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Fantasy Fallen Fairytales

"This is defiantly not my lucky day..." Hansel thought as he stared back at the Wolf-Woman with a cold expression.

Just as he was about to answer her question one of the dress wearing kids charged towards him. If it weren't for the wolf and the Hatter Hansel would have probably dealt with an unfair fight, after all he still only had his curved knife.

"I apologize for offending you, but a man, even a young one, shouldn't act that way, and less when a stranger confuses their attire..." Hansel faced the kid with a cold glare. "And frankly, you look a tat bit old to be holding a stuffed bear." Not even waiting for the kid's respond Hansel turned towards the Wolf-Woman. "And I am Hansel. The reason for me being here is because that mad man over there snatched my gun and I just want it back."
The direwolf at Lucia's growled as his hair stood on end; the fact that so many turned their attention to them at once unsettled it. Leaves crunched from behind them as a white direwolf came to its mother's other side and sat down calmly; this was the first direwolf. Lucia finally stopped looking at the man and glanced at Rapunzel. "Not quite sure. It used to be the home of a very old woman until she was. . .eaten. The home cycles from witches to humans alike. I usually make quite a meal out of the humans, but witches have always been bad news," she explained as she stroked the newcomer's fuzzy white ears. Then the man Lucia had been interested in earlier introduced himself as Hansel. The name seemed familiar; maybe she heard it from someone on the Path. "Which man? The one who's mother dropped him on his--I mean, that one over there?" she asked, correcting herself after a moment; she really wasn't good at talking to people. "Would you like me too--oh, nevermind. That wouldn't be polite; we're in the company of children," the Wolf-Woman sighed. The white direwolf whined sadly; it wanted to eat the crazy hatter. It wanted to eat all of them (it was the glutton of the first litter).
Bella4444 said:
Ariel nods gently and just lets the tears come out. She couldn't help it. "I miss them too...and I can't help but think it was my fault!" She said and wiped at her tears. "I thought I could be stronger...I thought I was stronger...but I wasn't and it's my fault he killed her."
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Belle let her get it out before speaking. "It wasn't your fault sweetie." she said softly "It was no one but that sea witches. She did this, when you won the deal she shouldn't have cheated, the spell should have been broken and destroyed along with that cursed witch" she said angrily. Her she took a dep breath and relaxed her voice gentle again. "It was never your fault. I don't blame you, your kingdom don't blame you and I know that if they could tell you they would tell you that they don't blame you either, because it wasn't your fault."
Ariel nods gently and looks out the window. "Of course it wasn't my fault...but I'm the only one alive...and for that I blame myself." She said to belle and then she froze. "The forest...something is wrong in the forest."

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Belle frowned and stood up "I swear today just keeps getting stranger and stranger" she mumbled and walked out the livingroom into the hall and grabbed her cloak. She handed one to Ariel "here, you might get cold" she said before walking out the castle and down the steps to the stables. "We have other horses" she said gesturing to three other horses beside Philippe as she got onto her
Ariel nods gently and puts the cloak on before grabbing a white horse. She gets onto him and steers it towards the gate. She looked around the forest infront of her and saw nothing out of the ordinary. She bit her lip. That's how things always start out. She moved her red hair from her eyes and looked at Belle.

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Hansel shrugged before turning his attention towards the dire wolves. He had only heard legends about them so he was rather shocked to see one alive and breathing.

"I bet I could sell their fur for a large quantity of money..." Hansel thought before turning his attention towards the Wolf-Woman.

"I have to agree with you. Plus, thanks to him I won't need to fight tunic-kid over there..." Hansel looked at the Hatter for a moment before facing the Wolf-Woman again. "On the other hand, I am starting to think I will have to take my gun back using force, after all a witch-hunter is nothing without his gun"
Belle Followed Ariel ad stopped beside her, "Looks normal" she said softly. Although they both new full well how appearances could be diseaving. "Should we check it out?" she asked looking at Ariel, she wondere if they should go back inside but belle had a curious side that was hard for her to ignore. it was how she met Adam after all, walking into a strange and 'empty' castle
Ariel nods. "Yes let's go check it out." She said before her horse galloped towards the candy house. She steered it in the right direction hoping Belle was following. She couldn't help but wonder if they were going to find the same amount of people or more before they left.

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Belle followed Ariel on her horse, She looked around they seemed to be heading roughly where they came from before. She realised she hadn't let Adam know that she had left and groaned, nearly face palming herself. Oh well it was to late now and she didn't want to tell ariel because she would make them turn back
Ariel looked back at Belle and saw the expression on her face. She slowed her horse down and looked concern. "Go tell Adam." She commanded lightly. "I'll wait here." She said and looked around the almost dark forest. "Hurry though." She said and jumped off the horse.

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Belle nodded and turned Philippe around and headed back to the castle. "Adam!" she called from the front, she didn't bother to enter she knew he could hear her being part beast still had uses. He ran out a moment later "yes, belle?".

"Me and ariel are going for a ride, checking out the forest. We'l be back soon but if we're not back in an hour come find us"

He nodded "is something wrong?"

She shook her head "Ariel had a bad feeling so we're checking it out. it should be fine" she smiled and waved before leaving and returning to Ariel "sorry" she smiled at her
Ariel smiled when she returned. "Of course, my dear, it's not a problem." She smiled and got back on the horse. "You ready to go?" She asked and without waiting for an answer she steered the horse and moved back in the direction of the candy house. "I have a bad feeling about this."

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(sorry I had dinner)

Belle nodded following behind her. Belle looked around at the trees as they passed, once again they were in land she wasn't very familiar with. "hmm, yeah" she said agreeing with Ariel "I told adam to come find us if we weren't home in an hour" she said still watching the trees.
Ariel nods gently and looks around. They came upon the candy house and she looked surprised. "What are you all doing?!" She asked in a bit of shock and horror.

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Elsa sits in her throne room as she creates a snowman army, and snow butlers. "Get me my drink." She says firmly. The butler bows and goes to the kitchen. She sends the army outside to guard.
The little town was quiet outside of the Tavern, no doubt everyone was turning in early out of fear their children would be next to disappear. Red made her way back to the Inn where she was staying for the night, the cold night air whipped her long red cape behind her and she shivered, wishing she could have followed a rumor towards the beach for once. When she entered the Inn she stood in the lobby for a few moments letting the warmth from the fire near the check-in desk warm her bones before nodding to the wary innkeeper, and moving on to her room.

Red was exhausted, her muscles yelled at her to lay in the warm bed and rest for a few hours, but there was no time for sleep. She immediately went to the table and cleared away the empty cups and small plate of fruit and bread to make room for her maps, and notes she'd been taking from the moment she'd arrived in town and under the table in the tavern. Her honey eyes glazed over her scribbled parchment, careful not to smudge the charcoal she'd hastily written with and smirked to herself.

"Okay, miss witch, where are you hiding out then?" She mumbled to herself and stood up, quickly making her way back outside and into the night. She made her way quickly out of the town and into the woods, letting the sweet sounds of the woods calm her as she tuned her ears to listen. A small guttural growl escaped her lips and with it a feeling of disgust mixed with pleasure. Her body wanted her to transform and run free and hunt but she would never allow such a thing. She was cursed, but she had to admit her abilities came in handy so at the same time, gifted.

She blinked and saw the darkness from her wolf eyes, feeling a sense of relief and hint of safety from being able to see better in the dark, even if it wasn't as good as other animals sight, it was much better than a humans. She ran through the woods, following her hearing, smell and sight, hunting for mostly the sweet smell of a candy house, that would indicate a child-eating witch. but instead she was brought to a regular looking log cabin, surrounded by different types of herbs and deadly flowers. She frowned and looked towards the windows, there was no fire, nothing to tell her that someone was inside. This was no child-eating witches dwelling. She walked up to the door and gently cracked it open. When nothing but a cool silent breeze hit her face, she let it open all the way and was welcomed into a dark home. As she entered the cabin she looked around and saw books, piled, a seemingly untouched bed, more poisonous flowers in pots inside, exotic looking fish and albino frogs in clear bowls. All across the floor she saw rose petals and twisted branches grew from the floorboards to hold candles and books that were written in languages she couldn't read, and the more she saw, the more her stomach twisted and sank because she knew she wasn't dealing with a child-eating witch, this was the camp of a dark fairy.

What would a fairy want with human children?
Peter glared angrily at Hansel. He didn't like this guy. He was rude and had insulted peter multiple times. He was snarky and rude.

"How dare you! Too old for my teddy! Who do you think you are telling Peter Pan he's too old!" Peter sheathed his dagger and got up in Hansel's face. He backhanded Hansel across the face with his knuckles with almost all his force.

"Peter Pan never gets old...He stays a young by forever unlike you. You're a grown up! Grown ups are cruel! They are evil! They're the reason the world has so many problems!"

Peter turned angrily and started walking away. He turned to Hansel and spit at his feet.

"I wouldn't fight you either...you're not worth my time. I've killed a whole crew of pirates with my bare hands and left their Captain with a hook for a hand. You will know the true power of The Pan!" Peter shouted.

He cracked his neck and took a deep breath. He closed his eyes and when he opened them they were pure white. His pupils where gone. His shadow grew very large and took the form of a dark fog around him. He pushed this dark energy in Hansel's direction, knocking him back and into a nearby tree.
The barkeep was still smiling and watching her as she gathered her things and made the way up to the counter, his eyes blinking back to a muddy brown. "What do you want?" She snapped out, stopping in front of him, her hand fully gripping the blade at her waist. "It's not enough that she owns me, she has to have me followed as well?"

Aurora had always called the dark fairy a 'she', but truthfully, the sex of the creature was sometimes impossible to tell. It was pale with delicate features, but the bone structure was off-sharp and almost masculine cheeks with elongated appendages and incisors-ugly and cruel, yet beautiful. The creature called itself Maleficent, though if that was it's real name or if it had stolen it from someone, she didn't know.

"There's an old log cabin deep in the woods outside of town. Mal said to wait there until she returns." The man said, voice deep and informative.

"Why on God's green earth would I do that?" Meet her? The dark fairy had never requested that before.

"If you don't, she'll just keep killing all the children in the village until there's none left." He shrugged and leaned across the counter towards her. She wrinkled her nose as she was accosted by the strong scent of sulfur. "She doesn't need all of them, but lordy she'd have fun wasting the ones she doesn't use. Is that what you want?"

Aurora considered just the ditching town and leaving them to their own fate a lot longer than she should have. What did she care about the lives of those she didn't know? Then she remembered that she actually liked children and their innocence. She used to be like that, once upon a dream. "Fine. How far out is this cabin, then?" Maybe this would be her chance to break her deal. If she somehow got the drop on the dark fairy and killed her, not only would the children of the town be saved, but her own soul as well.


An owl hooted and chirped in the distance and she had both of her long blades out in her hands. It was steadily getting colder as she walked, tugging her blue, velvet cloak tighter around herself as her booted feet made tracks through the muddied woods. Larger animals moved through the surrounding foliage, but they didn't bother her and she was grateful. It was too cold to fight out here. She'd already been walking for at least an hour, now and was sure she was lost when she finally saw a structure up ahead in the trees. Finally. Normally, she had a terrible sense of direction, so it was a miracle to have found this place.

No light shown through the windows, the air turning colder the closer she got and there was the smell of herbs and smoke lingering. Great, how long would the dark fairy make her wait in this cold barren cabin?

Aurora walked quickly up the porch steps, the old stairs creaking beneath her feet. She reached the top and was just about to enter the cabin when she noticed the door was already open. And someone stood inside in the dark, a red cloak standing out as her eyes adjusted. Who the-? Maleficent. It had to be, who else would be out here?

Without giving herself time to rethink it, she raised her blades and rushed the figure with a low yell in her throat.
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"I don't understand... Fairies didn't each children, at least not any that I know of." She mumbled, only loud enough for herself to hear. She was ready to leave the cabin, ready to rush back to the Tavern and warn the man to leave town, just pack up and leave cause this went way beyond a hungry witch, dark fairies were nothing to mess with.


Red froze, her ears twitched and in an instant her claws were out, ready to strike at whatever was behind her. Then suddenly a low yell and the sound of feet pounding across the floor and Red knew it couldn't be the dark fairy that dwelled there. Red spun on her heels and caught sight of golden hair and wild eyes, oh and who could miss two huge blades raised high and ready to strike coming right at her. With a gasp before gritted teeth, Red rose her claws defensively and swiped out, knocking the girls arms to the side, hoping that her momentum would take her farther and have her lose balance.

"Calm yourself!" She barked, her voice coming out deeper and more wolf-like than she meant as she backed out of the cabin and let her hands relax back into her delicate human ones. She waited outside of the small space in the dark for the young woman to reply or launch herself at her again.

As Hansel smashed onto the tree he proceeded to clench his mouth due to the pain. He felt a wound forming on the back of his head, leaving him disorientated for a couple of seconds. As soon as he was back to his normal self Hansel quickly climbed the tree and reached it's crown. He wasn't in the mood of fighting...Specially if he didn't have his gun. From the tree's crown he was able to locate a castle on the distance. Most normal people would have probably not noticed it, but thanks to Hansel's enchanted sight he didn't have a problem spotting it. The trees surrounding the castle looked...frozen.

Hansel touched the back of his head just to feel the warm blood slowly dripping off the wound. "I can't be picky right now...If I fight the kid I would probably even lose...I should retreat for now." He thought before glancing down and staring at the group. "People like them usually stand out in a crowd...I will see them again..." Hansel took some extra time to memorize the Hatter's face before jumping from crown to crown, heading towards the seemingly frozen castle.​
Aurora caught herself, hands smacking the floor before she scrambled back to her feet. Then she hesitated, thrown by the reeling knowledge that this was definitely not Maleficent. The girl in front of her was beautiful and wild, her hair spilling out along the edges of her red hood and her eyes reflecting aggression even as she shouted for peace-even though those sharp fingernails hadn't hurt her. She put her blades up defensively but didn't move to attack again, her hands shaking after being disarmed so fast the first time, and crept slowly towards the open door.

"Who are you?" She asked quietly into the night, blowing a stray hair out of her face. "What are you doing at this place? Are you another one of the dark fairy's pawns?" She was pretty sure of the answer to this last question, but she'd seen the dangerous things the dark fairy had sent after her before and this girl was indeed dangerous.
It was quiet within the few moments between the time Red had backed out of the cabin and the new woman spoke. In the moonlight, Red got a better look at the stranger and could see more clearly the long golden curls that haloed a beautiful but troubled face. She seemned familiar, as if she'd been told a story about her as a child, but it didn't click immediately that she was the cursed princess from the Kingdom she had grown up not too far from.

Even though Red was now pretty sure they were now safe in each other's company, Red wasn't yet ready to drop the defensive. "Well, hold on, you don't get to charge me with shining blades and ask the questions first! Who are you? What are you doing at this place?" She placed her hands on her hips in an offensive stance, but in a glimmering moment of guilt for coming off a little brass she slumped her shoulders slightly and quipped an eyebrow.

"And no... I'm not a pawn for anyone, especially any dark fairy." The title rolled off her tongue with disgust and her hot breath created a cloud in front of her that reminded her just how cold it was in these woods.
Her body loosened some when she heard this. Even after everything she somehow believed this girl, because while she did still look fierce, a begrudging honesty shone through her as well.

She lowered her blades, but did not put them away-the dark fairy was still coming at some point, surely and she had to be ready. "Very well." She said, "I believe you. Sorry about attacking but I thought you were someone else." And with that out of the way, she went back into the cabin with the plan to light some candles and maybe start a lovely fire while she waited, purposefully not giving answering any of the questions asked of her. What could she say? I'm meeting with the dark fairy because she owns my soul, how do you do?
Red nodded as the woman lowered her blades. Red also took a mental note on how she didn't answer any of her questions before turning back into the cabin. She sighed and followed the young woman into the cold darkness that was the dark fairies temporary dwelling.

"You thought I was the Dark Fairy who is staying here. " She stated and wrinkled here nose in distaste as she gave the little space another once over. "What makes you think the fairy will return?" She said, swiping her finger across an old book, bringing thick dust with it. This was obviously a temporary dwelling for the creature, most fairies, dark or regular, usually didn't care to stray too far away from their siblings within the secret passages and places that fairies lived. Unless, this one was exiled from the rest. Red had only read about a few fairies that had gone so dark the others wanted nothing more to do with them.

Red watched as the girl went about planning to start a fire in the cabin. This made feel a bit nervous, she didn't know what kind of magic these objects in here held if they were to be activated. She felt her stomach tighten and she cleared her throat to keep herself from seeming too jumpy. "Perhaps the Dark Fairy has already moved on, if anything we should just set fire to the whole cabin and leave it to burn." She said, wiping the dust from the book onto her dress.

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