

The Druid
Michael Dineen submitted a new role play. @Michael Dineen, please edit this post to include the sign-up information.

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Name: Captain Mark Fuller

Age: 37

Appearance: Tall, slender, strong. He has short, dark red hair and wears a Commonwealth Uniform.

Species: Heavy Gravity World Human

Personality: Respectful, yet aggressive when worked up. He feels betrayed and is now accepting to most people, when he wouldn't have been before.

Beginning Role: Captain of the ship the Rogue Prudence.
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Name: Robi Rucker

Age: 25

Appearance: Short, well-curved with a muscle, short, shaggy tea-colored hair and usually dressed in grungy clothing.

Species: Heavy Gravity World Human

Personality: Sarcastic, clumsy, and she tends to over-exaggerate her abilities a bit. She came looking for a stable job but instead has to work around town for money to eat. She's highly suspicious of people, yet friendly.

Beginning Role: Mechanic working small jobs around town.
Name: Kuzzuk

Age: 7 (his species average age of death is age 20)

Appearance: Tall insect humanoid male, has two larger, more human-like arms above a set of smaller, weaker arms. His legs are double-jointed, making him rather agile. on his back rests a small set of wings under a carapace, allowing him limited flight capabilities. where he can, he wears light armor over his exoskeleton.

Species: Insectoid

Personality: Aggressive, fond of conflict, a loner; and yet witty and rather good company if you can get to know him. Used to be part of a hivemind at his homeworld, but was severed of the link as part of an initiation ritual which he purposefully failed. He decided he’d honestly rather leave to become a mercenary anyway, as he was rather fond of fighting and weapons, specifically his twin pistols.

Beginning Role: Mercenary Hitman/Thug working for a crime syndicate in the city.
I'll wait one more day and then I'll start it up. See if you can get anyone else to sign up if you can. Thanks for joining!
Name: Adelaide Elana Maeva

Age: 22

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/upload_2014-4-5_21-16-3.jpeg.9d4e67bfe9191f364accc4882c63e93d.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15762" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/upload_2014-4-5_21-16-3.jpeg.9d4e67bfe9191f364accc4882c63e93d.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Species: Amavarii- Amavarii come from the more central planets in the galaxy, and are naturally hairless creatures. In fact, if you examine them closely, they are scaled! This is due to the watery nature of their home planet. Amavarii have evolved more in the last hundred years than the last ten thousand, because around 80% of Amavarii are at least 25% human nowadays, since it became a trend in their culture to marry the newcomers to the intergalactic scene. Due to this, they tend to wear wigs to fit in with their human counterparts. Since the mix of Amavarii and humans is only made possible through a laboratory (their DNA is too far apart to procreate the normal way) the 80% of Amavarii who are partly human have a pinkish tint to them from the laboratory grow lights. Statisically- 80% are at least 25% human, 45% are at least half human (mostly by having two human grandparents) and if they are any less Amavarii they are not counted among the race, they are considered humans. 60% of Amavarii live in their native solar system, they are a very broad species. 85% live in their home galaxy, but a substantial amount have left even beyond the galaxy. Adelaide has one human grandparent and one human great-grandparent, on the same side. (Human married an Amavarii who's child married a human who married a full blooded Amavarii. So her father was 75% human and her mother was full blooded Amavarii.)

Personality: Ms. Maeva (it is extremely rude to address an Amavarii by their first name without permission) has a strong sense of duty, honor, and moral character. She knows right from wrong, and understands that people from different cultures have different values and you ought to be aware of the fact you can easily insult someone... She just doesn't care. Ms. Maeva isn't rude, per say, but she is completely a free spirit, who wants to roam the world. She is the intergalactic equivalent of a starving artist.


Beginning Role: A Traveller. Note: This is different than a traveler, she is a Traveller. She is an emissary sent by her government to explore other galaxies and report back after 50 years (that's like a human serving 15 years overseas in combat, same age span and distance, proportionally, they live longer and have better transportation, but it's still a really long time.) Her job is to log her days and what other worlds' and cultures' experiences are.



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If you need more people, I'm down to write one up. You guys seem to know what you're doing. 
Name: Vex (Original designation: Victor-242, though he hates being called that.)

Age: 36


Species: Cyborg

Personality: Calm and rational, though he's been known to have violent outbursts if his databases aren't cleared regularly.

He's more machine than human now, though his love of money is something that can't be reprogrammed. Though he's renowned as one of the best Bounty Hunters in the galaxy, he's been known to let targets slip away if there's an adequate amount of money left in their place. Of course he usually hunts them down later, but only if he's willing to put in the effort to do so. Most of the time, his employers are too afraid of him to reprimand him for returning empty handed.

Beginning Role: Bounty Hunter, currently on the trail of Captain Mark Fuller.
Name: Alexei Sviridov

Age: 31

Appearance: Slender and slightly shorter than your average human. He has darker skin that has turned pale from working many hours indoors and short cut black hair.

Species: Low Gravity Human (Uses special equipment on high gravity worlds)

Personality: Arrogant and contemptuous, but also rational and calculating.

Beginning Role: Computer slicer and information broker fleeing GC authorities.
Name: Thomas Rose

Species: Human (spacer)

Age: 29

Appearance: Of average height with dark brown, short cropped hair. He looks very severe and serious most of the time.

Personality: A mercenary with a strong conscience, those two parts of his life clash often, he reserves the right to cancel any job if he feels he is not acting justly. He has also made a point of not killing any targets, going to great lengths to bring them in alive.

Beginning Role: Mercenary captain of the Providence Spirit, an ageing cargo ship outfitted for work as a mercenary vessel. He has come to Gorge in search of the Rogue Prudence.
Name: Lilly (official designation AE-127)

Species: Android

Age: 2 (appears 20)

Appearance: Indistinguishable from a young human female (even going so far as to emit false life signs), she has long black hair and grey eyes. She is shorter than average height with a very skinny build as she was made to look un-threatening.


Personality: She was originally built for the Commonwealth as an espionage unit and was programmed to be calm and quick thinking. A central part of her programming is the ability to lie convincingly.

Beginning Role: She was illegally acquired by a wealthy crime lord who reprogrammed her to believe she was human and is now using her as his personal assassin/enforcer.
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Hey Michael, I'm thinking of putting together a -really- evil character, someone that might force the new crew to work together. There's a lot of animosity floating around, so I figure having a more immediate threat than the Commonwealth for them to band together against may be a good idea. I'm also doing it because I'm bored and want to write a second character. :P  
Name: Nullisar Krav

Age: Unknown, but presumably in the thousands.


He normally hides himself under an array of tattered clothing, his face covered by a long strip of cloth wrapped around his head.

Species: J'sarri, a race previously thought to be extinct. His kind was hunted like animals by the GC, due to the massive threat they posed to the galaxy.

Personality: In a word, dangerous. His species thrives on the life-force of the dead and dying, and he will use any method to ensure that he has a constant supply of nourishment, whether it be through brute displays of power, silent killings, or emotional manipulation. In short, he is not only someone not to be trusted, but someone to avoid at all costs.

Beginning Role: Hiding out on Gorge, preying on anyone unlucky enough to run into him.
Name: Blanca (Official Designation AE-00). Later named Rogue when synced with the battle cruiser the Rogue Prudence.

Species: Android

Age: 4 (appears to be in her late 20's).

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Doyle.jpg.6f60cd9511619d3e5f165fdbc9eb6b23.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16451" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Doyle.jpg.6f60cd9511619d3e5f165fdbc9eb6b23.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> She is very similar in appearance to Lilly, with exception to looking older and having blond hair.

Personality: Refer to Lilly's. She has gained a very slight heir of snobbishness because of her tenure as the ship, the Rogue Prudence. There are other parts of her personality to be explained in the rp.

Beginning Role: Avatar of the ship, the Rogue Prudence. Her reasons for being there will be revealed.

((OOC: Thanks to Evette for helping to finalize this idea with her character.



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Name: Lonnette Grace (Goes by either Grace or Lonny)

Species: Delavan (A race of blood thirsty creatures with heightened senses and reflexes that are mainly used as mercs and assassins...only half breeds are able to assume a human form) *Currently near the top of the most wanted outlaws list for mass murder and a long list of other debaucheries*

human form
Delavan form
Berserk form (Only happens when she's near death or put in a dire situation)

Age: 24

Appearance: Average height, medium build, black long hair, and her tail is always visible and ankle length in human form

Personality: flirty, fun, and easy to like, love, and get along with. Easily provoked but has good control over her Delavan transformation, but once in it her personality becomes sadistic, flirtatious, and dangerous. Her last Berserk form is alarmingly calm, silently deadly, and extremely dangerous.

Beginning Role: Outlaw town Bartender/Owner 
No problem. I'll get my brother to join and if/when things pick up we'll obviously be here and ready to go whenever :) <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf387f948_WingedFemaleDemon..jpg.c6ee8ae5a0e8cc8dddcef3862f31f4c1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18166" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf387f948_WingedFemaleDemon..jpg.c6ee8ae5a0e8cc8dddcef3862f31f4c1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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