The Life of an Experiment


Lady, running down to the riptide
Please keep genders and races even. Also, we'll need at least 2 scientists to begin the rp with.

Robots: 0/3 slots taken|| Super-humans/hybrids: 3/6 slots taken||Failures: 1/10 slots taken

Scientists: 1/6 slots taken|| Clones: 0/5 slots taken

(When more of the slots are taken I'll add more slots to each category.)

Scientist Sheet

Full name:

Nick Name: (If any)


Age: (For a scientist I think the ages would need to be around 19-30)

Species/Race: (Human obviously)


Appearance: (Picture please!)



Failure Experiment Sheet



Test-Subject Name: (Numbers)



Age when transformed:


Appearance as a human: (Optional)

New appearance: (Picture or description)



Type of experiment: (Failure)


(This can be anything of your imagination such as random powers or a whole 'nother species like a shape shifter or neko, etc.)




Age when transformed:

Species: (If you just have random powers you can just say 'enhanced human' or 'super human')

Subject name: (Numbers probably)


Appearance: (Picture or description)

Powers: (Please don't have too many powers or just be over-powerful.)



Type of experiment: (Super Human)

Clone Sheet



Subject-name: (Name or numbers, maybe both)


Age when transformed:



Master: (Not all clones have Masters, they have to be almost perfect to be sold, or used)

Who you resemble:

Personality: (Probably most of the same as who you resemble)


Type of experiment: (Clone)

Robot sheet


Gender: (I guess an 'it' would be possible..)

True Gender: (optional)


Age when Transformed:

Subject name: (Numbers or a real word/name)

Species: (Cyborg, robot, etc)






Name: Lizzy (True name is forever hidden from others)

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Age when experimented on: 15

Subject name: L-1312-00

Species: Shape Shifter

Type of experiment: Super Human

Personality: Harsh, sarcastic, unsocial, bitter, curious, bold, more in rp.

Appearance: Pitch black hair that is straight and parted at one side so the other side occasionally gets in her eyes/face. Her hair reaches her shoulders and is usually waved outward. Her skin is on the pale side and her eyes are a deep, swirling purple that seem to memorize anyone who looks her in the eye. She is quite thin and stands at 5'6. She wears dark (Badly ripped) skinny jeans and a black strapless shirt. She normally goes barefoot in her cell though will also wear black boots. she also has a tattered black and blood-red cape. Around her neck is a simple necklace with a blood-red pendant that looks like a dragon's eye if you study it close enough.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf1b80fc1_LizzytheShifter.PNG.432e83f9fe9c2fdb474c394eb744bba7.PNG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16955" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf1b80fc1_LizzytheShifter.PNG.432e83f9fe9c2fdb474c394eb744bba7.PNG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Shapes: Dragon, Maine coon(Cat), Wolf, Mouse, Falcon, Fox, Mutant (All shapes are in some shade of gray/black and have dark purple eyes)

Powers: Fire, strength(About that of a grown man), Unable to feel most/some pain, X-ray vision.

Other: Lizzy is unable to use her powers and often she is threatened if she tries to escape by using them, after all, they want her for any upcoming war seeing as she would make a great weapon.

Background: No one is even sure how Lizzy got to the lab or who she even is. All the tests come back with uncertain answers and the scientists truly have no idea who or what she is. Lizzy won't talk. The only time she does is to ask a series of annoying questions or to add a rude comment or snicker. The scientists are on the verge of sending her to The Woods, and Lizzy realizes this, but doesn't seem to care. After all, she is positive the scientists wouldn't kill her. They need her. There has never been anything like her. In fact, now they are now wondering if her shape shifting wasn't even their doings.



  • Lizzy the Shifter.PNG
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Name: Alliana Silver

Gender: Female

Test-Subject Name: 803761

Species: Faintly human, partially "Karonon"

Age: 15

Age when transformed: 12

Additions/powers: She is the size of a kindergardener which makes her hard to notice. She also has claws on her hands so she can hunt.

New appearance:


(I drew this.)

Personality: She is sort of outgoing and shy. Due to her current appearance, no matter how she is tortured, she finds herself looking cute... She also kinda acts like a cat.

Background: Nothing much is known about Alliana before she was 'found'. All we know is that she was brought in and experimented on. She was considered a failure due to the fact that she looked weak. I mean, look at her right now!

Type of experiment: (Failure)

Fluffy Kitty-Cat
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Name: Kanna

Gender: Female

Test-Subject Name: X-7826

Species: Human/bird hybrid

Age: 17

Age when transformed: 7

Additions/powers: Flight, enhanced agility, can see farther than normal.

Appearance as a human: (Optional)

New appearance: Has heterochromia, but wasn't born with it. One eye is blue, one eye is green.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/07178d9e2d0017dfee7c9863542d0572.jpg.cdd58eef21781403315061d91e99285a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16964" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/07178d9e2d0017dfee7c9863542d0572.jpg.cdd58eef21781403315061d91e99285a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Acts strong, very empathetic, thinks a lot. Never gives in to the constant tests and things, and still resists.

Background: She barely remembers anything from her life before the lab, a few flashes of things, mostly through nightmares. (Will elaborate more during RP) They tried to surgically enhance her eyesight when she was 11, and caused one of her eyes change colour.

Type of Experiment: Splicing bird DNA with human DNA. They succeeded for the most part, but she can't talk to birds, her eye colour changed through surgery, and she occasionally mutates on her own, without any new DNA or such.

~Fluffy kitty-cat~



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Name: Oliver Dune

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Age when transformed: 10

Species: Aquatic Human Hybrid

Subject name: A-1004-2

Personality: Very easily excited and curious; Typically goes places where he should no matter how many times he’s told not to. Oh well; Tells jokes and puns a lot despite hating his situation



Powers: Breathe underwater, Telekinetic, Water Manipulation

Background: Oliver doesn't remember much from before the lab, only that he had a mum, a dad and a younger sister whom he teased a lot. While he feels bad about it now, he wants to see them again. He wants desperately to see the world as well but is unable to due to his lack of freedom. He has a vague memory of the ocean which he assumes is near where he used to live.

Other: Can't live without water for more than a week otherwise he will dry up and die which prevents him from trying to escape; Fluffy Kitty Cat

Type of Experiment: Super Human
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Name: Kaine Reaper

Gender: Male

Test-Subject Name: 214200

Species: Human Elemental

Age: 16

Age when transformed: 10

Additions/powers: Manipulation of all the elements

Appearance as a human: (N/A)

New appearance:


Personality: Friendly, Independent, Shy, Slight Jerk.

Background: Kaine's family was killed in a great war back in his country. He moved to where he is and heard about how humans were being experimented on and thought it to be a good idea. His physical human form never changed. but he did become a greater being than what he was before.

Type of experiment: Super Human
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TheSmiler said:
Name: Oliver Dune
Gender: Male

Age: 17

Age when transformed: 10

Species: Aquatic Human Hybrid

Subject name: A-1004-2

Personality: Very easily excited and curious; Typically goes places where he should no matter how many times he’s told not to. Oh well; Tells jokes and puns a lot despite hating his situation



Powers: Breathe underwater, Telekinetic, Water Manipulation

Background: Oliver doesn't remember much from before the lab, only that he had a mum, a dad and a younger sister whom he teased a lot. While he feels bad about it now, he wants to see them again. He wants desperately to see the world as well but is unable to due to his lack of freedom. He has a vague memory of the ocean which he assumes is near where he used to live.

Other: Can't live without water for more than a week otherwise he will dry up and die which prevents him from trying to escape; Fluffy Kitty Cat
((Hey everyone I think i'll be staring the rp soon. Probably either tonight or tomorrow. Let's hope anyways :3 Also, I added something else to the character-sheet so if you would please edit your bios as well... Thanks!)) 
Name: Talya Jones

Gender: Female

Age: 23

Species: Human

Occupation: Scientist

Personality: Sweet, nervous, quiet, obedient, cut-off, shy, firm, knows her place, etc... more in rp.

Other: ~~~



Background: Talya came to the lab to work, though now she is a little uncertain with her job. Innocent kids are being hurt and killed each day and she feels she and many others could be in deep trouble if the cops ever found out, which makes Talya very nervous. She often just does her job and hope for the best. She's been in the lab working for 2 years now.
Name: Lucy Dale

Gender: female

Age: 16

Age when transformed: 10

Species: super human

Subject name: 166-X

Personality: Shy | Apathetic | Shelled | Shut-Off from the World



Powers: Vibration Manipulation

The ability to control the vibration of molecules of everything from a small pen to the wall of a building. Can be used to create a concussive force. Her power is strongest wen touching an object.

Background: Was born then immediately sent into an orphanage until she was about three then sent into foster care where she was abused and beaten until her ninth birthday. They too her to the facility where she was experimented on and abused even more.

Other: She cant control her powers well when her emotions are out of whack.

Type of experiment: (Super Human)

Name: Hadden Marks

Gender: Male

Test-Subject Name: T-0012-374

Species: Human/Super Human

Age: 17

Age when transformed: 9

Additions/powers: Power over gases and cells within the human body

Appearance as a human:

New appearance:

Personality: Hadden is bit mentally unstable, and he has a rather twisted sense of humor. He is a rather lively and bright sided fellow who likes to mess with people.

Background: As a child, Hadden and his family were cast out onto the street, where he was suddenly abducted by strange people. Awaking in a laboratory, he was strapped to a table with needles everywhere in his body. After so many experiments, he's mostly forgotten all about his life before.

Type of experiment: Hadden has the ability to speed up his atoms, and the cells in his body becomes a noxious gas that allows him to pass through cracks. The real experiment that was preformed in the first place was to make cells stop dying and freeze their aging process. He has to be lock in a room full of machines that keep the room cold so his molecules are slow and he can't pass through his door.

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