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  1. MyBrotherhood2

    Urban Hills [Inactive]

    As he was lighting his cigarette, Katsurou began staring off to the distance. It had only been a month since he moved in with his brother, but he was already in love with his new home. There was so much he was smitten by already; the view from the balcony of his section of the "hills", in his...
  2. MyBrotherhood2

    Urban Hills

    Appearance: Name: Katsurou Yamada Age: 17 Gender: Male Hobby: Reading Manga, Street fighting, Disturbing the peace Things you like: Shonen Manga, gaining respect, smoking, attractive women Things you dislike: loosing respect, teachers, authority, his father, being disrespectful to...
  3. MyBrotherhood2

    The Order

    Name: Solís "The Vigil" Age: 30-50 Gender: Male Weapon of Choice: Sword, Crossbow Appearance: Personality: + Surprising civil and modest + Shows loyalty to those he believes are deserving - Avoids expressing his personal emotions - Fairly Introverted - Keeps his past...