the universe is hell bent on ruining his hopes and dreams. Sometimes, he thought that the heavens are conspiring together to make a big joke out of him. Pierce hesitantly turned around to look at the owner of the disembodied voice.

She was very lovely, with her vibrant brown hair, and bright blue eyes. It was still pretty dim, but he could make out what appears to be faint freckles (*) sprinkled across her cheeks. Next to her is a dog with excited eyes, and a white, brown, and black (*) furry coat. The woman reminds Pierce of the time when Joseph would push him to go out with young ladies his age. "Go find someone," he could remember him say, "maybe you'll feel happy." Pierce never got around to doing so. He doesn't understand how that could possibly make him feel any better. Now, finally standing outside with a woman in front of him, he still couldn't understand. Was he supposed to feel anything at all? Was his blood supposed to go into a frenzy through his veins? Will insides start to flutter? Is his heart supposed to beat faster? All those conversations he had heard from inside his father's shop, told by boys and men through plumes of smoke, seems like nothing but a crazy tale. All of them are wrong, because nothing is happening. There's only a dead silence from inside his chest. No blood, no thump, no nothing. Are all of them wrong? Or maybe there's something wrong with him?

He looked at the woman in front of him, wondering if she has the same feelings like all those men with their pressed ties, and beer-stained collars. Is there something wrong with him? Does she feel the same way as those ladies that pass by the shop, their eyes growing in wonder at the exotic jeweled trinkets? Does she feel the same way when people laugh at shows on the stages when someone does an unusual act? "Do you," he began slowly, keeping his eyes focused on hers. Is there something wrong with him? " Do you feel anything?" Pierce asked as he tried to take her free hand to place it just above his heart, wanting to hear the answer to something he already knew

Charlotte waited in silence for an answer, her head still slightly tilted. A small smile caused the corners of her lips to curl up softly and her eyes began to subtly examine every inch of him. While his strong jaw line and captivating forest green eyes seemed familiar, she was positive that she had never seen him before, not even a passing glance. It was clear to her that he probably didn't get out much, the awkward silence being the biggest hint. Sshe tried to keep her posture warm, knowing that her slightly over bearing, or over energetic as she liked to say, personality combined with her looks had made many a man lose his voice.

When he finally reached out to her, it took a moment for the muscles in her arm to relax enough so that she was no longer resisting the tug on her wrist. She allowed the handsome stranger to place her delicate hand against his chest. At first she had thought that his question was one of an emotional nature but quickly she realized that he meant it in a very literal, very physical way. Where his heart was should have been warmer than the rest of his body but it wasn't and there was no thump, thump, thump rhythm, like there should have been. This turned her gentle smile to a deeply concerned frown. "I... I don't feel a thing..." She was about to continue in some rant over the fact that he should be dead or in the hospital and almost dead. Instead, she took his wrist and in turn placed his hand over her own heart. It was still racing from her run, the thumping easily felt. "What do you feel?"
"I... I don't feel a thing..."

He knew what was coming, and yet, it sounded strange to hear it from a voice different from his own's. It was a bit silly that a stranger found out about his secret even before his father did. But what would Joseph say? What would he feel? Somewhere at the back of his mind, Pierce saw a vision of him alone in the streets, wandering around like what he had been as a kid. The sinking feeling had began to return, the only feeling that wasn't new to him. The woman's expression changed as lines of worry began to creep onto her features. They look different on her, like those lines didn't belong. He wanted nothing but for them to go away.

A small, delicate hand took a hold of his wrist and laid them gently on top of her heart.

Thump, thump, thump.

"What do you feel?"

Pierce closed his eyes, trying to etch the sound into his memory. There was something in there, pulsing, thumping. There was, in that little corner in the center of her chest, something alive. He laid a cold, hand on top of hers, and realized that his hands were slightly trembling. Why?

Thump, thump, thump.

What does she feel?

"I-I don't know," Pierce answered, opening his eyes to once again meet hers. It seemed strange that the little thing inside her chest could make her see something he could not. What is something so powerful that could make you feel alive?

The faint rays if sunlight grew larger over the horizon. The first sounds of nature had finally begun to play, soon to be overpowered by the strange symphony of human life. The mundane sounds began to grow higher in volume as the world resumed around them. A young lady with a short, pink skirt stepped out of her flat to enjoy the early morning air. Twirling her wavy blonde locks in one hand, she turned the corner to head towards her favorite shop. She's going to be the first person to get inside the shoe store. Those new high heels from Paris are gonna be mine! she thought gleefully, a triumphant smirk forming on her lips. As she neared the still- closed, tiny pink shop, she saw two figures in the distance. As she came closer, she saw in utter shock that the man has his hand upon the woman's chest. "Go get a room!" she shouted, covering her eyes as if she hadn't seen worse.

Pierce was ripped out of his reverie by the sound of a voice. He quickly retracted his hand and shoved them in his pockets, cursing himself for being so stupid. He took one last look at the woman and her dog before walking back towards Joseph's shop.
In the back of her head, her conscience was screaming at her to get this man to a medical professional, but it had been years since she'd listened to that little voice, plus for some ungodly reason, she felt that wouldn't be the right thing to do. Obviously her mind was wired a little differently than the average woman's, she was standing there with a stranger's hand on her chest. Most women would have continued on within the first few moments of silence, let alone let him touch her in any manner.

But there they stood, once more in silence, this time it was pensive, not awkward. When he finally answered and their eyes locked, Charlotte gave a small sigh. The poor man couldn't even say he felt her heartbeat, most likely because he'd never felt his own.

The wavy-haired girl opened her mouth to speak but instead her ears were met with a familiar high pitched voice that made her cringe. The woman clad in pink, or Mini as Char had dubbed her due to her love of miniskirts, had been in this neighborhood for as long as Charlotte herself had been there and they'd never gotten along. It's not that they were enemies but they were far from being friends. "Opinion not needed or appreciated, Mini," she shouted back, head turned so that she wasn't screaming in the man's ear. She could hear the girl's prissy scoff though there was no verbal reply.

It wasn't until after she spoke that she realized the slight pressure on her chest had been removed. Her head darted back only for her to see that the man was walking away from her. Letting go of Nita's collar, she reached out and caught his wrist just in time. "Oh no you don't... You're comin' with me." She gave a gentle yet firm tug, a silent way of tell him that there was no way to get around following her. "C'mon, Sparky. We're gonna find out why your heart doesn't beat."
Pierce has never been kidnapped before in his entire life. And especially not by a woman that's clearly shorter and possibly weaker than him. Is it considered kidnapping if he wasn't threatened? He thought about this while he let his kidnapper drag him away to who knows where. Closing his eyes shut, he tried to remember what Joseph had told him when he was still a kid. Wait. Joseph.

Joseph Goddard had been staring at his son's empty bed for the past five minutes, wondering who in God's name might have taken his son. He knew Pierce wouldn't step foot anywhere outside their household, even if it was on fire. But then again, there seems to be no struggle whatsoever. Stretching his aching back, Joseph slowly put on his worn, leather coat and stepped outside.

Not long after feeling the morning's fresh breeze on his face, Joseph spotted Mini strutting her way towards some store he knew he would never venture into, even by accident. The young woman seemed intent on making everyday life look as glamorous as possible by walking as if there's a red carpet laid wherever she goes. Shaking his tired head, he began to wonder what this world had gotten into.

"Go get a room!"

"Opinion not needed or appreciated, Mini."

Joseph knew he has no business to what was going on, but he found that, even in his old age, he's still curious as to what could possibly gross out the already crude woman. Without a moment's hesitation, he turned towards the scandalous corner. Joseph was already set to admit that he's probably gone delirious when his son spotted him and looked at him straight in the eyes.

"Dad, I think I'm getting kidnapped," Pierce said, loud enough for Joseph to hear. He knew he had no other chance of escape, especially when his captor has a dog at her side. To Pierce's utter confusion, his dad seems to enjoying the scene. The man has gone insane.

Instead of answering his son's plea for help, Joseph mouthed what seems to be "Take your time!" and "Nice catch!" before ending in a wink.
Charlotte was walking along happily, dragging the man without a beating heart behind her. It wasn't until he called out that she realized that he may have somewhere else to be. However there was no response from the father, causing her to laugh softly. She raised her hand to address the older gentleman but she didn't bother to look at him. "Hi, sir! I promise I'm not kidnapping your son! We're going on an adventure and I'll return him to you in one piece later in the day! If you really need him, just ask Mini there to point you in the direction of Charlotte's house!"

The Karelian Bear Dog that followed at the man's heels, kept sniffing him as if there was something painfully off about his scent. While Nita came from two parents who were both wonderful at terrifying bears, she seemed to be more afraid of this man than he had reason to be afraid of her. Had Char seen that, she would have known that whatever condition he has was worse than she thought. Luckily for him, she didn't even look back to see her dog.

Before long they were at her house and climbing up the stairs. In one swift movement, the door was unlocked and opened, Nita trotted in first and greeting the cat with a nip to the tail. "Be nice to your brother." Closing and locking the door behind them, she finally let go of his wrist. "Welcome to my home, can I get you anything..." She trailed off for a moment before her cheeks turned a slight pink color. "I am so sorry! I completely forgot to ask your name! I'm Charlotte but you can call me Char or Charlie."
"Vincent Pierce."

Pierce's green eyes focused on the brunette in front of him, wondering how she had managed to persuade him into this. Along their way, he noticed that Charlie's dog had been keeping a good distance from him after sniffing him for a couple of times. Her once, energetic eyes was suddenly filled with alarm, as if she had sensed that he was keeping something lethal in his person. Looking back, Pierce realized that he could have used that moment to run away. The dog would have probably preferred that option.

They are now standing in a sunny room, decorated with freshly-potted plants. The walls are simple and bare, save for a few paintings hanging near the fireplace. The glass windows are open, letting in the cool morning breeze. Suddenly, Pierce was aware of a small tugging at the back of his mind. He couldn't quite place it, but it seemed as if he had been here before. He quickly pushed the thought away, knowing that it couldn't be true.

"So, how are you going to--" he began, curious as to how she could find an answer he had been searching for his entire life.

"How are you going to find out Char?"

His eyes never left her, still showing the same hollow gaze he had fixed on Joseph when he told him he wanted to be his friend. It was a gaze that shows the refusal to believe because he had seen too much and tried too much, and there was nothing but failure and defeat in the end. It was a gaze that shows that he's already accepted things for what they are, and what the outcome will be. But despite the heavy facade, something else lingers underneath, for what it's saying is different from what can be seen. Help me, it said, the words drowning inside his sea green irises. Help me.
"Well, it's very nice to meet you, Vincent, or do you prefer to be called Pierce? Let me know if I can get you anything to drink or eat." Charlotte smiled at him and allowed him a moment to take in his surroundings before ushering him to the caramel colored sofa that was adjacent from the window so that when the sun was out in full force, it wouldn't be a bother to either of them. "I'll be right back, then I'll answer your question." With that, she dashed into the kitchen and only a few moments later the pitter patter of her feet could be heard heading upstairs then back down.

When she returned to his view, she had her silver MacBook Pro tucked under one arm and a chocolate protein shake in her other hand.
"Alrighty, so let's get down to business. It seems our best bet is gonna be an internet search." Char settled herself next to him, adjusting so that she could rest her feet on the coffee table, while setting her drink on the table next to her for easy of reach. "You ready?" she asked as she opened up her laptop, giving it a moment to warm up.

Once Firefox was open, her fingers flew across the keyboard as she googled 'no heartbeat not dead'. As she expected, the results were flooded with rubbish articles. For what seemed like the first time in her life, she went beyond the first page of google and before she knew it, she was on page six. "Ugh! Nothing! This shouldn't be so hard..."
"It doesn't matter, and I don't need anything." Pierce mumbled, suddenly aware of the fact that he had finally talked to someone not in a business setting, that actually lasted for more than a few minutes. He slowly sat down at the sofa while he watched Charlotte's retreating figure into what seems to be the kitchen area.

It wasn't long before she came back, with something silver and slim tucked under one arm. She was also carrying a protein shake. Pierce's brow lifted at the scene, piecing together the clues that tells him his captor is very interested in keeping her figure the way it is. Maybe if he somehow managed to snatch the shake and use it as hostage, she'll let him go. But then again, a fit woman like her would probably have a warehouse filled with protein shakes hidden around somewhere. Pierce only managed to shrug at her questions while curiously watching her type.

After what seems to be a hundredth futile attempts at searching, Pierce ran a hand through his light, brown locks, ready to just go back home and leave the crazy woman and her crazy place.

"Joseph once said that you know you're desperate when you go beyond the first page of Google." He grabbed the chocolate shake sitting

temptingly on the table, realizing that his throat was coarse and dry. He began to let the cool drink flood his mouth, still watching Charlotte further frustrate herself.
Charlotte searched on, commenting on each page that gave them nothing to work with, cursing at a few especially unhelpful websites. Research had never been her strong point, she much preferred to wing it. Things seemed to work out better for her that way. In this case, there was no possible way to wing it and while she could have given up, she was officially dead set on finding an answer for him, even if it meant a sleepless night or two.

"Oh we're desperate alright, you're living, breathing, talking but you have no heartbeat. You're a medical phenomenon and lucky that I didn't rush you to a hospital." Her eyes had been directed to her screen while she spoke, still scrolling and clicking in a seemingly endless search. However his movement caught her eye and caused her to laugh softly. "Ya know, I could have gotten you one."

In the time that her eyes had left the screen, her finger had clicked on page ten. When the blue orbs returned to staring at the stark white, she sighed as she clicked the first link, not hopeful that it would yield anything. But oh, how wonderfully wrong she would soon find she was. The site itself seemed to be sketchy and with the not quite neon blue text on a black background, her eyes were straining to read anything.

On the first page, there was a picture of a man with the caption under it, Andor Maxwell Grey, connoisseur of impeccable wood sculptures. A few scrolls under that were examples of some his favorites, including a man and a woman whose likeness to Pierce frightened Charlotte. "Holy hell, these people look a lot like you." She scrolled down just a tiny bit more to find a snippet of an interview with Mr. Grey. He was quoted as saying: 'this series of immaculate wooden sculptures have been around much longer than most would guess, their wood having withstood the test of time with incredible results. You know, when I first purchased these pieces there were rumors swarming around them. One of the little old ladies from the town these were created in sat me down for tea one day and told me the story believed to be behind them. She said that these sculptures were once people, plagued with a horrible curse that caused their heart to be encased in wood and soon enough their whole body became wood. Aren't the Europeans such imaginative people?'

"Heart encased in wood... a heart encased in wood wouldn't beat but... this can't be true..."
[[ Past ]]

The little boy slowly shook his head in answer to Joseph's question. He didn't know where his parents are, nor who he is. Before he came into the shop, he had remembered absolutely nothing.

Joseph bent down and slowly ruffled the boy's fine, brown hair. "You poor lad," he mumbled, wondering how the scrawny kid had survived in the streets. It had occurred to him that if no one is willing to give the child a home, then perhaps he can stay and use the spare room where Maria used to sleep in.


After five years since Maria passed away, Joseph still couldn't help but miss her. He would sometimes see himself setting down dishes for two, or going inside her room to ask her is she needed anything, as if she's still there, knitting those sweaters.

"You should have been here Maria," he whispered to himself, "We could have had a son."

[[ Modern Day]]

"You curse and complain too much, even pirates would be put to shame. Besides, nobody asked you to help me."

Pierce finished the drink and set the empty container back upon the table. He couldn't grasp the thought that some random stranger is willing to spend more than an hour looking for something that doesn't exist. Why does everyone feel the need to know the answer behind everything? What if there isn't any? What then?

"That's a good thing right? I wouldn't put it past you though. How many shakes and protein bars would you have traded in exchange?"

Pierce decided that it's about high time that he start to get back home. Fortunately, one of the only ways to do that is to somehow annoy the persistent brunette sitting right next to him. Pierce remembers Joseph saying he's good at that kind of stuff, and that if it were some sort of contest, he would be given the first place trophy. "You're just... Just blunt that's all," Joseph's raspy voice echoed in his brain.

Before he could think of anything else to say, Charlotte's voice caught his attention.

"Holy hell, these people look a lot like you."

In the screen were pictures of two wooden figures, one of a man, and another of a woman. They were standing side by side, holding each other's hand. The woman had long, wavy hair that goes down to her waist, covering her petite frame. She has a dainty, upturned chin and realistically sculpted eyes. Holding her hand is a man quite taller than her. He was clean shaven, with a strong nose, and well-defined jawline. There was no mistaking the uncanny similarities between the sculpted figures and the man sitting next to Charlotte. The woman's eye shape and thin lips combined with the man's build and jaw line paints a clear picture.

Pierce! Remember this! You have to listen!

A vague memory suddenly flashed before him, making his head throb in protest. He closed his eyes, trying to make sense of the urgent voices.

You have to find the flame. It's there, I can feel it.

Flame? What flame? And then a whisper, --

He's here. Hide.

The throbbing stopped as soon as the voices faded away. Pierce got up and slammed the screen down, taking the wooden figures away from his sight. "I'm going home," he said as he walked towards the door.

"Forget about it, there's nothing to find. Those are just stupid stories. Don't tell me you believe in them."
"No one ever asks for my help, they simply receive it. And if you think I swear too much, you should meet my father. I learned from the best," she said with a little laugh. Her eyes were caught on the movement of him setting down the empty container and instead of snapping back to the screen, they rested on his face. However yet another laugh escaped her lips when he spoke again. "It's not always a good thing. Plus, I wouldn't have traded you for anything. I'm genuinely concerned and I have enough protein shakes and bars that I don't need to barter for them." She smiled at him and playfully stuck her tongue out.

Upon her discovery, Charlotte fell into deep thought. Being Wiccan, things of this nature were common to her but something like this was a grand stretch of the imagination, even for her. Things like this simply weren't plausible yet it seemed as if it were the only explanation.

Without warning she was pulled from her thoughtful state, yelping as she moved her fingers out of the way just in time for the laptop to be slammed closed. Wide blue eyes stared up at Pierce, a small flame of anger flickering there for a moment. "Fine. Leave. And no, I can't say I believe them but they're the closest thing to an explanation that you're going to get."

[[ One Week Later ]]

Charlotte hadn't seen Pierce since he stormed out of her house but she constantly thought about him. As much as she wanted to be angry that he walked out like that, she knew he had every right and there was something driving her to want to help him. She'd spent much of the past week investigating Andor Grey, seeing as he was the best lead she had.

What she'd found had been quite shocking to her, having convinced her that his story about the sculptures was true and that he was the man behind it. Turns out that not only was he an influential art collector but a powerful member of the Wiccan society. Rumors surrounded him and the sculptures. Perhaps she should pay him a visit... or maybe she should speak with Pierce first.

[[ One Week Later ]]

It has been a week since he saw her, and yet the damned woman with her brown hair and bright, blue eyes continued to barge into his mind like she owns the place. He remembered the look on her face, and it seems pretty clear that she didn't want to talk to him any longer, considering how he almost broke her dainty fingers. Well good riddance. When he got home that day, Joseph began to assault him with a dozen questions.

"What's her name?"

"Is she your girlfriend?"

"How long have you two been going out, sneaking on me?"

"Is she your girlfriend?"

The questions gradually stopped when Joseph got tired of Pierce's silence. Days began to pass uneventfully for the craftsman and his son. Joseph continued with his trade, while teaching Pierce how to fix broken clockwork and machinery in preparation for inheritance. One late Sunday night however, things began to change. Pierce was in his room reading, when his head began to throb once again. Images of the twin wooden statues danced around his vision, while a blunt knife began to hack back and forth through his skull. He realized he couldn't breathe and feel his left hand. A searing pain erupted from his palm, as if a thousand splinters had burrowed into his skin. ... Encased in wood... After what felt like five, long hours, the burrowing and the hacking stopped. It was 9:05, only a minute had passed.


"Do you know where she lives?"

Pierce is standing in front of a pretty blonde woman sporting five inch heels, and bright, pink lipstick. She was playing with the hem of her mini skirt, while looking at him with interested, hazel eyes.

"Oh you mean protein girl?"

Pierce had already forgotten where Charlotte's house was, or maybe he had tried to. What he did remember was that Char had said that this woman, Mini, knows where she lives. Minutes after the incident, he made up his mind to go over at Char's place and demand that she help him, since things had gotten worse and she offered before anyway. Glancing at his stiff, left hand, Pierce nodded to Mini.

"Yup, I do! Let me show you the way big boy," she replied, rather too enthusiastically.

Grabbing his free hand, Mini led him through a couple of shops and corners before stopping at Char's door. After knocking twice, Mini set a nail-polished hand on her hips and turned to face Pierce.

"Now," she smiled sweetly, "How about that kiss you owe me?" she closed her eyes and tilted her face up, so that it was almost in front of his.

How about the what?!
Charlotte was relaxing in her mahogany rocking chair, that had light purple cushions, with a cup of peppermint tea, her cat in her lap and a few articles that she'd printed out earlier. They all had to do with Pierce, Andor and the curse. It had taken some convincing but she'd talked herself into it and was now set in stone that this was all as real as she was.

She sighed heavily and rested her head back.
What am I even doing, she thought, he's not gonna come back here and I'm not gonna go find him. This is a waste of time.

However just as that thought crossed her mind, there was a familiar knock on the door. Setting the tea and articles down on the floor of her office, she scooped up Timber and hurried to the door. Char opened it without her eyes focusing on the scene in front of her. "What do you want Mini? Oh..." She laughed and stepped between the two in order to save Pierce. "Thanks for bringing him here, Mini. You can go now." With her free hand, she pulled Pierce into the house and closed the door behind them. "Sorry, I didn't expect company. I would have changed," she said as she motioned to her black leggings and oversized Green Day shirt that hung off one shoulder. In all honesty, she was completely shocked to see him and feared to ask why here was there in case it would prompt him to leave. She also feared bringing up the research she'd done but that was something he needed to know. "So... I have some stuff I wanna show you... If you'll let me."
"Uhm, excuse me?!" Mini asked incredulously, "Why don't you g-" But before she could finish, the door was already shut tight before her face. Pierce was hastily pulled inside, his mind still trying to work out what had happened a few moments ago. Charlotte however, was already talking away. She gestured to her clothes, and began to apologize. Pierce however, was simply staring at her, wondering what she's apologizing for. She was wearing plain leggings, and a black shirt depicting men with their eyes crossed out. Green Day. He knows them, he had just listened to some of their songs a few nights ago. Pierce looked down at his clothes, wondering if she's waiting for him to apologize as well. He's wearing a plain white v-neck shirt and ripped brown jeans, paired with red converse sneakers.

"Have you ever kissed anyone before?" He asked in his regular, rough voice, suddenly remembering the scene that played out earlier. Women are crazy, he thought.

"So... I have some stuff I wanna show you... If you'll let me."

Pierce nodded, knowing that she'll bring him back to the topic they were discussing when he suddenly left. He wanted to tell her about what happened last night. He wanted to tell her about the statues, the knife, and especially his hand. His left hand couldn't move. It was like a sudden paralysis that occurred in a short amount of time, in a minute to be precise.

"Also, you might wanna hold my hand."
Charlotte was pulled from her rambling by his question. Her head tilted to the side and she frowned for a moment before quirking a brow. "Of course I have. I've never been so forward like Mini but yeah, I've kissed my fair share of guys throughout the years... why?"

His next statement caught her off guard again but she didn't comment this time, instead, she simply grasped his left hand. For one reason or another, she didn't pay attention to the fact that he didn't grip her hand in return. She led him into her office and sat on the carpeted floor, setting Timber down next to her before reaching for the papers and her tea. "Sit down." Taking her time, she laid each paper out in front of him as if they were pieces to a puzzle.

"Now, you're gonna think I'm crazy and that's fine, you can. Remember when I told you I didn't believe in that story well, I change my answer. I believe in it and you need to as well. It's the reason you have no heartbeat and I know where the man responsible for it is. He has something I need... I need it to help you but I don't think that I'd be able to get it on my own."
Pierce simply ignored her question. He's good at doing that whenever he seems like he wanted to do two contradicting things at once. He did want to know what it was like, but he also did not want to hear about all these other men she had kissed. Why am I even here again?

He let her take his hand as she led him into her office. She began to set down papers as well as a fluffy grey and white cat with black stripes. He followed her lead and sat down on the floor, wondering how she could not have felt his marbled-like hand. The cat began to gingerly step towards him, it's pale golden eyes staring back quizzically at the stranger. Pierce reached out a hand to pet it, making it only take a step back. Instead, he touched it's pink nose with his index finger.

"Char, I believe you," he said, finally getting the chance to touch the animal's head. "Look, I can't move my hand," he gestured towards his left hand. at the mention of her knowing someone who can possibly cure, whatever it is, since it's his own doing, Pierce decided then and there to tell her about his dreams.

"Those statues that you showed me," he began, "they're in my dreams, but in it, they're pretty much alive. They told me about a flame, a blue flame, and how I'm supposed to go look for it. I don't know what it does, but that's all I can remember. " The cat had now snuggled back to his owner. "Last night, I had this terrible headache, then I felt as if a thousand splinters had crushed my hand. Now it wouldn't move." He looked back at Charlotte, his green eyes looking blankly at her.

"What do you want me to do?"
Charlotte huffed quietly when he didn't answer her question but she didn't press the matter as it wasn't of importance. What she had to share with him was. It was of literal life changing importance.

Timber sneezed upon the touch to the nose though he purred at the stroke to his head. When he retreated to the woman's lap, his yellow-green eyes remained locked in on Pierce. After only a few moments with his owner, he sprung up and moved into Pierce's lap, circling once before laying down, all sprawled out and purring like an engine. This was quite unusual behavior for the Maine Coon, something that would have caught Char's attention if she wasn't absorbed with listening to the man.

The words 'I believe you' were ringing like a bell in her ears. She couldn't believe it didn't take a bit of convincing. After that, everything else he said simply justified that she'd found. It didn't shock her though it should have. Well, most of it didn't shock her, the part about the blue flame did. "How did you know about the flame? That's what I need... That's what's gonna help you. Now the thing is, from everything I've read, I can't touch it, not until it's handed to me by someone who is cursed, so you're going to have to get it. I can come up with something to get that man out of his penthouse in the city but that's as much as I can help. I mean I can plan it all out to a T but you're going to have to be the one who actually goes in and gets it..."
Of course he agreed.

He can still remember himself nodding his head quietly to her question, as they raced past town in Charlotte's sleek, black Jeep Wrangler. Pierce remained quiet for the duration of the trip, looking outside the window as the little shops and timid houses grew into moderately sized buildings and infrastructures. He occasionally glanced here and there switching from the scenery to Charlotte, then back to the scenery again. The strange, sinking feeling that he had always felt had begun to return.

It wasn't long before they reached a colossal building with a strong, black metal frame and revolving glass doors. This is it. Nestled atop the massive structure is a penthouse with I-beams jutting outwards to support the surrounding walls. The floor is lined with prim, white and beige tiles like in the picture they saw. That is where they're supposed to be, up on the 70th floor, then onto the rooftop.

His goal is to just sneak in and grab the flame or whatever it is, then sneak back out. Granting the loon who did this to him didn't catch him in the process. He shook the pessimistic thoughts away and turned his attention back to the brunette. He doesn't even know what it looks like. All he knows is that it's blue, and that it's a flame. How hard can it be?

"You ready?"

Upon reaching the rooftop, Pierce and Charlotte parted ways. He quickly settled himself near the corner of the hall, next to the maintenance room. It was out of sight from the entrance of the penthouse. All he has to do is to await Charlotte's signal, then he could go in.
They had agreed to meet up again the next day seeing at it had been too late to pull together a convincing act. By the time they both were prepared the next day, it was almost noon, perfect for what Charlotte had planned.

While Pierce probably didn't notice, Char had a bit of a lead foot when it came to driving, consistently five miles above the speed limit. Pair that with her slight road aggression and it was a damn good thing that she was driving a Jeep, that she'd lovingly nicknamed Tank for the fact that she felt like she could bulldoze any small car in her way without scratching her own vehicle. The drive that should have taken fifteen to twenty minutes, took no more than ten.

As they made their way up to the rooftop, she sighed nervously. This man was more powerful than anyone she'd even come in contact with and if he saw through her act, they were screwed, royally. She flinched slightly when she heard Pierce's voice but she nodded to him and waited for him to hide before she walked up to the door.

To any other man, she would have been quite a vision but she wasn't sure if it would work on him though add sex appeal never hurt. Charlotte was clad in a decent length, high-waisted black pencil skirt, fitted white blouse and red high heels with a small black leather clutch to tie it all together and her hair pulled back into a bun. But there were two more items that were sure to draw his attention more than anything else, one being a simple silver pentagram necklace while the other was a slightly larger health talisman. Taking one last deep breath, she knocked on the door and waited. It was opened sooner than she imagined, the devilishly good-looking older gentleman giving her an odd look.

"Hi. Mr. Grey? I'm so sorry if this is an inconvenient time but I have an extended lunch hour today and I know that you recently moved here, I'm such a big fan of your collection and your work, would you allow me the honor of taking you to lunch? I know this lovely little, private cafe."

The man stared at her for what felt like too long before he cracked a smile and even chuckled. His voice was gravely yet still charming. "Please, call me Andor and I'm never too busy for lunch with a young, aspiring Wiccan. Though, I don't believe I caught your name."

Doing her best not to breathe a sigh of relief, Charlotte beamed and started for the elevators with Andor at her side. "Oh! I'm sorry, I got too excited. My name is Charlotte Renaud."

The elevator door snapped shut, hurtling the two figures seventy floors down.

Pierce knew it was time to act.

He immediately strode towards the spot where Charlotte and Andor had once been, and quietly tried the doorknob. The door swung open. The young man easily stepped inside, not even bothering to notice the fact that the gentleman strangely left his door unlocked. Upon flicking on the lights, Pierce was greeted by a spacious, well-lit living room with cream coloured walls, and inlaid beige flooring. A black, leather couch rests atop a mahogany coloured Persian carpet, while rows of paintings lined parts of the wall. It wasn't the expensive furnishings that caught Pierce's eyes, but the hundreds of bell jars that sits inside the wooden cabinet next to the bookshelves. Each of the jars contains some sort of light, which danced and pulsed inside it. The lights are all different in shade and intensity, ranging from a pale yellow to a dark, deep purple. As Pierce got nearer, he noticed that each of them had labels neatly inked in parchment paper. Find the blue light Pierce. You mustn't forget.

Scanning the rows of twinkling glass, Pierce finally spotted the sky blue light that had haunted his dreams. He hastily read the inscription on the parchment. There, written in fine black ink were the words "Malum Sanguinem." Pierce slowly lifted the glass dome and much to his surprise, the flicker of light stayed underneath it.


Pierce finally got outside and strapped himself in to Charlotte's Jeep. The bell jar was strapped in the back seat, with his jacket strewn over it to cover the piercing light. After a couple of minutes to catch his breath, he took out his phone and sent two short messages to Char.

"I have it."

"Let's go."

Pierce rested his head on the window, trying to remember if he had turned the lights back off, or if he had left everything back in its place. Hopefully, Andor wouldn't notice the missing jar among his hundreds. He had never seen anything like that before, lights trapped inside domed jars. What was Andor doing? And what are those other lights for, or where are they from?

Pierce slowly closed his eyes, wanting Char to come back, and hoping that nothing bad had happened.
Charlotte had been doing her best to entertain Andor and stroke his ego to the best of her abilities. Thankfully it worked out in her favor. He droned on and on about himself but never revealed anything that would be of help to her or Pierce. At least lunch was tasty and he offered to pay, which she was grateful for since he had expensive taste.

When her phone went off, they were headed back to his penthouse though it caused her to jump slightly. Hoping he wouldn't notice, she pulled it from her purse and looked at the messages before sending a quick one in response. "On my way. Lay low in car. Don't get caught." Char stuffed it back into her purse before looking up and smiling over at Andor.

Upon arrival to the parking lot, she tried her best not to look antsy though she wanted out as soon as possible.

"Won't you stay for some coffee?"

"Oh, thank you for the offer Mr. Grey but I must get back to work." She smiled once more, shook his hand, bid him goodbye then strutted over to her car. Hastily, she pulled the keys from her purse, unlocked the doors and hopped in, starting it right away. Without a word, she drove off, bee-lining for home and speeding more than usual. "Oh that was horrible..."
Pierce didn't get to read what Charlotte had to say for he had already zoned out the moment he closed his eyes. Luckily for him, it had been a dreamless sleep; blank, uneventful, and quiet. Minutes later, Pierce opened his eyes only to find out that they had arrived home, well, to Char's home to be precise. After a slow stretch, he lazily got up and unstrapped the dome from the backseat. He put his jacket back on, and stepped outside following Charlotte.

"So, how was the date?" He asked in a monotonous voice.

When they got in, Pierce carefully set the dome on top of the coffee table, the sky blue light intensifying upon every subtle movement. He sat on the couch and turned his attention back to the brunette.

"Your move. How about you do your voodoo-- whatever it is and get this over with."


[[ Past ]]

"You promised me you'll get her back here safely!"

"I'm sorry. I couldn't, you must underst--"

"What is there to understand Dante? I gave you two! Two!"

A young man with chiseled features and dark blonde hair sunk back on his chair, watching in disbelief as Dante walked in with only his wife in tow. She was supposed to be dead if it weren't for him, if it weren't for his magic. He was the best and most respected member of the Wiccan society, but even the best and most respected had their limits. He only has two flames left. The swirling yellow lights beneath his glass jars has the ability to cure any disease, even the rotten touch of death. When Dante came in, his figure hunched in despair, similar to his own's, he decided to share his most precious of magics. Give this to your wife, and this to mine. I'll stay here to conjure up the rest of the spells needed for further recovery. He knew Dante wouldn't betray him, after all, he's the only friend he's got.

Oh how wrong he was.

"Yes, I know that but,"

Dante trailed off, seeing the building anger and betrayal spark in his friend's eyes. He looked down at the soles of his boots, looking for comfort and finding none.

"--but Andor, she's with a child."

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