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  1. WaterFlower

    Ashheight Secert Academy [Inactive]

    This role play has been marked "inactive". Inactive role plays are defined as "role plays showing 0 activity within a 30 day period". Please contact an @Rp Moderator if you feel this was a mistake or if you would like to have your role play reactivated. Thank you for your participation...
  2. WaterFlower

    Prism University ~ A Pokemon Academy RP [Inactive]

    "I've only just arrived less than half an hour." Cassie replied. She had no idea where to go for each class and still need send forth her luggage to be sent. "I only have things for a fewdays and do not know my dorm." She paused with a slight giggle, "Guess I missed all the important stuff."...
  3. WaterFlower

    Prism University ~ A Pokemon Academy RP [Inactive]

    The boy who opened the door stood by Cassie. He said is name was 'Henry'. She replied, "Cas, My name is Cassie." in a nervouse voice. "And this is Missie." She pointed to her shinx. "Henry, is this the Zircon class?" she finally took the courage to ask. Sent from my iPhone via Tapatalk
  4. WaterFlower

    Ashheight Secert Academy

    Angel Team- 1 male spot. Demon Team- 1 male spot. Sent from my iPhone via Tapatalk
  5. WaterFlower

    Prism University ~ A Pokemon Academy RP [Inactive]

    "Thank you. It's not in my nature to just open the door. I apoligize for the inconvenence." She walked in and took an empty seat in the back. Her Shinx, named Missie, followed with a small backpack on as if she was going to school. Missie took her seat under Cassie's seat after bowing to his...
  6. WaterFlower

    Secret Academy

    In my last post is a link just head on there for the sign up!!! Sent from my iPhone via Tapatalk
  7. WaterFlower

    Elementals [Inactive]

    Nerina E. Randell, who likes to be called Elizabeth, was lost all day during the first half of classes. She finally made it to the canteen. After gathering a tray of food, she wandered around canteen and sat on an empty table alone next to another one where a girl came and said, "Hey ya'll," in...
  8. WaterFlower

    Prism University ~ A Pokemon Academy RP [Inactive]

    Cassie waited i the front office- to gather her dorm, classes and map info so she could find her way-for 5 minutes but it felt more like 20 to her. The lady up front asked what Cas need and allowed her to wait another 5 mins to get the papers. After the pressure of waiting, she headed to her...
  9. WaterFlower

    Prism University ~ A Pokemon Academy RP [Inactive]

    ((Super Sorry, didnt know it started....)) Cassie A. Elizabeth, a 17 year old girl was late to arrive at her new school. For a while, Cas was an assisant for her Gym Leader father. From Sandgem in Sinnoh region, and her over protective parents, made it difficult to find her way. Instead of a...
  10. WaterFlower

    Prism University ~ A Pokemon Academy RP

    ((If it's still open)) My name is: Cassie A.[Ashley] Elizabeth , but her siblings call me Missie Cassie. I also go by: Cas I am: 17 If you can't tell I am a: Female I am from: Sandgem Town,Sinnoh I am a: Freshman My Academy is: Zircon My preferred type: Electric, Psychic, Ice...
  11. WaterFlower

    Ashheight Secert Academy [Inactive]

    Just an intro to the role play's setting...Starts replying when the two teams are full... 8 young adults are being driven to a facility in Ashheights, a town of northern Maine, where they will become deadly agents for the government. As it's run by the government, only those inside the program...
  12. WaterFlower

    Secret Academy

    Just fill the character sign up. Two teams are set with 3 male spots open. Villains are open as well. I'll do a introduction very soon. Sent from my iPhone via Tapatalklink to role play
  13. WaterFlower


    Full name: Nerina Elizabeth Randell Nickname: Elizabeth Age: 17 Gender: Female Physical Appearance: Height: 5 ft 4 in. Hair: Beachy Brown, Bit past shoulders, Straight. Eyes: Greyish Blue Species: Witch Element: Water Role: High School Student & Internship as a...
  14. WaterFlower

    Secret Academy

    Yes, you both may join!!! Sent from my iPhone via Tapatalk
  15. WaterFlower

    Ashheight Secert Academy

    Angel Team- 2 male spots open!!! Demon team- 1 male spot open!!! Other- Evil villains & minions and supervisor needed!!! Sent from my iPhone via Tapatalk
  16. WaterFlower

    Ashheight Secert Academy

    ~Basic Info~ Name~ Nerina Karevnos Code name~ Rose Age~ 17 Gender~ female Appearance~ Brown hair, blues eyes, and pale skin. 5 ft 4 in tall with average weight. Not on missions, she hangs around in her crimson red and grey sweater. Bio~ Parents died during a fire when she was very...
  17. WaterFlower

    Secret Academy

    Signup is ready, read rules and overview before. Can't wait for people to join and start!!! Sent from my iPhone via Tapatalk
  18. WaterFlower

    Ashheight Secert Academy [Inactive]

    WaterFlower submitted a new role play: Ashheight Secert Academy - Deadly Trained Teenager Academy, what could go wrong??? Read more about this role play...
  19. WaterFlower

    Ashheight Secert Academy

    Please use this thread for all of your OOC needs! Read more about this role play...
  20. WaterFlower

    Ashheight Secert Academy

    ~Attending the Academy~ ~Basic Info~ Name~ Code name~ Age~ Gender~ Appearance~ Bio~ Other~ ~Combat/Skills Info~ Team [Angel or Demon]~ Role~ Primary Weapon~ Secondary Weapon~ Tactic Skill~ Physical Skill~ ~Villains~ Name~ Villain Name~ Age~ Gender~...