Outlaw Planet [Inactive]

South looked at dirge and gave a grin before raising his glass to his lips. "Potent stuff."

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"Oh, its been a while since I seen one of these." Dirge then takes the Tech cube from South's hand before inspecting it closely, studying it through his visors. After a minute of inspection, he then takes out several cables from his personal arm-computer and inserts them into the cube at certain locations. After typing some codes into his small computer he suddenly has information flowing into the screen of his computer. "So, is this the information your looking for?" Dirge asked as he moves his arm-computer in front of South so he can search for the information he needed.
"You are something else."

South began scrolling through the information supplied for the bounty, looking for their last known whereabouts.

(Was hoping another outlaw may be up for being the high profile in the first tech cube.)

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As Klefa looked at the wanted posters, the man from before started talking to her again. "...Yeah, I'm a bounty hunter. You see, my-" aaand he's gone. Even though she didn't like attention, she was still mad at him for leaving while she was talking. From what she could tell from the commotion in the bar, one of the outlaws were here and the man who was talking to her ran off with him. Just great; she let her first outlaw get away. She looked back to the bounty wall to find other outlaws before noticing the giant next to her. "...Am I really that small?"
Ivan scratched his head as he looked at the posters. He didn't find anything particularly interesting, so he walked back to the bar and grabbed the drink South got him. "Thanks," he said, before chugging it down. He watched as South and Dirge talked. "What does cube say?" he asked, reaching his hand out to grab it. Vanessa jumped out of her chair and stopped the burly man from grabbing the tech cube. "You're not the best with small, delicate objects. It's best I take a look," she chided her partner. Looking over South's shoulder she could read the information. "Jimmy the Snake...," she read. "You're going to need some help with him. He's cunning enough to convince people to be his ally, even if they know that he kills his "friends"."
South was enjoying the strange turn of events. "Alright then..." he turned to Dirge. "The more the merrier! Its been some time since I've had any company on the road. What say you Dirge?"

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Orion took a bite out of the small pile of meat.

He chewed for a bit, then spit it out.

Raw and disgusting.

He pulled his mask back down over his face and stood.

Lying in pieces around him was the wreck of a supply Cart.

The aliens driving it were heading for the next town, doing a supply run for a local bar.

Obviously their true intention had been to poison the water supply with their alien withcraft. Orion had done the heroic deed of stopping the fiends. The big one was first, it had tried to protect the other two with a shotgun. Why the aliens never used the high tech gear they obviously have, Orion will never know. The big alien didn't count on Orion's swiftness, and was brought down by the spinning blade of his bayonet. He blew its brains out and squashed them to make sure the others couldn't revive it. The other two cowered by the cart, the taller one trying to shield the smaller one from Orion. What was it doing?

Obviously it was performing some sort of alien ritual to make the smaller one more aggressive in a form of defense. Orion quickly tackled the tall one, the smaller one slipping from its grasp.

He then proceeded to stab it to death with his bayonet until it stopped struggling.

The smaller one tried to scramble away, yelling in a little girl's voice "Mommy! Mommy, Please!"

How dare it use its alien technology to mimic the sounds of its own victims, these creatures must be exterminated in the unholy blaze of... of...

Orion paused to think of something hot and unholy.

He quickly snapped his fingers before gripping his hunting rifle tightly.

They will be exterminated in the unholy blaze of the Orion star!

...That sounded a lot cheesier than he thought it would...

Maybe he should ponder some sort of heroic slogan for himself when he has the-

Wait, the little one was still screaming.

"Shut up you ****ing beast!!!" He roared bashing its head into the ground with his rifle. It stopped moving, and just gave a low whimpering noise.

Now what could sound better than Orion Star?

The Orion Constellation?

The Orion Cosmo trooper?

The Orion Parable?

All this thinking was making him hungry.

And of course he ate the last Wildersaws in the area.

And so, he deigned to make the ultimate sacrifice.

He resumed bashing away at the little alien until it resembled a broken slab of skin and flesh, he then chopped it into a pile of meat and lifted his mask to taste.

Raw and disgusting.

"Why? Why does life wish me to starve!?!" He cried to the heavens.

There was no way he was going to try and cook that inedible slop.

Oh well, maybe the cart will yield food.

And so he began looting.

Alcohol, alcohol, alcohol, alcohol.

He didn't find any poison.

Obviously the aliens secrete it from their pores.

He'll have to look into that.

Well, they had a couple biscuits.

Mission accomplished.

No human lives will be lost on his watch.

He ate biscuits and began walking in a random direction.
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The trio finally found the Kidota town after three weeks in the desert on their latest bounty. Two women were looking around the area. They saw Kidota town in the distance. The white headed woman looked over to the red head. " So this is where it happened?" The red head looked over " Yeah Thora this was home, and this is was where I was kidnapped." Thora patted the red head on the shoulder " Hey Selina at least you remember your childhood. I can't remember anything about mine."

Selina chuckled a little " Well you do know that doing cocaine at the age of nine can do that." Thora chuckled too " Well that's past now. Anyway how's Robinson doing." Selina looked back to see where's Robinson. "I don't know I can't see him." Thirty seconds later a man came over the horizon. He was pale tall and very skinny he's also were a cloak. It looked like he was dragging something very heavy. That pale man was there partner also known as Robinson. Since the day the three became partners he's always dragged the body. It was his choice he didn't want the women to strain themselves. Even though they can handle themselves. Today's target was especially bad. Their target was a former informant from the police force named Lynton Crawford. The reason the force want him dead was because he knew to much information that could end up in enemy hands. So the police hired the three to take him out.

Selina looks back to see Robinson and smirks "Are you gonna make it Robin?" Robinson looks up to respond "Yeah. But how far is Kidota town from here?" Selina looked back to see how far "It's about halve a mile from here." Robinsons head tilted down " Dammit." Now Lynton was really big for an informant. He was six foot eight so he was a full seven inches taller then Robinson and weighed about three-hundred and five pounds so he out weighed him by about hundred and fifty pounds. Robinson caught up to the girls and they took a quick break. Selina looked at Robinson "How much are we getting paid for this guy?" Robinson looked back to see him "He's worth two-hundred thousand dead." Thora gasped "Really that's the biggest pay check in two years." Robinson pulled out a canteena and took a drink of water " Yeah that's why I accepted the job to begin with."

Selina looked back to the town "So where's this guy paying us at?" Robinson took care of his canteena "He's in the bar here in town. You know where that is?" Selina looked at Robinson " Yeah I do." Robinson looked at the dead body "Well this guy ain't gonna bring himself in." The trio continued to Kidota. Thirty minutes later they made it to town there's a lot of people just doing there thing until they saw the three. The town went silent. But the three don't care they've done this enough so there use to it. They've finally made to the bar. Before they entered Robinson looked in the alleyway and saw two men there. " Probaly another drug." He thought to himself. They entered the bar. Thora looked around the little bar they a man with a robotic arm and he's accompanied by a woman, there's also what looks like a kid looking at the bounty posters, there's also the man that hired them at one of the tables. " There's the man with the money." Robinson went ahead to the table. Selina and Thora followed him.

The three sat down to discuss the deal. Selina looked at the man " Well chief your informant is not your problem anymore." The looked at them with a look of shock " Really! You got Lynton?" Robinson pulled the chain to show the chief Lynton. The chief sighed " Alright good job you protected the succurity of this town and others in ways you wouldn't believe." The chief pulled out cash " Here's your payment two hundred thousand dollars." Robinson grabbed the money and counted all of it. Two hundred thousand like the chief said. The chief looked Lyntons body " I'll send a unit to collect the body in two seconds." In that instant to men in uniform came in to collect the body. The two men picked up the body and left the building. The chief thanked the trio one more time and left.

Thora looked at the money " Well what are we gong to do now ?" Selina looked at the wall and saw posters. "Well I'm going to look at those posters to what's there for work." Thora grabbed a hundred dollar bill " While you do that I'm going to get us drinks. What you guys want." Can you get me some rum and coke?" "Yes I can, Selina." " I'll have some ice tea" " Alright I'll be back with our drinks." And Thora left to get drinks. Selina looked at Robinson " Don't wonder to far now alright." Robinson shrugged his shoulders " Don't worry after today I just want to sit and relax and drink." Selina left for the posters when she got there she noticed a what looked like a young girl based on her height. Selina kneeled down and looked at the person " Excuse me young lady but aren't a little young to be doing a bounty hunters job?"

While that happened Thora walked up to the bartender " Hey sure I'll like a rum and coke, ice tea, and some whiskey." The bartender looked at her " Certainly mam." He walked off to get the drinks ready. While Thora was waiting she looked at the man with robotic arm and the woman. The woman was holding a cube. " Looks like we ain't the only bounty hunters here today. " A few moments later the bartender had the three drinks ready. " That'll be twenty-five thirty-five. Thora pulled out the hundred dollar bill. The bartender grabbed the bill. " Pleasure doing business" Thoar grabbed the drinks and went to their table. She put the cups down she gave Robinson his drink. She sat down grabbed her glass. " Cheers for another successful contract." The two cups made the cling sound. They took a sip of their drink. Robinson pulled out three cigars gave one to her, put one on the table, and put his in his mouth. He pulled out matches. He lite a match and lite Thoras cigar and his then the two relaxed and waited for Selina to get over here.
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