Search results for query: *

  1. Southworth

    Outlaw Planet [Inactive]

    South was enjoying the strange turn of events. "Alright then..." he turned to Dirge. "The more the merrier! Its been some time since I've had any company on the road. What say you Dirge?" Sent from my Motorola RAZR MAXX using Tapatalk
  2. Southworth

    Outlaw Planet [Inactive]

    "You are something else." South began scrolling through the information supplied for the bounty, looking for their last known whereabouts. (Was hoping another outlaw may be up for being the high profile in the first tech cube.) Sent from my Motorola RAZR MAXX using Tapatalk
  3. Southworth

    Outlaw Planet [Inactive]

    South looked at dirge and gave a grin before raising his glass to his lips. "Potent stuff." Sent from my Motorola RAZR MAXX using Tapatalk
  4. Southworth

    Outlaw Planet [Inactive]

    South walked hurriedly to the bar almost as if gliding on ice. Sitting next to dirge he pulled out first his bottle of whiskey and then a Tech cube(similar to a flash drive). He called for multiple glasses from the bartender and then turned to dirge holding the cube out to him. "I've got a few...
  5. Southworth

    Outlaw Planet [Inactive]

    South smiled and rolled up his things. "Wait, I do have something to offer you!" He ran towards Dirge and started walking next to the man. "Listen, if you want some excitement and a chance to make some money while were at it I have a hell of an opportunity for you." Not sure if the man was...
  6. Southworth

    Outlaw Planet [Inactive]

    While being hauled out of the bar Souths mind was racing, not sure whether to feel relieved or not he put up no resistance. Making sure to give his former captor a quick wink before being scurried through the exit. Coming back to the matter at hand once his kidnapper had let him go, South stood...
  7. Southworth

    Outlaw Planet [Inactive]

    South stopped abruptly raising his hands to the air. He hadn't pinned the woman as an immediate threat but the fact that Igor was backing her up made him worry, even if he could manage to dodge her first bullet he doubted he would be able to get around her partner in such a tight space. Not to...
  8. Southworth

    Outlaw Planet [Inactive]

    After having ordered his fair share of drinks south walked over to the bar to pay his tab before making his exit. A quick nudge and a swipe from a fellow drunkard left him a few dollars richer and his tab payed. The remainder of the cash being used to buy another round for the rest of the bar. A...
  9. Southworth

    Outlaw Planet [Inactive]

    Head down and eyes heavy from his latest bender, a swift kick to the bar room door to open goes unsuccessful. South looks quizzically at his failed attempt and then proceeds to smile and gently pull the door "towards" him to enter. Walking to the closest open table he proceeds to plop down and...
  10. Southworth

    Outlaw Planet

    Name: South Age: 22 Gender: M Group: Outlaw Skills: Would be considered average in all physical and mental feats, nothing special there. Can usually get a free drink or two with your basic card tricks. Sleight of hand and pickpocketing. Resilient to most toxins and has an eye for making...