Urban Hills [Inactive]


Junior Member


According to the weather forecast today the sun is shining very brightly for a day.

a very good day to start the activity and drying clothes.

Do not forget to bring a bottle of drinking water when traveling to avoid dehydration.

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A big blue van drives up to the side of the apartments, a girl jumps out, she begins moving her boxes into room 105.

"Wow, nice and clean. Looks like I can get set. Up earlier than I though." She says too herself.
A sound of car outside waking up Yuu from his sleep, the man tried to get up and see what happened. he wear a black shirt and a brown trunk, and not forget to put up his glasses. Opening the door he see a girl beside a blue van, it seems she was moving here. He walk closer to her and start to talk with sleepy face. "morning. are you just moved here?"

"Oh hello. Yes, I am. Nice to meet you neighbor, I'm Miya Nihara." She greeted looking through her van full of boxes.
He replied to her "Im Yuu Sakamoto, i live at the room 101". He take a look at the van there was many boxes in there. "mind if i help? it's look like you got many things there" he said while stroking his hair

"Room 105, and if it's not too much trouble? I think there are about 7 to 9 boxes left. You can just call me Mi, by the way." She picked up a lamp, carefully untangling the wires.
He followed her to the van, and after she untangling the wires he take up 2 boxes and hold it on his hand. "And... Mi why did you move here? i meant there still plenty of good apartment around" Ask him while carefully walk to the room 105

"Hmmm... I come from a big family so I feel a bit insecure when there isn't anyone else around, I recently got a job at the cosplay cafe down the street, and I like that Tokyo is the center of all things anime. Why did you move in?" Mi asked leading him into her apartment.
Miki walked up to the run down home. She inspected the outside. 'Well, guess this is my house' she muttered and knocked on the door.
Yuna was on her way back home, biking with her hair tied back. Lord, itwas hotter than the day before. She had a job with required marking up a newly found skull and designing facial features that couldnt be done without her work places tech. Her boss sent her home with a large watermelon.. which was weighing her at one side. She reached the apartments and saw the moving van, frowning. Seems like a new member to their little.. community of sorts. being the curious one she was, she came in closer possibly to meet the woman. Her neighbor two doors down beat her to the punch.
The shining, black vehicle came to a halt in front of an old, shabby home. Coming out of the car was a very tall man, well dressed as if he was a model and didn't even seem to belong in such an old place like this. Black sunglasses covered his eyes, pulling them up to reveal beautiful chocolate brown orbs, his expression was a poker face, unsure what he was thinking, expected of an actor like him. His keen eyes examined his new surrounding, his poker face becoming a frown,"What a old house this is. Seems like it could be haunted and die off anytime now." Shinji thought grimly of the place.

While Shinji was off in his own world, the sound of the car passenger side opened, out came a small girl with elbow-length brown hair and her eyes the same as the man's. A cute, yellow camera was strapped around her neck and a pair of hello kitty glasses sat on the bridge of her nose. Looking around with curious eyes, the girl jumped in joy and went to the back to grab her luggage,"Omg brother! We're finally here." The girl cried out in excitement, opposite of Shinji's feeling towards the place.

"Whatever, let's just go unpack Shima." Shinji bluntly said and went to grab his own luggage, taking his bags to his room, Room 201 which was only one room away from his sister's room, Room 203. Giving his sister a quick bye, Shinji went off into his room, Shima doing the same with a pout,"Meanie~" She whined childishly and closed the door behind her, but leaving it open just a crack in case her brother needed something from her. Once she was inside, she looked around the small room,"What a cramped place but it's big enough for me." Shima mumbled to herself and started to unpack her things.

Shinji on the other hand, was horrified by the place. It was way too small and the floor looked like it could break anytime now. The wall were thin and you could hear anything from the other room even the slightest sound of their breathing. Shinji couldn't believe why they even chose this place out of all the others but he had no choice since this was his sister's idea. Losing a bet against his sister, he was forced to live here even when he was a famous model but luckily this place was close enough to his company so it wasn't all that bad... maybe.

-Sorry if this is long.. I like typing long posts >.<-

"Cosplay ? you really love anime huh?" He chuckled"why did i move in ? well this apartment is cheap, and there was train station and shopping district nearby. that's all i can say". Yuu put the boxes inside the room 105 and take a walk back to the blue van. He noticed there was "another" person that moved here. Two of them. "Why so many people moved here this day" He want to greet them but first thing first he need to finish helping Mi moving all this boxes. He pick up another two boxes from the van putting all his stenght on this one. What is inside it? seems a little heavier than before.

He look at Mi and said "If you a cosplayer i bet there was many costum in this boxes". Another person come in with a bike. It's Yuna from the next two door. "ah you'r home.come help me moving all this boxes to room 105" He ask for help to Yuna without any guilt, Yuu doesn't know if she will be helping or just get upset.

Miki wandered to her room which was right next to the cosplayers. She loved to cosplay. She made a mental note to meet her new neighbor. She opened the door to her room to find all her boxes. The space was small, but she liked it that way. She found the largest box and opened it up. It was her desk. She put down her bag and began to assemble it. She tried to follow the instructions carefully.
"That one has the mechanical stuff, it's full of parts to make things like moving wings or light up guns. I'm a professional cosplayer, the cafe is more.... Of a hobby." Mi looked around, "I can't believe that ad got so many people interested in these apartments. "Who's that?"
Miki had finally finished setting up her desk. Now the Wi-Fi. She found one of the boxes labeled FRAGILE and opened it. She pulled out her pc and all of its cables and began assembling it.
As he was lighting his cigarette, Katsurou began staring off to the distance. It had only been a month since he moved in with his brother, but he was already in love with his new home. There was so much he was smitten by already; the view from the balcony of his section of the "hills", in his eyes, was the best Tokyo had to offer. He also loved the fact that his new pen was much closer to the warehouse him and his posse made their HQ; no more making up bs excuses to his parents for coming home late at night. Hell, the fact it was just him and Hiroshi was an immediate bonus.

After a while of the thoughts of how awesome his life was going to be littered his mind, something caught his gazing eye. A pink-haired woman in a pony-tail was riding back to the apartments with a expression of concern on her face. He didn't know what it was, but couldn't seem to resist looking at the woman as she carried a heavy-looking watermelon with her to her side of the complex. "Maybe I should help her?" he pondered.
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"oh, she is Yuna from room 103 like me she already stayed long here". The box are all set, now for the last two box that still in the van. Everyone here seems woken up right now. When he pick up the last boxes there was a man figure in the driver seat. He just take a quick look and can't see clearly. "who's that in the driver seat? your dad?" Yuu still questioning the new member of the apartment.

"Hm? Who? Oh sorry, that's not- I mean he isn even- Umm..." She ran to the front and pulled out a life size manikin, wearing an outfit that looked like Kirito's from Sword Art Online. "It's a personal dummy, to test out my things, this is the third one I've had. I also use them to test mechs, and I guess they don't handle fire well..." Mi put it under her arm and began bringing it in.
After placing all her things in their rightful place, Shima wiped the sweat from her brows and sighed in satisfaction,"Ooh~ This room is just lovely!" Shima squealed enthusiastically. The room before was old and dirty but with a little wave of her magic touch, in a split second, it looked brand new and more cleaner than before and adding on with her things, it became just like how her old room looked like.

In one of the room with the only window in her apartment, she had lay out her futon that she bought from the store along with the drawer that she bought but it was in pieces so she had to build it up but it all worked out. The new drawer was placed at the other side of the futon near the window as well along with a trashcan at the side of it. On the opposite side of the window stood a desk where she would plug in her computer so she would be able to upload her pictures and etc.

The other two free spaces were either the bathroom or a place where she would invite people in. She also had some shoji, or room dividers, she got to get in the mood of the great beauty of Japan. Along with a table in the middle of her living room with cushions as seats. If anyone was ever to enter Shima's room, they may freak out with all the stuffed animals she had everywhere. Shelves hanged on her wall with stuffed animals all piled onto them along with books and pictures of Shima's memories.

The place was a nice place though it was small, Shima was able to do some things and she didn't really need a lot of space. As long as she got a computer and her camera, she was able to do her job fine. Right now, she was working for a company, trying to think of what to write that would interest her senpais there,"Hmm... now to plug in my computer and check what famous people could be living around here." Shima spoke to herself and got down to business with fixing up her computer so she could get her paper ready.



Shinji had no problem setting up his room as well, having the same magical touch as his sister, the room became much better than earlier. He didn't bring much stuff over since most of his things he kept over at his other apartment that he secretly hid from Shima. He was actually living in two apartments, one far from here and closer to the city and the one here. He really wasn't gonna live here all the time, for a model like him, he needed to keep his reputation high and keep this a secret.

He was only gonna use this place when he has a day off or he was trying to hide from his fans that always bother him whenever he was at home. He hated it when people knew of his whereabouts so this place was the only place that no one would ever suspect a model would live in, feeling blessed to have a sister who knew her things. Polishing his room a bit, he fell onto his futon and grumbled,"Now to wait and see what Shima has in store for me." Shinji mumbled and laid there staring up at the ceiling with his mind drifting off into the clouds.


Yuu was surprised after knowing it was a manekin, this girl really something. he put the last boxes in her room and wipe his sweat. "i guess this is the last one, if you ever need my help again don't hesitate to come to my room". He walk back to his "messy" room and close the door before anyone could notice it. inside it many clothes left everywhere and many garbage bag sitting in the corner of the room. the only tidy thing here is in front of his computer that he use to write novel.

Yuu open a small fridge and take a bottle of cola inside it. it was already opened and only half left in it. he think maybe he should buy more food before the one in his place run out. but with the weather like this it's gonna be like hell walking to the shoping district. after drinking his cola now time to finish up his novel, only some more page before he can bring it to the editor.

Mi waved to her new neighbor as he left going inside to get everything set up, and about 15 minuets later all the boxes were where she wanted them. 'Hmmm.... I can unpack later, but for now I should check in at my new job.'

She grabbed a small backpack that had her costume in it and left for the place around the block.

(Sorry! I didn't get a notification on this.)

Shin, or Shingetsu coughed a little, standing up from his chair to look outside the window. It seemed that new people were moving in. It was always pleasant, seeing new faces, and getting to know them was even better. Although, it was rather rare that so many people were moving in at once. Maybe there was this 'moving into a new apartment' season that nobody else in the dorms told him about? If that was true, he would be a little pissed.

Turning around to grab his annual once a day bowl of ramen, he rushed downstairs, unfortunately barefooted, his long-sleeve t-shirt rolled up to his elbows as he rushed down to help the newcomers. However, once he made it down there, he noticed that everyone was gone.

"Dammit. I missed 'em,"
the male slightly cursed under his breath, his left hand steadily holding the bowl of ramen while his right hand dug deep into the pocket of sweat pants. Ignoring the fact that he missed the chance to meet potential friends, Shin decided to wander around the corridors until someone would pop out. It had to be sometime, right?

Yuu is focusing on his work, he doesn't want to miss the chance to being published. his hand doesn't stop typing but then there was a noisy sound came from the upstair, and make his concentration shatter. He quickly rushed to see what's going on outside and he saw Shin, occupant of room 202, "can you keep your voice down? your not the only one who live here" Yuu is upset because Shin behavior.

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NoobWriter updated Urban Hills with a new update entry:

How the time work

im gonna tell you how the time work, i simply not gonna make it progress through everyday but there was a time loop, for now it's monday but next it can be wenesday or thursday(if you make a promise with other role player i will not skip the time). If we progress it each day the role play will be long and boring, but if i make a time loop we can enjoy the event like summer festival, new year, and the other.
Read the rest of this update entry...
Plugging in the last of the cords, Shima was finally done with her room. The computer was completely set up for her to use and she was able to do her job at last. About to type away on her keyboard, the sound of footsteps could be heard next door. Looking at the thin wall beside her, she decided to go check out what was happening, pushing her door open since it was already cracked open and unlocked for anyone to barge in, looking to her left to see what was all the commotion.

The figure was a blur since she was quite late to see who it was but she was sure it was her neighbor in Room 202 and she could only make out that the person had bright blonde hair. Confused why her neighbor was such in a rush, Shima thought maybe her brother would know about it, going over to his room and opened the door without even knocking, knowing her brother by now, he was a pretty careless guy.

Walking into the room, she was surprised to see her brother had the energy to even try and clean the room. Walking past the bathroom that shined with pure white and past the table with only four chairs and a blue vase filled with colorful flowers in the middle of the table. Opening the door to his room, Shima peeked in and grin,"Hey Onii-chan!~ How's the room?" Shima asked watching her brother just lying there with his eyes staring at the black ceiling,"The ceiling must be pretty interesting huh?" Shima teased only to get a "tch" as a respond.

"If you're only here to bother me then it's best that you do it tomorrow." Shinji said and rolled over on his side to sleep since he was tired from all the work he did, moving in wasn't easy. Sulking a bit, Shima shrugged and waved,"Fine, Good night Onii-chan." Shima called out and went off to her room, forgetting about the commotion from earlier,"I'll just play a little bit then I'll sleep." Shima thought, going onto her computer to play a bit, researching on people she could interview for her paper and soon after went to bed, surrounded by her fluffy friends of stuffed animals.

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