The Life of an Experiment

Hadden looked down at the girl, Lizzy. He couldn't remember if she was older or younger than him, but who really cared. Strangely, Hadden had a rather lost and strange look in his eyes before he began to rip the cords and wires off of her body. "Damn Scientists! Stupid labs! Damned, hellish experiments! This is supposed to be a human experimentation, but this could hardly be called humane! The scientists made him like this, made him loose control. Made him a monster.
Once again the high pitched scream sounded, windows shattering and medical equipment disintegrating, including the wires. She had only slightly awoken when guards began tearing down the doors and grabbing her, grabbing a few needles and shoving them into her.
Hadden looked away from Lizzy, before glaring at the guards and going back through the window. He grabbed two of their faces, befor the skin began to blister and boil. They fell to the ground, when they were nothing but skin and bone. He turned to the other guards, using his power in a projectile form and forcing the cells to split apart. He giggled when they practically exploded all over the walls. He leaned down to the girl, who seemed to be hazy minded due to the drugs. "Oi, can you hear me girl? Stay with me here."
He cracked a feral grin as she was still awake, before blocking the door. "My name is Hadden Marks. I am test-subject T-0012-374. A failure experiment. I'm going to get you and a few others out of here." he said as he stood to his feet. He could hear guards running past the room and down to their escaped cells. "We don't have much time. Can you stand?" he asked as he looked down at her.
She nodded and wobbled up on her long legs. "Im known as subject 166-X or Lucy, im both a failure and a success" she said softly.
He helped her stay on her feet by letting her lean on his shoulder for support. He looked back at Lizzy, humming in thought. He then looked to the room where the scientists were, before grinning like a wolf. "So Lucy, how long have you been here? How long have these bastards subjected you into their sick torture?"
After an hour, Allie was sent into physical testing, seeing how her reflexes were after the injections and implants. First off was the treadmill. Success when it came to speed and stamina. Soon after was the shuttle run. Two pens were two meters away from the starting point. Allie got onto all four limbs and prepared. The stopwatch began to tick away and Allie sped to the first pen. She grabbed it and returned it to the starting point. She then ran towards the other pen, grabbing it and bringing it back.. Both times, she jumped a 180 after grabbing the pens. The result was about eight seconds. There are more physical tests ahead so I won't get into anymore detail.
Kaine was sitting in his containment cell. Pondering the thought of escape. Wondering if anyone would talk to him or just keep passing as they walked by. "Who would befriend someone like me? Someone who has a rough past, and is now a greater being then before." Kaine pondered the thought and spoke allowed hoping no one passing by would notice.
The doctor grabbed Talya and pulled her under the table that held all the levers and buttons. Talya was silent, eyes wide. Were the experiments going to escape and kill them all?

Lizzy's body had flinched before going limp and the girl's purplish eyes opening into a glare. "Ouch." She hissed, weakly pulling herself off the table. The wires had been torn off her, causing them to hurt her. Usually the lever shut the system and power off and then the wires just dropped off. "Who the heck are you, and what are you doing?" She asked Hadden grumpily. She had a hand on the table still to support her so it was easier to stand.
Hadden grinned as he heard the other girl awaken, before turned to meet her with his own eyes. Yes, he definitely remembered her. He was there when they first brought her here, which was roughly as year or so after he himself had arrived. He made sure the door was blocked before turning to her fully,"My name is Hadden Marks. I am a failed experiment of this facility. I am also, one of the more dangerous and contained experiments. Well, I was before this containment breach. I only need a few questions to ask. The first, do you want to get out of here?"
"Lizzy." She nodded as she bluntly introduced herself. She thought she recognized him, but she never really paid attention to anyone in this lab. "Yes, of course I want out... You do realize people from all over the world will be chasing us though...right?" She replied, raising an eyebrow.

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Hadden chuckled as he stepped through the window once again,"So what? My second question, will you follow us and stay together? We need as many allies as we can get." He said as he heard guards knocking against the door. "Make your decision quick, I'm going to need to kill them once they file inside of the room. We'll then be able to escape and free any other experiments that wish to leave."
"OK. I'll stick around." Lizzy replied with a shrug, then asked with a small glint in her eye and a small smile tugging at her lips, "want any help?"

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Lucy stayed in the back, behind the two, but before Lizzy had a chance to meet with the guards she let out a small yelp and they disintegrated, their bodies suddenly gone.

Lucy hugged herself and shook slightly as a wave of pain washed over her.
And there was Allie. She watches as the scientist pushed all those buttons and pulled those levers. Being part cat, she didn't like this. No, not at all. It's all chaos out there... And then there was Alliana. She lied down on the table and closed her eyes. She hopes she can fall asleep until all of this is over.

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