Search results for query: *

  1. 1am4sakin

    The human was designed to make mistakes. Not be perfect. ~Gauge Jack~

    The human was designed to make mistakes. Not be perfect. ~Gauge Jack~
  2. 1am4sakin

    One x One (Open 1x1) Times End - Rules

    Rules for (Open 1x1) Times End 1) No god modding characters. 2) Be respectful and do not cheat your way through the rp. 3) NO OVER POWERED WEAPONRY OR MAGIC. 4) MAGIC DOESN'T EXIST IN THIS RP, THERE FORE NO CHARACTERS CAN HAVE IT. 5) Have fun and don't make a fuss c: 6) Enjoy c...
  3. 1am4sakin

    (Open 1x1) Time's End

    In a time before time itself was even discovered, the worlds collapse was inevitable. Nobody had been able to defeat the dark lord, Yoskin. Until the day, that two hero's arose from the depths of a low life town full of misfits and thieves. These two hero's had all the time they could give to...
  4. 1am4sakin

    One x One (Open 1x1) Time's End

    This is the OOC section. Anybody can post here to talk about their characters or really anything else. Just keep it mature and appropriate is all I ask. I also may end up in some conversations here as well c:
  5. 1am4sakin

    One x One (Open 1x1) Time's End

    Character Sheet Name: Bio (basic appearance, brief history): Sword type: Character Picture (optional):
  6. 1am4sakin

    Secrets of the Toriga System

    Your welcome! :D Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
  7. 1am4sakin

    Secrets of the Toriga System

    No problem! Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
  8. 1am4sakin

    Secrets of the Toriga System

    Been busy with my band and family.
  9. 1am4sakin

    Yurlocks Quest [Inactive]

    This role play has been marked "inactive". Inactive role plays are defined as "role plays showing 0 activity within a 30 day period". Please contact an @Rp Moderator if you feel this was a mistake or if you would like to have your role play reactivated. Thank you for your participation...
  10. 1am4sakin

    Yes. I am your friend. o3o

    Yes. I am your friend. o3o
  11. 1am4sakin

    :o why's that?

    :o why's that?
  12. 1am4sakin

    Very good. And you my friend? :o

    Very good. And you my friend? :o
  13. 1am4sakin

    Hello! :D

    Hello! :D
  14. 1am4sakin

    The Life of an Experiment

    Kaine was sitting in his containment cell. Pondering the thought of escape. Wondering if anyone would talk to him or just keep passing as they walked by. "Who would befriend someone like me? Someone who has a rough past, and is now a greater being then before." Kaine pondered the thought and...
  15. 1am4sakin

    The Quest of Yurlock [Inactive]

    This role play has been marked "inactive". Inactive role plays are defined as "role plays showing 0 activity within a 30 day period". Please contact an @Rp Moderator if you feel this was a mistake or if you would like to have your role play reactivated. Thank you for your participation...
  16. 1am4sakin

    Yurlocks Quest

    Please use this thread for all of your OOC needs! Read more about this role play...
  17. 1am4sakin

    Yurlocks Quest

    Character sheet *Name: *Class: *Sex: *Race: *Attack: *Defense: *(can use a picture) Appearance: (optional) Background: (optional) Other's this Character knows: * sections are REQUIRED (NOTE): DO NOT LIE ABOUT ATTACK AND DEFENSE!! ROLL A 20 sided die to get the information...
  18. 1am4sakin

    Yurlocks Quest [Inactive]

    1am4sakin submitted a new role play: Yurlocks Quest - Help the mysterious "yurlock" with his quest and find out the truth behind the world Read more about this role play...
  19. 1am4sakin

    The Quest of Yurlock [Inactive]

    1am4sakin updated The Quest of Yurlock with a new update entry: Gone INACTIVE Read the rest of this update entry...
  20. 1am4sakin

    The Life of an Experiment

    Name: Kaine Reaper Gender: Male Test-Subject Name: 214200 Species: Human Elemental Age: 16 Age when transformed: 10 Additions/powers: Manipulation of all the elements Appearance as a human: (N/A) New appearance: Personality: Friendly, Independent, Shy, Slight Jerk...