Urban Hills


Junior Member
Here the character sheet:

Appearance:(i prefer anime picture)





Things you like:

Things you dislike:

Job:(Student,Police officer,Writer,etc)

Occupation(1st floor:101~105 2nd floor:201~205)





Name:Yuu Sakamoto




Things you like

  • Quiet Place
  • Hamburger
  • Every fast food

Things you dislike:

  • Noisy people
  • People that can't take care themself
  • Annoying kid

Job:Freelance writer, especially fantasy novel


Personality:Yuu is a smart kind person, he like to help his neighborhood but prefer not talk to much. He always eating fast food, not because he like it but because he can't cook at all.

Background:Find more about him in the roleplay

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Appearance: Tap On Me! O3O

Name: Ikumi Kyro

Age:(16+) 19

Gender: Female

Hobby: Writing, Drawing

Things you like: Candy,cooking, reading, bubbles, sour foods

Things you dislike: being left alone, being screamed at, spicy foods

Job: Student

Occupation: 102


Background: (opt)

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  • Name: Shinji Aramaki

    Age: 23

    Gender: Male





  • Name: Shima Aramaki

    Age: 2o

    Gender: Female

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Name: Yuna Adachi

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Hobby: Any sort of visual art. Ceramics, and Oil painting are her favorite. Sketching people and scenes.

Things you like:

-Quiet with light piano music

-Coffee places. They are her fuel.

-Small restaurants and places to people watch

-meeting interesting people

Things you dislike:

-loud and disruptive things

-Not being able to think, and or interruption

-having company. She gets embarrassed about the shape of the apartment.

Job: Forensic sketch artist and sells pieces from home. Hates her serious job and works from home.

Occupation: 103


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Name: Mizaki Katanobe

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Hobby: Drawing

Things you like: Chocolate, noodles, katsu, fantasy.

Things you dislike: Rude people, alcoholics, hackers.

Job: Manga Writer+ Manga Artist+ Anime Picture Painter (She has to have multiple things to do)

Occupation: 104

Personality: Miki loves to sit and play games, claiming its for manga research, which it is. She is mostly quiet because otherwise, she gets distracted. Her walls are painted with anime pictures and murals. She is often called to do anime designs on children's walls.

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Name: Katsurou Yamada

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Hobby: Reading Manga, Street fighting, Disturbing the peace

Things you like: Shonen Manga, gaining respect, smoking, attractive women

Things you dislike: loosing respect, teachers, authority, his father, being disrespectful to women, picking on the weak

Job: Student/Delinquent

Occupation: 204

Personality: Although Katsu is arrogant and rebellious as expected of a delinquent, he has soft-spot for things like Manga and children since he's still sentimental for when he was kid.

Background: When Katsurou was younger, he was a hikikomori-type shut-in who spent most his time reading Manga and dreaming of being as cool as the heroes he read about. Then everything changed on the first day of highschool when he accidentally tripped the meanist punk in the school and knocked him out cold. Rumors began spreading around that he was massive thug who could beat up grown men, and Katsu earned the respect of the school punks in record time. Enjoying the fame he undeserving obtained, he did a complete 180 and began living up to his name.

Him moving to Urban Hills is a response to the massive falling-out he had with his father over his direction in life and wanting to move with his older brother, an established resident.
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Appearance:(i prefer anime picture)



Emily "Emi" Rose Jackson






Singing and playing her guitar

Things you like:

Music, Laughter, Dancing, Jokes

Things you dislike:

Being bored, narcissistic people, repeated typing, people who waste their lives

Job:(Student,Police officer,Writer,etc)

She's a student, and a Musician on the side. Sings at a bar nearby on the weekends.

Occupation(1st floor:101~105 2nd floor:201~205)

Second floor 205


She's considered to be quite an excitable person, and always wants to live life to the fullest. Considered crazy almost with her sometimes sketchy ideas, but she's only a victim of a creative mind. She writes her own deep passionate music and happy carefree music at the time that you just have to dance to. She's hilarious and considered quite pretty although she'll think you're telling a joke if you say that. But is an intimate sweetheart overall.


She grew up in the city, her dad is lawyer in New York. Her mother is a doctor there as well. So ultimately, they pay for her apartment without seeing a single drop in their income.

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Shingetsu Kasai






Reading, and swimming.

Things you like:

Ramen, food, books, coffee, and people with glasses.

Things you dislike:

People who kill his joy, bad-tasting ramen, and unfriendly people.


Student. part time bartender at a bar nearby.


"Floor 202, please!"


A relaxed, carefree boy that doesn't worry about much. He doesn't worry about his student loans, the fact that he is finally away from his parents, or that instead of making drinks at the bar he drinks them with the customers instead. But, besides the fact that he doesn't care, he's pretty organised. He keeps his homework in check, and can always pay rent when it's due. He's a pretty contradictory person.


"Maybe later?"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/image.jpg.fca8848c8f9d3b45ad70e87603dd145b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19530" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/image.jpg.fca8848c8f9d3b45ad70e87603dd145b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> A

Name: Miya Nihara

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Hobby: Cosplay, anime/manga

Things you like: sweets, cute things, raccoons, and other fuzzy things

Things you dislike: bitter foods, squid,

Job: Full time cosplayer and cosplay cafe worker, part time voice actress

Occupation: 105

Personality: Total lollita, with a blank face. though usually very happy and cheerful Mi doesn't show much facial expression, her eyes on the other hand are like a tsunami of emotion

Background: Discovering anime at an early age, Mi immediately went into the world of cosplay and voice acting. Moving into the apartments because she's a people person, Ai likes the city, more convention opportunities, and the lower rent means more expensive cosplaying!

Mi's favorite food is mochi!



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Guess what ? we are full now!

4 man and 6 girl now live together at Urban Hills!

The role play is started feel free to start posting now



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/anime-girls-15.jpg.fcb2fe7b300a37ecd9615808858f1473.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19535" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/anime-girls-15.jpg.fcb2fe7b300a37ecd9615808858f1473.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/images.jpg.7cff899c7a77e3d6e81b08aec94e842d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19536" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/images.jpg.7cff899c7a77e3d6e81b08aec94e842d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Grace Jackson



Reading, chess

Books, good grades, cats, cherries, warm days

Crowds, cramped spaces, intimidating people or situations, alcohol

Cafe waitress


Anyone who knows Grace is bound to love her. But that is, only, if you truly know her. She can be very timid and shy, especially around strangers as she is easily frightened and worked up. Most of the time, she prefers to keep to herself and her closest friends, only bonding with people she trusts. With her friends however, she is very curious and clever, almost always the one they turn to for homework help.

Throughout her life Grace had faced fear. She'd walk home from school everyday running, for fear of being kidnapped or mugged. Or worse. Even still to this day, she walks home from school, and work, with a worried pace in her step. Her mother would always worry about her, and since she had not father, it made things feel even less safe in the slightly large airy house in which she called home. Even a therapist didn't quite do the trick of bringing Grace's feeling of safety and security back.



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