Ashheight Secert Academy


New Member
~Attending the Academy~

Basic Info~


Code name~






Combat/Skills Info~

Team [Angel or Demon]~


Primary Weapon~

Secondary Weapon~

Tactic Skill~

Physical Skill~



Villain Name~






Secret Info~

Style(trickery like the joker for example)~

Base(Explain, in short, where you hideout is for further in the rp)~

Line(what is you're villain line)~

Weaponry(biochemical, explosive ect...)~

Plot(major plot of the rp)~







Status Info~

Rank [Minion or Supervisor]~

With who [Minions: What Villain. Supervisor: What Team.]~

What do you do?~ [Minion: you tasks. Supervisor: Command a course.]

Side note~ all info is given in the overview. Please read the rules...
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~Basic Info~

Name~ Nerina Karevnos

Code name~ Rose

Age~ 17

Gender~ female

Appearance~ Brown hair, blues eyes, and pale skin. 5 ft 4 in tall with average weight. Not on missions, she hangs around in her crimson red and grey sweater.

Bio~ Parents died during a fire when she was very young. After the tragic event, she moved around foster homes until one adoptive father would beat her. He'd hit, leave her with no food or water, and left a mark on her back, and right side of her abdomen.

After being found in an empty apartment where he left her, the government signed her for the academy. Passing up till middle school, she attends AshHeight Academy for a deeper training.

Other~ Crimson Red

~Combat/Skills Info~

Team~ Angel

Role~ Spy

Primary~ Claws

Secondary~ Bow

Tactical~ Sneak

Physical~ Observant

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~Basic Info~

Name~ Jeffrey Mason

Code name~ Jay


Gender~ Male

Appearance~ 5'10" Muscular but not obscenely large, short brown hair and hazel eyes.

Bio~ He was left to fend for himself when he was young, his parents leaving him out on the street because they could not afford to keep him. He grew up on the streets begging at first but when he got strong enough he started to get violent and eventually was put into the foster program and was left abandoned again, this happened repeatedly until he was put into the school.

Other~ he has lots of scars along his back from being abused on the streets when he was young.

~Combat/Skills Info~

Team [Angel or Demon]~ Demon

Role~ Assassin

Primary Weapon~ Katana

Secondary Weapon~ His body

Tactic Skill~ Stealth

Physical Skill~He can identify the best spot to hit a person, in order to ensure either a kill or a KO
~Attending the Academy~

Name Alexandria (Insists that everyone call her Alex)

Code name Unsure, but possibly Holmes?

Age 17

Gender Female

Appearance Brown hair with red streaks, thin, tall. She mainly dresses in black on missions but always wears her red sneakers.

Bio Her parents gave her up the day she was born and was taken into an orphanage where nobody ever even tried to adopt her and was constantly bullied. She grew bitter over the years and managed to convince herself that she didn't need parents or friends and that she was better than everyone else. She is as close as a 17 year old can get to as sociopath.

Other Uh her favorite color is red.

~Combat/Skills Info~

Team Demon

Role leader/co-leader

Primary Weapon Blade- a high-tech sword built for her by her only friend.

Secondary Weapon melee- She trained herself in martial arts.

Tactic Skill Attack, Distract, or sneak.

Physical Skill Intelligent
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I'll make a girl for the demon team a little later, so could i reserve that spot? I'm just a little busy right now. 
~Basic Info~

Name~ Marina Johansen

Code name~ Rache/Blondie

Age~ 17

Gender~ Female

Appearance~ Quite short and fit, though she doesn't look too muscly. Black hair, blue eyes, often with make-up.


She was abandoned by birth by her biological mother, who her father was no one really knows. Her biological mother was a druggie, and therefor the child with born with abstinances, almost dying in the early weeks.

1 year after she was left, she was adopted by a rich family. There she was quite soon raised to be the perfect little doll, though she always had a bit of a different childhood from most of those she knew. She herself did not know why she was being trained like this, all she knew was that her parents, adopted parents, wanted her to be able to defend herself. So she was trained in how to handle fireguns and other weapons, and MMA from a young age.

During her teenage years, it was revealed why. She had been chosen already at a young age to become a spy. So the earlier doll, who always had the perfect manners and perfect looks during wvents, was to become an agent and beat criminals, just like her fathers bodyguard was trained to be, until he resigned. Because he had seen the natural talent in her, he had contacted some old friends in the school and goverment, and made them sign her up, knowing that she could easily survive with having to let go of her 'family'.

Other~ Her main colours are red and black.

~Combat/Skills Info~

Team [Angel or Demon]~ Demon

Role~ spy

Primary Weapon~ Firearm is what she masters the best.

Secondary Weapon~ blades, especially swords.

Tactic Skill~ distract and sneak, depending on what her team needs.

Physical Skill~ agile, and clever with poisons.

Hope this works.
Name: Jessa Dawn

Code Name: Robin Hood

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Appearance: 5’8” with a decently muscled athletic build, long wavy blonde hair which is usually up in a ponytail out the way and stormy blue-grey eyes.

Bio: After being orphaned at birth, Jessa spent time in the system before being adopted by a rich couple from the elite class as what was effectively a PR stunt. At first they were nice for the cameras and such but they soon forgot about her and didn’t give a damn, almost wanting to hide her away from the world with private tutors and staff all paid to keep their mouths shut about what she was like. Quickly she decided she hated this world of the elite and how they could buy people and whatever they wanted so she started playing take down. By the time Ashheight Academy picked her up, she’d ruined most of the power players in her “parent’s” circle, revealing their scandals and robbing them blind before donating everything she got to various charities all without getting caught by them.

Other: Black

Team: Angel

Role: Co-Leader

Primary Weapon: Twin Katanas

Secondary Weapon: Guns

Tactic Skill: Attack

Physical Skill: Agile
[QUOTE="Elspeth Caraci]Name Alexandria (Insists that everyone call her Alex)
Code name Unsure, but possibly Holmes?

Age 17

Gender Female

Appearance Brown hair with red streaks, thin, tall.

Bio Her parents gave her up the day she was born and was taken into an orphanage where nobody ever even tried to adopt her and was constantly bullied. She grew bitter over the years and managed to convince herself that she didn't need parents or friends and that she was better than everyone else. She is as close as a 17 year old can get to as sociopath.

Other Uh her favorite color is red.

~Combat/Skills Info~

Team Demon

Role Any.

Primary Weapon Blade

Secondary Weapon melee

Tactic Skill Attack, Distract, or sneak.

Physical Skill Intelligent

Um, if it okay with you I have decided on Leader or Co-Leader for my role.
Angel Team- 2 male spots open!!!

Demon team- 1 male spot open!!!

Other- Evil villains & minions and supervisor needed!!!

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~Attending the Academy~

~Basic Info~

Name~ Aidrian Ferrow

Code name~ Medic (Geddit?)

Age~ 18

Gender~ Male

Appearance~ He is tall and lanky with dark, chocolate brown, curly hair and green eyes. He has a sprinkle of freckles and a dimple on the right side of his mouth.


His mother was a single parent and tried her hardest to look after him, but when her new partner turned abusive, a teacher reported his bruising a and cuts.

He was taken away from her at the age of 7 and put into foster care.

His foster parents had many children and couldn't spend much time with him.

He grew quiet and more and more anxious. Counsellors did what they could, but he grew ever distant.

When the academy picked him up he foun himself raising out of his depression and finding purpose in life.

Other~ Green

~Combat/Skills Info~

Team [Angel or Demon]~ Angel

Role~ Stategy/Planner

Primary Weapon~ Leaf Blade

Secondary Weapon~ Pistol

Tactic Skill~ Attack & Sneak

Physical Skill~ Observant
May I reserve the remaining male role on Team Angel? 
  • Remy LeMont
And where would we be without villains?

  • Antonio Belsue-Gutiérrez

  • Damia (no last name)



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Um- Will we be starting soon? I'm sorry for asking in the sign up but I apparently am not allowed to do anything in the Rp or the OOC.

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