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  1. KillParis

    ѕℓєєρу нσℓℓσω [Inactive]

    This role play has been marked "inactive". Inactive role plays are defined as "role plays showing 0 activity within a 30 day period". Please contact an @Rp Moderator if you feel this was a mistake or if you would like to have your role play reactivated. Thank you for your participation...
  2. KillParis

    ѕℓєєρу нσℓℓσω [Inactive]

    Arist seemed reluctant, she didn't run, but as she was pushed back towards the wall she pinned her ears and hurried through the tunnel. She wasn't sued to running but, seemed these wolves were, so she would follow for now.
  3. KillParis

    ѕℓєєρу нσℓℓσω [Inactive]

    Arist's head swung back, what? Everything started happening too fast, first there was the thunder, then the lighting, something screeched. A sudden wall came up out of nowhere made of vines and Tobais had said something, then Una yelled but Arist wasn't sure what either of them had said. She was...
  4. KillParis

    ѕℓєєρу нσℓℓσω [Inactive]

    Arist finally paced herself as she halted to a stop. They were now located in a highly forested area, highly as in it was difficult to walk around without almost walking into a tree, but with Arist's slim for she found no problem. Her ears flicked now and then before she decided that here was a...
  5. KillParis

    ѕℓєєρу нσℓℓσω [Inactive]

    Arist didn't look where she was going but she knew where ever it was it had to be far from their current location. She occasionally glanced behind her to make sure everyone was keeping up.
  6. KillParis

    ѕℓєєρу нσℓℓσω [Inactive]

    Now that they were all on board Arist starting racing off, Ace yelped "Aristocrat!" He said, rushing off after her.
  7. KillParis

    ѕℓєєρу нσℓℓσω [Inactive]

    "Heard?" Ace questioned aloud "No more waiting!" Arist said, hurrying on she started to leave, Ace seemed to panic a little "Arist!" he whined, trotting ahead a little "We should get moving." He said, looking back at the siblings and Aeris.
  8. KillParis

    ѕℓєєρу нσℓℓσω [Inactive]

    If you mean how to insert your character, you could start them off somewhere then they find our party, could that work, Wings?) Ace nodded "Nightmares..It would seem you haven't seen them, lucky you. They're attracted to sounds and scents...Mostly sounds." He explained to Aeris, then turned to...
  9. KillParis

    ѕℓєєρу нσℓℓσω

    Sorry I wasn't on yesterday, busy, and accepted. On the other hand, sure, Thunder you can change Una's looks.
  10. KillParis

    ѕℓєєρу нσℓℓσω [Inactive]

    "Correct." Arist said quickly and bluntly, Ace nodded along with her "They are attracted to sounds, moving is the next best option. If you want to stay that's fine but Arist will rip my ears off if I do the same." He said, Arist headbutted his shoulder-blade "Shut it."
  11. KillParis

    ѕℓєєρу нσℓℓσω [Inactive]

    "Like Arist....But...Not." Ace muttered, fire and ice..Sorta, Ace made the connection "Arist!" He called looking back, the fae had her ears flat and was throwing her head around "Ace! How long are you going to dilly-dally?" She said, she'd always been the paranoid type "Would you come look at...
  12. KillParis

    ѕℓєєρу нσℓℓσω [Inactive]

    Arist cocked her head and looked up...Snowing. It was snowing. Oh not the cold. Arist huffed and joined Ace at his side "There sure are a lot of you." She muttered under her breath, Ace on the other hand noticed the new wolf and headed over to her, leaving Arist with Tobias and Una "Hello!" He...
  13. KillParis

    ѕℓєєρу нσℓℓσω [Inactive]

    Arist flicked her ears, looking back, another wolf? This was not good, the more wolves there was the more noise there would be and the more noise then the easier of a time nightmares would have finding them. She needed to get them all moving but Ace was having a nice chat and she couldn't seem...
  14. KillParis

    Well, got my first RP up and running. Think that'll be all for tonight.

    Well, got my first RP up and running. Think that'll be all for tonight.
  15. KillParis

    ѕℓєєρу нσℓℓσω [Inactive]

    .7. I'll be looking forward to it!
  16. KillParis

    ѕℓєєρу нσℓℓσω [Inactive]

    The two wolves exchanged glances before rushing off after Tobias "Think it was a nightmare?" Ace asked, tongue hanging out to the side as he ran, it felt good to stretch his muscles "Maybe, put your tongue back in, you look like a frog." Arist snorted, they both skidded to a halt, seeing the...
  17. KillParis

    ѕℓєєρу нσℓℓσω [Inactive]

    Ace jumped in front of Arist when Tobias appeared 'suddenly', it was a reflex of his. He froze, waiting for Tobias to finish what he was saying before he eased, he wasn't a threat...That was good, but he still wasn't moving "I'm Ace, this is my friend Aristocrat." He tipped his head to the...
  18. KillParis

    ѕℓєєρу нσℓℓσω [Inactive]

    "Home dirt is the best dirt, oh yes it is~" Ace sang, making Arist flatten her ears to the point where they couldn't go down any further "Stop singing, honestly, boys were not meant to sing." She stated bluntly, Ace only chuckled "Hey now, I'm sure some brute out there has the voice of an...
  19. KillParis

    ѕℓєєρу нσℓℓσω [Inactive]

    Ace hurried along, Arist trotting behind him "Do the dead always...I don't know...Pop into your head like this?" She asked, trying to keep up with her companion, who's pace was increasing by the minute "Yes...No..Sort of. They talk to me all the time but I only listen when they get loud and they...
  20. KillParis

    ѕℓєєρу нσℓℓσω [Inactive]

    Aristocrat stopped, looking up..W...Was it starting to snow? Oh no. Oh she hated the cold. She was a being of heat not frost "A-ri-st. How long are you going to trot around aimlessly till you admit we're lost? At this rate a nightmare will find us." Arist blinked, nightmares..Shadow...