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  1. AllyK8e

    Multiple Settings Lyraen’s Partner Search (Fandoms and Originals) △⃒⃘ ➵ ϟ Always Looking!

    Fandom - "Every Day" This kind of matches your sci-fi idea. Ever heard of the book or the movie "Every Day"? It's okay if you haven't. I'll even RP something that I don't know perfectly as a trade.
  2. AllyK8e

    Fandom "Every Day"

  3. AllyK8e

    Realistic or Modern The Vicious Waffles (Esport Team RP)

    Apparently not interesting enough for the author to reply to me. :/
  4. AllyK8e

    Realistic or Modern The Vicious Waffles (Esport Team RP)

    A game with teams of three "musketeers" (although they only have swords as a primary weapon and an old-style crappy flintlock pistol as a sidearm that has like one, maybe two, good shots with terrible reload time). These "three musketeer" teams duke it out....oh God I just realized I made a...
  5. AllyK8e

    Realistic or Modern The Vicious Waffles (Esport Team RP)

    Then I vote that the waffle house chain's name be iSyrup. Also, read my edit dawg. :)
  6. AllyK8e

    Realistic or Modern The Vicious Waffles (Esport Team RP)

    If the esports team's sponsor is Beyonce, I am all in and will be your most committed member. As far as games go, I am fine with making up a fictitious game (that might actually be easiest if you want to focus on their social lives). If you'd rather focus on them actually playing their game...
  7. AllyK8e

    Fandom "Every Day"

  8. AllyK8e

    Fandom "Every Day"

    Rules: - Site rules - 16+ (since in the original Every Day, both Rhiannon and A were around 16) - No post length requirements, but it'd be amazing if we could have a back-and-forth of a post per day. That's not set in stone. I can be very accommodating...
  9. AllyK8e

    Cannon versus canon. Ugh!

    Cannon versus canon. Ugh!
  10. AllyK8e

    Other Unpopular Opinions

    Mules are more stubborn than people. I firmly stubbornly believe this. I have also ridden two mules. This makes me an eyewitness.
  11. AllyK8e

    Other Anyone Watch Puffin Forest?

    I watch him. I prefer SpiffySquee. I gave up on D&D when a D&D player told me "you will never find a group because you are a worthless noob." They told me this straight to my face IRL. I've been a little biased against D&D ever since.
  12. AllyK8e

    Other Unpopular Opinions

    Who buys JUST bread from the store? Also, I live on the west coast so bread is like two bucks a loaf. Ergo, no coins required here. I suppose you live in the midwest where basically everything is cheaper? Well, in that case I envy you greatly. And it's polite to reference where you got an...
  13. AllyK8e

    Fandom Zootopia RP!

    Tell it to the person who necro'd it before me and therefore confused me lol.
  14. AllyK8e

    Fandom Zootopia RP!

    If you had said Ratatouille or Over the Hedge, I'd be intrigued. Sorry mate, I haven't watched Zootopia. I got wind of the CinemaSins version of it first, and that kind of ruined it for me. I also greatly admire the Kung Fu Panda franchise, but mostly because Jack Black used to be my comedy...
  15. AllyK8e

    Music Music (or genres) you listen to while writing?

    I find that I end up with writer's block more often than not when listening to music with lyrics. As a result, I enjoy listening to compositions by Taylor Davis the violinist. My favorite work of hers would have to be "Wilderness". If I am in an upbeat mood and want to write that way no...
  16. AllyK8e

    Advice/Help i feel like im bad at getting people into rp's

    @karmazan Here is some advice on creating an opening. Firstly, take any preconceived notion you have about political correctness and briefly throw it to the moon (just for the eye grabber). Think of the weirdest most outlandish situation your character could be in, whether it be getting stung...
  17. AllyK8e

    Other Unpopular Opinions

    "I was with you up until shaving" title of my ***tape! Gah! Sorry....I have binged FAR too much Brooklyn Nine-Nine. Anyhow, my unpopular opinion is that coins are now virtually useless and something should be done about them. I DO notice a lot of Rare Coins stores popping up near where I live.
  18. AllyK8e

    Ignore System PSA

    Oh wait, all the other person has to do is ignore and they won't see your PM even when they asked you to not talk to them anymore....ohhhhh, I see it now! Sorry for misunderstanding. I was thinking of it a different way.
  19. AllyK8e

    Video Games The Video Game(s) that Changed Your Life?

    Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic changed how I viewed video games. Before I found this game via a lovely little YouTube channel, (name redacted so as not to advertise, but available upon request), I was the type of gamer that played any and every game like an action movie. I would go in...
  20. AllyK8e

    Ignore System PSA

    I wish the Ignore function would make it so that you cannot send the person that you ignored any PMs. If you tried, it would give a message saying, "Remove this person from your ignore list before you can message them!"