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Linking Similar Threads


New Member
This idea struck me suddenly as I was replying to a thread. I think it would be very productive to the OOC forums if there was some way that similar threads, even if they are started by different people can be somehow linked together.

I have no experience in website management so this is probably harder than it sounds but if there is a simple way it could be done, I think it would be productive.

Just in case I'm not explaining myself well enough, I'll show a quick example. In this thread [ http://www.rpnation.com/threads/what-defines-a-good-vs-a-great-role-player.17466/page-3#post-749924 ] I brought up a point I had mentioned in another thread that covered a similar subject and so I posted that link in with my comment.

So that's it. Let me know what you think.
It's a great idea but how exactly would/should the forum know it's similar?

I can have tools with similar titles but then that may not link up the same threads. Do you base it off keywords? If so it would be similar to the search function. If we as a team can brainstorm a great way to identify threads as being similar, I will hire a developer & get it done =)

I like the idea but let's talk it out!
The drawbacks I can see to this are as follows:

If we get an automated system, I can see problems in the future with threads linking that folks don't want to link - simply because they share similarities. This could be extremely bothersome to some creators, I would assume.

If it's done manually (gods forbid =P), this would take up quite a lot of the time of the staff I'd imagine - having to go through various threads in various sub-sections and categories to see if any of them share similar ideas or the like.

Just my quick 2¢!
Grin brings up some very good points. Like I said, I don't really know anything about operating a website. I'm just technical enough to know how to navigate through one and even that is iffy at times.

As for people not wanting their threads to be linked, I would think that could be easily fixed by offering up a check box that would allow the creator to opt-out of having their thread linked to others. But linking could offer a way to have their thread be more wide-spread but leaving the choice in their hands does not seem like it would be that difficult.

Granted, I would assume that such an opt-out feature would work in an automated system. Using an automated system would likely have its technical problems but I can't imagine that they would be any greater than the technical problems faced by any other common site feature. A manual system, however would likely be more efficient but like Grin said, it would be very time consuming and I so would not volunteer for the position.

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