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  • Users: pac27
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  1. pac27

    Half-Blood High/Jupiter University [Inactive]

    "ok.." Alex stepped to the window by Chirons's desk. He looked out. "Do i have to help with it?" he asked
  2. pac27

    The doctor is dying

    right. sorry. i'll contact them. i posted my first part by editing my other comment. Check it out.
  3. pac27

    The doctor is dying

    great! i'll start.
  4. pac27

    The doctor is dying

    that's weird. it says the roleplay is "inactive." it won't let me post. maybe we can do the roleplaying in the OOC.
  5. pac27

    The doctor is dying [Inactive]

    This role play has been marked "inactive". Inactive role plays are defined as "role plays showing 0 activity within a 30 day period". Please contact an @Rp Moderator if you feel this was a mistake or if you would like to have your role play reactivated. Thank you for your participation...
  6. pac27

    The doctor is dying

    time to start!
  7. pac27

    Camp Half-Blood

    Full Name: Alex Tarcesy (no middle name) Nickname: Alex Age: 13 Birthday: july 10 Gender: male Crush: none (yet) Dating: single Sexuality: straight Religion: (does greek count?) Height: 5' 3" Body Add-Ons: none God Parent: apollo Mist Form: a wrist watch that is really a...
  8. pac27

    Half-Blood High/Jupiter University [Inactive]

    "right.." He smiled for the first time since he got here. "i've fought worse." he leaned over nicoles shoulder to see better. "what's the paperwork?" he said.
  9. pac27

    Half-Blood High/Jupiter University [Inactive]

    Alex looked around. beige walls carpeted with posters saying cheesy encouraging sayings. like pictures of usual schools he's seen on brochures. He Looked back. nicole and chiron were getting out papers. Suddenly Alex processed what nicole was saying earlier. "I have to fight a telkhine?" he asked.
  10. pac27

    Half-Blood High/Jupiter University [Inactive]

    "so...." He shifted his stance, pretending he understood everything she said. after all, he had never been to a school. "Should i head To the boy's dorms, or is there a class going on?" he said, having no idea what "dorms" meant.
  11. pac27

    World of Pokemon

    Name: alex tarcesy Age:14 Gender: male Height: 5'5" Weight: 135 lbs. Eye color: Green Description: Region:Hoenn Starting pokemon: growlithe History: ( will come in in the story.) Any other information: was training pokemon since he was 10
  12. pac27

    The Waffles and Braids Saga

    lol i love that, TechEwok
  13. pac27

    The Waffles and Braids Saga

    Name: braiden ??????? Age: ??? Personality: mysterious, likes to hide everything. is great in combat, so he asks people for bounty to assasinate people on the other side. Appearance: wears a dark hood nobody usually sees his face. Waffle or Braids: ??? Bio: it will come up later in the...
  14. pac27

    The Waffles and Braids Saga

    i'm gonna be the braid theiftechewok what'r you gonna be?O>O The braid ninjas should put rocks in their braids, so they can swing their hair around to knock people out.
  15. pac27

    World of Pokemon

    Name: alex crane Age: 12 Gender: male Height: '5 "2 Weight: 95 lbs. Eye color: green Description: <<<<my avatar Region: Kanto Starting pokemon: growlithe History: Growing up, he had no intentoin of becoming a pokemon trainer, until he met growlithe inspired him to rise up to...
  16. pac27

    The doctor is dying

    The doctor was sprawled out on a hot surface, dehydrated, hungry, and paralyzed. He tried to see, but his eyes would not respond. The only thing he could do was listen for something to happen. He immediately recognized the hard, metallic voice of a dalek. This is going to be harder than i...
  17. pac27

    Half-Blood High/Jupiter University [Inactive]

    Alex hesitantly shook her hand. i better make the best of this. he glanced around. the school didn't look that bad. "so." He said. "show me around." they started walking.
  18. pac27

    The doctor is dying

    since this roleplay is tagged "inactive." we will do our roleplaying here!
  19. pac27

    The doctor is dying

    name: race: gender: home planet: back story: other: apearence:
  20. pac27

    The doctor is dying [Inactive]

    pac27 submitted a new role play: The doctor is dying - save the doctor in this adventure roleplay. Read more about this role play...