Outlaw Planet [Inactive]


Filthy Casual
Thesmashbro submitted a new role play:

Outlaw Planet - A western set in the distant future full of outlaws and bounty hunters.

A group of humans left Earth to find a new planet to populate. The ship was run by a computer and the humans were put in suspended animation in case it took longer than they thought. The ship was caught in a nebula near a desert planet and hit an asteroid, causing it to crash on the planet. The computer was able prevent the ship from becoming completely destroyed and landed it safely, but had to shut itself down to break the suspended animation. Now the humans had to start over and build a new...
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Klefa tiredly walked into a bar in Kidota city. The place was crowded, but there were still a few empty tables and seats left. She slumped down at one of the seats at the counter and soon after the bartender showed up. "I'm sorry, we don't serve kids here." The bartender said. Klefa looked the bartender dead in the eye and said, "I'll have you know that I'm 18, so that technically makes me an adult." The bartender looked at her in disbelief. "Really? You're a bit short for an adult." That statement obviously made Klefa angry, but she calmed down and said, "Whatever. I just need something to drink." "Alright. One glass of milk coming up." Klefa slammed her fist onto the counter. "Milk is for babies! Give me something else!" "Maybe if you drank more milk, you would be bigger." "What was that?!" "One glass of water coming up." The bartender left Klefa to get her some water. He didn't care how old she said she was; he wasn't going to give her alcohol.
Listening to the conversation nearby, Dirge watched the small girl and the bartender argue about something related to milk, before handing her a glass of water. Dirge decides to step in and settle the debate of her age himself. Who knows, something interesting might happen for getting involved. The girl just seems to give off a interesting feeling around her somehow. With that in mind, Dirge gets up from his seat and starts walking toward the duo.

"Hey, bartender, why don't we figure this little problem out with a drinking game? If you can hold your own liquor against the little lady here, I'll pay for all the drinks you guys have while paying for the drinks you'll give to everyone else in this bar as a token of appreciation for them. Also, you can have me and the girl here arrested for underage drinking. But if you lose the game from her, it'll be the opposite and you'll pay for everything. So what do you say? Deal or no deal?" Dirge asked the bartender, giving a secret thumbs up under the counter to the little girl next to him, hoping she gets the message. He wants to see if she got the guts to do it or not.
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Klefa jumped a bit in surprise when someone approached them. She didn't know anyone was listening to them. She tilted her head down to avoid eye contact. "...Water's fine." She said quietly, "I don't drink." "Just as well; I can't tend the bar drunk." the bartender replied before tending to other people. Klefa just drank her water, hoping that the man would leave her alone.

(BTW, I'm relinquishing control of the bartender NPC. You can control him as long as you don't make him go too out-of-character)
"Oh, I thought you guys would actually have the guts to do it. Oh well." Dirge said in a disappointed voice, hoping that both of them would have agreed to his challenge. No one like challenges in this city much, from what he can tell so far. "So what's your name little one? Never seen you in the bar before. Are you new here?" Dirge asked the small stranger, while taking a seat right next to her.
Ivan and Vanessa walked into the Kidota city bar. Ivan took the empty stool beside Dirge; the burly Russian dwarfed both Klefa and him. "Bartender, I want your strongest beer and an iced tea for my partner," he bellowed, pointing at Vanessa, who sat down at the poker table. The bartender nodded before pouring and dilivering the drinks.
"I'm not little." Klefa said in a pouting voice before Ivan sat down next to them, dwarfing both of them. "...Okay, I'm little. What does that have to do with anything?" She really hoped that the man would just leave her alone, but at the same time she didn't want to make a fuss about it. She already made a little commotion and didn't want any more attention.
"Well, let's just say you have quite a interesting feeling around you, something even I'm impressed with. Not easy for people to gain my attention, unless they're looking for me of course." Dirge said confidently, quite happy with the conversation he was having with her. He then looks at the huge man sitting next to him, noticing that he had a robotic steel hand. He hasn't seen one of those in a while. "Hey, nice hand you got there. Did you get that from Machinto town?" Dirge asked nicely, hoping to gain the huge man's attention. Lots of interesting people are coming into this bar today, it seems.
Ivan chugged down his beer and slamed the empty glass on the table. "My comrade and I had a run in with the Butcher," he started to reply. "He chopped my arm off, but with this arm my punch is even stronger. You should have seen the look on his face before I punched his brains out" He chuckled a little to himself. "The scumbag had it coming."
klefa slumped even lower in her chair when the man said that she got his attention and how hard it was to do that unintentionally. Why did she have to get all the attention? She never liked attention. When the spotlight's on her, she'll most likely mess everything up. She was a bit relieved when the man started conversing with the big guy that sat next to them. She took the opportunity to put some money on the counter for the water and left to take a seat at one of the tables.
"Wow, didn't expect that type of story..." Dirge replied back surprised, interested by what the man said. He remembered hearing about this "Butcher" a while back, who was known to hack his victims to death with a rusty blade of his with no mercy. Then after his death, there were rumors circulating around the bars about how a bounty hunter duo defeated the psychopath with one punch in the face, making his head burst. Dirge looked at the man, knowing that if he wasn't careful, even his armor wouldn't fully protect him from a punch like that. Scary...

Then Dirge looks behind him, seeing that the girl disappeared from nowhere. After trying to find her from his seat, he couldn't see her at all and gave up on her for now. He'll probably meet up with her again soon, since she'll have to leave the bar sooner or later. Then he turns back at the man's partner, who was simply drinking her iced tea. "Nice to me you, names Dirge. You?" Dirge then raised his hand to her to shake her hand.
"Vanessa," Ivan's partner replied, her Austrailian accent was easily noticeable. She shook Dirge's hand. "You already met Ivan." She turned her attention to her poker game and pushed her yellow sunglasses further up her nose bridge as she looked over her hand. She glanced up toward Klefa. It seemed like she didn't want any attention, so Vanessa turned her attention back at the game.

"Another round, bartender," Ivan said heartily. Once his glass with refilled, Ivan started to drink his beer down but slower than before.
Head down and eyes heavy from his latest bender, a swift kick to the bar room door to open goes unsuccessful. South looks quizzically at his failed attempt and then proceeds to smile and gently pull the door "towards" him to enter. Walking to the closest open table he proceeds to plop down and lift his pale face to take a gander at the seemingly odd crowd of ladies and gents already there. The behemoth of the man brandishing a robotic arm catching his attention. Quickly looking back to his own business, South pulls out a giant bottle of whiskey uncorks it and takes a quick swig. Not much but enough to turn his seemingly forced smile genuine and cheerful.
After sitting down at the table for a few minutes, Klefa remembered why she came here. In the bar was a wall full of wanted posters. As a new bounty hunter, she wanted to get her first bounty. She walked up to the wall of bounties and looked for an outlaw that didn't have a very high price of their head.

(So, anyone want to volunteer their outlaw or should I just make a one-shot character?)
After having ordered his fair share of drinks south walked over to the bar to pay his tab before making his exit. A quick nudge and a swipe from a fellow drunkard left him a few dollars richer and his tab payed. The remainder of the cash being used to buy another round for the rest of the bar. A decision almost immediately regretted as he looked up and saw his face plastered on a nearby bounty board. Sliding into the bathroom he thought to himself. "Looks like my old boss wants to keep me on the run but doesn't want the whole world knowing some low life scum like myself made off with their goodies....hmmph like I'd be running around burning churches in the first place... well, maybe after a few too many tips of the bottle." After a quick stim shot for enhanced speed and adrenaline south stepped out from the stall with a cheeky smile on to make his escape.

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"Hmm, that guy looks familiar. Where did I see that face before?" Dirge said suspiciously as he saw the drunkard go out of the bathroom, looking like he just revived himself from his hangover. Before deducting whether or not he should confront the man, he sees the little girl looking at the wanted posters in the bar and walks next to her to see who she was looking to hunt down. "So, your a bounty hunter I suppose?" Dirge said to her as he was looking at the papers himself. So many people that are wanted it seems...
Vanessa took a quick glance at the wanted posters. Both Ivan and herself would want to hunt down an outlaw after their down time. She noticed South and lowered her yellow sunglasses. She looked him over before looking at the posters. Most people would glance back and forth between the two, but she kept her mind sharp and her eyes keen; she is a sniper after all. "Hold up there mate," she said to South as she held up her pistol at him. "I have only two options, I can take you in dead or alive. It's only business, but I'd prefer alive, but if you try anything funny, anything life threatening to others, I will shoot something vital." Vanessa's polite warning to South caught Ivan's attention. He cracked his knuckles as he walked over to his comrade; it was too risky to use his mini-gun inside the bar.
South stopped abruptly raising his hands to the air. He hadn't pinned the woman as an immediate threat but the fact that Igor was backing her up made him worry, even if he could manage to dodge her first bullet he doubted he would be able to get around her partner in such a tight space. Not to mention the two already eyeballing the wanted poster. South answered the woman still smiling. "I would prefer alive mam' but maybe a third option is available, surely bounty hunters of your stature would be open to a better deal than what that bounty is offering, your bullet is likely worth more than your reciprocation and I assure you it could find a better resting place than inside my worthless corpse." South nodded to the bounty poster offering a measly sum. "And you can lower your damned gun I'm of no threat to you, all I have on me is this piece of shit pistol that doesn't even fire. You can come frisk me for it if you'd like." South eyed the girl up and down. He realized his mistake in doing so and quickly retracted "Or... Igor err i mean... your buddy can come get it, or shit.... I'll lay it down on the table, just don't shoot me just yet..... please."
Hearing what the drunkard said to the two bounty hunters, Dirge looks at the wanted man with amused eyes as he surrendered himself already. "Hmm, this might be a great investment if I play my cards right..." Dirge thought as he approaches the trio with a gun pointed at the wanted. "I've been hunting this man for weeks you two. Thank you for holding the man down for me." Dirge lied as he grabbed the drunkard's sholuder. "Really appreciate it. Now BYE!" The mercenary then drags the man out of the bar quickly and starts running toward a nearby alleyway. After hiding themselves in the shadows, Dirge let go of the man's shoulder before raising his hand to the outlaw. "The name is Dirge. Now were you telling the truth to those two about a higher paying job if they let you free?" Dirge asked with anticipation, hoping the outlaw was telling the truth. It's been a while since he got a job that sounded that good to do...
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Vanessa flicked her gun hand's wrist toward the table to signal South to put his gun on the table. "Then don't give me a reason to shoot you," she said calmly, before Dirge took their "friend" out of the bar. Ivan let out a growl and was about to chase after them when Vanessa stopped him. "Let 'em go. He's a small fry in a big sea anyway." She put her gun away and finished off her ice tea. Ivan walked over to the wanted posters; he unintentionally dwarfed Klefa.
While being hauled out of the bar Souths mind was racing, not sure whether to feel relieved or not he put up no resistance. Making sure to give his former captor a quick wink before being scurried through the exit. Coming back to the matter at hand once his kidnapper had let him go, South stood there frozen his smile all but gone. The suit of armor and gadgety gizmos this guy was wearing was not at all what you would expect to see around here. He was almost certain that anyone with this type of techno garb was not looking for the man listed on the bounty board but really was telling the truth about having been hunting him for over two weeks. That this man knew him for what he was actually in deep shit for. He opened his mouth and asked a simple question but South really wasn't sure how to answer it. He needed time. Using a different name than what was on the bounty board, (Jeremy Ritter) and definitely not using the name South, he introduced himself. "The name's North, and it is very very nice to meet you Dirge." Souths seemingly genuine smile was coming back. "I won't lie to you, my third option was always escape but it didn't originally involve you. Now that it does I would like to extend my gratitude in the only way I know how. My service as a humble merchant, free of charge of course. These stims are top of the line and can aid in almost any scenario. " South pulled out a neatly rolled pack and let Dirge take a peak. while there was no way to trace where these stims came from Dirges answer was going to be the deciding factor as to whether or not it was time to run or not, south was peaking from the adrenaline shot and now would be as good of time as any if Dirge really was a payed mercenary from machintos triples S stimulant cartel.
"Umm, this was not what I expected..." Dirge said to North(?) as he looked at the drugs in front of him. "Dude, I don't want to buy drugs from you. I only saved you because I thought you had a job to offer to me." Dirge then stands up, ready to leave the outlaw alone with his drugs.He looks at the bounty paper of South before tossing it to the man. "Look, I lied about hunting you down for the opportunity of a job, but it seems I was mistaken. If you want to seriously hire me though, I'll be in that same bar if you need me." Dirge started walking toward the bar he was in before, leaving the outlaw alone at the alleyway.

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South smiled and rolled up his things. "Wait, I do have something to offer you!" He ran towards Dirge and started walking next to the man. "Listen, if you want some excitement and a chance to make some money while were at it I have a hell of an opportunity for you." Not sure if the man was still interested he decided to come clean. "My name's not really north it's South. I just had to make sure you weren't really hired to...pew pew...shoot me ya know. That someone matching my description selling stims of that nature didn't ring any bells."
"Oh, that's pretty understandable. Well you don't need to worry about that from me." As Dirge said that, he goes back into the bar and sits right next to Ivan before looking at South. "Come and have a seat next to me South. I'm interested in this job of yours."
South walked hurriedly to the bar almost as if gliding on ice. Sitting next to dirge he pulled out first his bottle of whiskey and then a Tech cube(similar to a flash drive). He called for multiple glasses from the bartender and then turned to dirge holding the cube out to him. "I've got a few of these and each of em' have info regarding bountys that aren't even listed for the general public. Too high profile ya know?" The bartender arrived with 2 glasses and south uncorked his bottle. "Only problem is these doo-dads are encrypted." He began to pour one double shot for himself. Then poured another sliding it past dirge towards Ivan.

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