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  1. Robi Rucker

    Fantasy Fallen Fairytales

    "I suppose we'll find out." Aurora agreed quietly, eyes staring into the distance where the ice palace awaited them. She decided to watch the men closely and stick close to Red's side. If they were so eager to have their souls ripped from them, who was she to oppose? Though she wished the...
  2. Robi Rucker

    Fantasy Fallen Fairytales

    Aurora's face instantly wrinkled up in distaste and her hand snapped out to grab Red's cloak, a protest on the tip of her tongue- travel with these men? They didn't know anything about them except one was obviously touched in the head and the other had his own personal agenda to finding the...
  3. Robi Rucker

    Fantasy Fallen Fairytales

    Aurora stared at the new arrivals with a growing agitation, automatically taking half a step to hide in the shelter of Red's flowing cloak as she gazed out from under her hood with suspicious eyes. They didn't look like anyone the dark fairy would send after them, but they could be working for...
  4. Robi Rucker

    Fantasy Fallen Fairytales

    Aurora tossed her head and scoffed, smiling slightly as she took in the burning cabin with a flare of success. "Oh, I'm going alright. And I'm going to have a damn good time killing that thing. Though, you'll have to lead the way-it's been forever and a day since I've traveled to Arendale."...
  5. Robi Rucker

    Fantasy Fallen Fairytales

    This girl was the wolf. It made sense, now that she thought about it. And yet, after everything she'd seen, this still shocked her. She stared at the wolf-girl for probably a minute too long before thrusting her empty hand out for a handshake. "I'm Aurora. Thank you for saving me." She...
  6. Robi Rucker

    Fantasy Fallen Fairytales

    Aurora starred in shock, gaze looking from the spot the dark fairy had disappeared from and back to the large wolf beside her. What the hell? Instinct screamed at her to back up from the large beast but she remained where she was, eyes on the red cape hanging around it's large furred...
  7. Robi Rucker

    Fantasy Fallen Fairytales

    Aurora shuddered away from the dark fairy's touch as her mind strayed to her family, something she'd avoided thinking about since she'd left them crying at the castle gates. She'd been so angry when she'd first woken up, so angry and sorrowed by the path she'd been forced to make-the horrors...
  8. Robi Rucker

    Fantasy Fallen Fairytales

    The girl's animalistic screams of agony pierced the night and Aurora winced at the sound. The girl must've broken something when she'd landed and was now laying out their on the ground, hurt. No, no, no. "Maleficent." She intoned calmly and went to her feet, not wanting to be any more...
  9. Robi Rucker

    Fantasy Fallen Fairytales

    "She's coming back." Aurora got a small fire in going easily in the chimney, though if the top of it was blocked, they would find out soon enough if the room started filling with smoke. It would be worth it just to unfreeze her limbs. The girl was still here, walking around in the small room...
  10. Robi Rucker

    Fantasy Fallen Fairytales

    Her body loosened some when she heard this. Even after everything she somehow believed this girl, because while she did still look fierce, a begrudging honesty shone through her as well. She lowered her blades, but did not put them away-the dark fairy was still coming at some point, surely...
  11. Robi Rucker

    Fantasy Fallen Fairytales

    Aurora caught herself, hands smacking the floor before she scrambled back to her feet. Then she hesitated, thrown by the reeling knowledge that this was definitely not Maleficent. The girl in front of her was beautiful and wild, her hair spilling out along the edges of her red hood and her...
  12. Robi Rucker

    Fantasy Fallen Fairytales

    The barkeep was still smiling and watching her as she gathered her things and made the way up to the counter, his eyes blinking back to a muddy brown. "What do you want?" She snapped out, stopping in front of him, her hand fully gripping the blade at her waist. "It's not enough that she owns...
  13. Robi Rucker

    Fallen Fairytales

    Name/Character: Aurora Age: 21 Gender: Female Backstory: Aurora aged happily in the castle, loved by all and spoiled with riches beyond imagination. Anything her heart desired, it was obtained and presented to her without a second thought. She was beautiful and flaunted her...
  14. Robi Rucker

    Infected - A True Zombie RP [Inactive]

    "You're the first." Dean replied to the younger guy's question, cleanly slicing off a zombie's leg at the knee, its' body so decayed and emaciated that he couldn't tell the gender. It went down with a weak howl, arms wind milling in his direction as it fell. Another cropped up in its place, a...
  15. Robi Rucker

    Infected - A True Zombie RP [Inactive]

    He flashed Libby a smile and shrugged, heading back towards the trailer to get the pack of water they'd left. "What else am I going to do? My life is a never ending video game." Dean hefted the bag onto his back, swiping his hair out of his face as the wind blew warningly. "I'm ready." He...
  16. Robi Rucker

    Infected - A True Zombie RP [Inactive]

    Dean was already heading Libby's way when she called out to him, coming up behind the dead grappling with his friend. "Hold on." He murmured, grabbing one of the clumps of hair left attached to the zombie's rotting skull and yanking it back to expose the throat. It moaned angrily at him...
  17. Robi Rucker

    Infected - A True Zombie RP [Inactive]

    Dean shook his head slightly, smiling slightly and straightening from where he'd been leaning against the edge of a counter, his muscles steadily relaxing now that the zombie was dead and Libby was safe. He completely bypassed the fridge, lord knows everything in it had far exceeded its...
  18. Robi Rucker

    Infected - A True Zombie RP [Inactive]

    Dean raised his eyebrows at the trailer Libby had pointed at, the yard around it over grown with weeds that crawled up the sides and the door looked to be hanging off its hinges. "If you say so. We'll probably need our tetanus shots after this." He said quietly, gripping his machete tightly...
  19. Robi Rucker


    Name: Robi Rucker Age: 25 Appearance: Short, well-curved with a muscle, short, shaggy tea-colored hair and usually dressed in grungy clothing. Species: Heavy Gravity World Human Personality: Sarcastic, clumsy, and she tends to over-exaggerate her abilities a bit. She came looking for a...
  20. Robi Rucker

    Infected - A True Zombie RP

    Signup Application; Name: Elijah Dean Thomas (Goes by Dean) Age: 23 Weapons: A Machete and a small handgun he uses for emergencies Background: Dean never stuck out in school or in life in general, content to let himself fade into the background. He was average in school and never made...