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Sorry I wasn't on yesterday, busy, and accepted. On the other hand, sure, Thunder you can change Una's looks.



Appearance: Before having his powers kick in, Dusty appeared as a normal wolf with a mainly silverish coat. His fur was thick and shaggy (and he would later still have thick fur, but only be skinner); he wore a black collar around his neck. Over the course of a few days, his color-changing ability peaked out, causing his coloring to shift unnaturally. Before the humans could realize what was going on, Dusty was set free into the wild and left to fend for himself, allowing him to no longer stress about trying to keep his powers in check. Now he can (sort of) change his color at will.

Name: Dusty


Dusty was born and raised in human captivity. He had come from two quite unusual wolves that were taken in by a team of scientists to be studied (whether or not the wolves had powers was unknown). Oddly enough, Dusty was the only pup to have been conceived. He was later taken in by an animal care group, seeing that (at first) Dusty possessed no unnatural talents that the scientists were looking for.

The young wolf pup was mixed in with a litter of wolfdogs. Dusty had come to believe that they were his brothers and sisters over time. The humans had raised him to be tame and become a friend to all the humans that came to play at the center. Dusty was particularly fond of the children that came to "play with the wild K9's" (name of the program). He enjoyed their little screams of joy and their young, soft hands that stroked his fur.

But Dusty was a wolf. He could never be as obedient as the other wolf dogs. The wolf was merely a year old when many of the people begun to debate whether or not Dusty could stay at the center. It was at that time that his powers broke out of its shell. One day, Dusty was lying in the sun when everyone noticed that his fur was turning paler and paler. He looked like a bundle of snow on a hot summer's day. The staff explained to the curious children that it was only the effect of the lighting. The day had dragged on into the night. By then, the kids had to leave. Dusty's pale white coat started to blend in with the darkness, catching the eye of several of the workers. Many of them were confused, but they only passed it off as the "lighting".

Over the course of several days, Dusty's coloring had shifted to several unnatural colors. The humans could not explain what was going on. Many of the toys that the wolfdogs played with had also changed color. They were going to ask a team of scientists to study this odd occurrence, but it was already too late. It was decided that Dusty be freed and left to live in the wild (due to the one incident involving one of the children and wolfdogs). In order to keep the wolf safe from hunters, the humans made sure to carry him off to a "far away land".

Dusty had woken up to the sounds of singing birds. He did not understand what exactly was going on, but he did notice one thing. His fur was pale white and the grass around him was dyed in many different colors. Dusty found his way over to a pool of water to have a drink. As he stepped into the water, the colors of the rainbow spread out from his feet and stained the water. Nonetheless, it didn't affect the taste.

With his natural wolf instincts (this is already such a cheesy story), he had survived for quite a few months as a lone wolf. Dusty found shelter in a place he would soon know as Sleepy Hollow.

Personality: Much like a natural wolf, Dusty is intelligent and one who knows how to think his way out of a situation. Though, he may not seem very wise given his much more laid back and playful personality. Having been raised in the company of humans, children, and wolfdogs, he is for the most part very friendly and not so quick to turn toward violence. He is very easily impressed and fascinated by nature, color, and other creatures. Even though he is used to having his plate of food handed to him, Dusty knows to hunt (not really, making it seem like he's always hungry).

Crush: N/A, as he has not met with many other wolfs.

Mate: Nope.

Pups: Nah.

Age: 1 1/2 years

Powers: Dusty has little control over his "color-changing" powers. Sometimes the color of his fur, eyes, flesh, etc. can shift depending on his mood. He can also manipulate the color of his environment, for example, being able to turn the grass in his area purple. However, he has yet to master his ability. How useful really is this power?

It should also be noted that Dusty sees more colors than the average wolf/dog.

Other: I kinda rushed typing this, so forgive me for my spelling mistakes and whatnot. I don't want to miss out on any more roleplaying (if I'm accepted, of course). Hopefully I can actually roleplay on this site for once (every roleplay I join kinda dies...).


Palis (pronounced pah-liss), short for Palistine


Palis was born to rogue parents, who had been exiled from their pack originally because they broke some crucial law. Palis never had any friends, and was taught how to fight at a very young age. Once she grew a bit older, and realized the wrong-doings of her parents, Palis left them and fled deep into the forest where she survived solely on small game by herself. Once, while hunting, she was almost caught by poachers. However, she escaped, but only with a wound; a slash across her muzzle.


Palis is a very guarded wolf. She can seem rather cold at first glance, but, in truth, she's extremely kind and caring of those around her. She is very quiet, and doesn't discuss her past with others. She does not warm to others easily, but, even so, she holds high respect for those of higher rank.








1 year


Telekinesis, Telepathy



Serub (pronounced sair-ub), short for Serubul


Serub was born right outside Sleepy Hollow, in a wild life reserve. However, when he was still but a pup, his mother and he were chased from the reserve by some creature Serub has yet to recognize in the wild, and his father was left to fight it. He never saw his father again. His mother raised him in a pack, and it was in this pack that he learned discipline and respect for his elders. At one time, he had a crush on a she-wolf, but she died due to starvation before Serub ever admitted his feelings. Because of this, he felt guilty for some time and secluded himself. However, he seemed to have pulled himself together, while he only hides his guilt behind a smile.


Serub is, at first, a happy, entertaining wolf. He's very open and friendly and doesn't really stress about anything. But, every now and then, when his guilt takes over him, he secludes himself for a while, hiding away so no one will see his pain. Once this short episode is over, Serub is back to his "normal" self.








2 1/2 years


He's an elemental wolf, who controls the four main elements; fire, water, wind, and earth.

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