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  • Users: Lore
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  1. Lore

    Multiple RP Owners/Authors

    I second this statement. I can't speak for the site or the cost of the feature but I think allowing co-authors on a role play is a great idea. After all, role play is about collaboration.
  2. Lore

    Linking Similar Threads

    Grin brings up some very good points. Like I said, I don't really know anything about operating a website. I'm just technical enough to know how to navigate through one and even that is iffy at times. As for people not wanting their threads to be linked, I would think that could be easily...
  3. Lore

    "See the happy moron, He doesn't give a damn! I wish I were a moron-- My God! Perhaps I am!"...

    "See the happy moron, He doesn't give a damn! I wish I were a moron-- My God! Perhaps I am!" -Unknown
  4. Lore

    Linking Similar Threads

    This idea struck me suddenly as I was replying to a thread. I think it would be very productive to the OOC forums if there was some way that similar threads, even if they are started by different people can be somehow linked together. I have no experience in website management so this is...
  5. Lore

    What Defines A "Good" vs. a "Great" Role-Player?

    Of course! I honestly don't know how anyone could dispute this claim. The quantity over quality discussion is an old one among role players and arguments for both sides continue. When you get right down to it, quantity does not equal quality. If something is not well written then it cannot be...
  6. Lore

    Character Reviews, Please Help Out!

    Agreed. I'm making this post so that the thread will be bumped and more people will see this thread. Constructive criticism is always a good idea. I'm saving my own reviews until I have a character of my own in the Gallery. It only seems right.
  7. Lore

    What do you like/dislike in an RP? - Running List -

    PROS Writing Sample Required - Unless the role play is intentionally trying to match-up less skilled writers with those of a higher skill level in order to promote growth in their writing ability (which I wholly support), I find it agitating when there is only one or two good writers in a role...
  8. Lore


    I honestly feel like it needs to be based on the crime. Rehabilitation for unjust murderers and rapists seems a little redundant. I don't care how sorry they are, they have no place in society and I'm just as happy with letting them rot in a cage. Did I say unjust murderers? Yes, I did. I do...
  9. Lore

    What's more important? A job you are more passionate about? Or a job that might pay better?

    It comes down to each individual, really. Someone I know personally never thought that she would be running a very profitable flower shop but she has never quit since she started part-time when she was 16 years old. She doesn't even like flowers. She hates them, in fact and only knows...
  10. Lore

    Maladaptive Daydreaming- Fantasy Stories in Your Head

    Eli Somer BA, Psychology, Sociology & Anthropology, University of Haifa, 1975. MA, Clinical Psychology, University of Haifa,. 1979. PhD, Counseling Psychology, University of Florida, 1984 His areas of research lay primarily in effects of severe trauma, personality disorders and sexual...
  11. Lore

    We Were Right to Bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    A metaphor is a figure of speech that is not meant to be taken literally. It is used to convey comparison between subjects that share similar features but in the end are unrelated to one another. In war, there is pain, violence, and death. In (the popular conception of) Hell, there is pain...
  12. Lore

    This is an excerpt from James Shirley's poem The Glories of Our Blood and State. It is often...

    This is an excerpt from James Shirley's poem The Glories of Our Blood and State. It is often described as a poem about war and while that is certainly accurate, it is just as much about the inevitability of death.
  13. Lore

    "Your heads must come, To the cold tomb; Only the actions of the just, Smell sweet, and blossom...

    "Your heads must come, To the cold tomb; Only the actions of the just, Smell sweet, and blossom in their dust."
  14. Lore

    "The garlands wither on your brow,

    "The garlands wither on your brow,
  15. Lore

    We Were Right to Bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    I suggest you go back and actually read my comment. You would see that my 'war is Hell' statement had everything to do with what was being discussed. I made it very clear in my comment that I did not agree with people determining the morality in bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki. And if that does...
  16. Lore

    We Were Right to Bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    They are farces. To apply laws or rules to something like war and then to parade them around as if they minimize the cruelty is like putting a halo on the Devil and saying that he's not really a bad guy, just misunderstood. Also, a "large part of the world" did not make these "rules and...
  17. Lore

    A New Citizen

    Greetings, fellow writers and role players. I'm really bad at introductions and I never know what to say so I'm just going to get down to the brass tacks. I've been role playing for a long time and writing even longer. I started role playing on Yahoo! in 2000 and quit in 2005 when they shut...
  18. Lore

    We Were Right to Bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    I don't understand why people keep bringing up whether or not U.S. dropping the bombs was a moral act or not. It was a war. There is NOTHING moral about war. Have you ever heard the old adage 'war is Hell'? There is no peace in Hell. There is no justice in Hell. There is only suffering and...