World of Pokemon

Name: Chase Charbonneau

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Height: 5'11

Weight: 150 lbs.

Eye color: blue

Description: A tall young man who's finally ready to go out for his pokemon journey. He has always wanted to be a pokemon master but never had a pokemon. When his dad gave him a pokemon for his 16th birthday he was ecstatic! Now he can go on his pokemon adventure.

Region: Kanto

Starting pokemon: Venonat

Any other information: loves grass and bug pokemon. A typical introvert.
Name: Jayden Riann

Age: 17


Height: 5'8

Weight: 145

Eye color: Green

Description: An energetic and upbeat girl who always see the glass as half full, Jayden is spunky and loves to get other people to laugh. She's also loyal to a fault when it comes to people who matter and would give up just about anything for those who are important to her.

Region: Johto

Starting pokemon: Trapinch

History: Jayden's parents weren't able to get a proper education when they were younger so Jayden always was lectured on how difficult it is finding work without having finished school first. As such Jayden wasn't allowed to take on the professor's requested job with the rest of the kids her age. Instead she stayed home and studied, wanting to give her parents a better life with a job. Her 17th birthday, however, her parents surprised her with a pokemon egg telling her she was free to go on an adventure before settling into a job. Jaydren took care of the egg until it hatched into Trapinch and with a final goodbye she and Trapinch have set out to get a better understanding of the world.

Any other information: She tends to name her pokemon so that they have a name that separate them from other of their kind. Trapinches name is Tridon.
Name: Alice Hawthorn

Age: Sixteen.

Gender: Female.

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 132 lbs.

Eye color: Blue

Description: A young, bespectacled ginger girl with a hunger for understanding and a dream to become a Professor, Alice prefers to study her Pokemon comrades than battle and often goes by facts over feeling.

Region: Hoenn.

Starting pokemon: Kirlia.

History: Alice Hawthorn was raised in Littleroot Town of the Hoenn region. While most trainers get their first pokemon at age Ten, Alice chose to stay behind in town and become a Lab assistant. For six years, Alice worked alongside the professor. That is until he assigned her a special mission, "Collect field data from around the regions."

Name: Cross Tetras

Age: 17

Gender: Female..

Height: About.. 6'4? I think.

Weight: I don't know. Maybe 123, I haven't been near a scale in a while.

Eye color: Pale green

Description: Honey brown hair,

Region: Johto

Starting pokemon: Chikorita

History: Well, I grew up in Blackthorn City. I expected to get a Dratini as a starter, like all the other kids, but I got a Chikorita from Professor Elm. No matter, I love my Luna anyway. But anyway. I was adopted into a wealthy family, and I lived happily there. Until I was 11. Then the mansion burned down and killed my entire family, leaving me alone and scared. I ran off, down the mountain, and found myself in New Leaf Town. And after that, I got lucky. Professor Elm adopted me into his family. Though I didn't spend much time there, that was the year I took of on my adventure. It's been years since then.

Any other information: She has plenty of scars from escaping the fire.
Name: Black Townsfield

Age: 12

Gender: Male

Height: 3"7

Weight: 112 lbs

Eye color: Blue

Description: A young cheerful boy who loves pokemon and food, will never back down from a challenge even when in great danger.

Region: Hoenn

Starting pokemon: Eevee

History: A young boy who lost his parents when he was a baby, unbeknownst to him, as he was adopted. When spending the summer at his grandparents in Littleroot town, Professor Birch has a request for him, which will lead into his adventure

Any other information: Well, here is a sketch my friend drew me for Black, incase you want to reference his clothing or something

Name: Meeka

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 110 lbs

Eye color: Green

Description: Meeka is a quiet girl with lots of ideas. She has long tied off burgundy hair and soft freckles along her cheeks and shoulders. She finds beauty in all Pokemon, but wants to fill her team with the cutest. She often competes in competitions and has been since she set off on her journey when she was twelve. But despite her ability to coordinate, she can battle with excellent wit that she often hides from her opponents.

Region: Johto

Starting Pokemon: Emolga

History: Meeka is originally from Unova, but moved to Johto at a very young age. When she moved she brought along her Emogla who was her childhood best friend. The idea of competitions were new to Meeka when she came to Johto, but suddenly she found them an excellent show of her cute Emolga's abilities. She answered the call to fill her pokedex when she was twelve, and set off along Johto in search of the cutest Pokemon. Unfortunately for her, Meeka is very awkward when it comes to capturing Pokemon. Although she can communicate and soothe them, she has never quite understood the advantages of using a poke ball.

Any other information: Meeka can cook really well, and always seems to have a pile of poffins and berries on her person, which can make pokemon curiously follow her around.



Image made in a Pokemon Trainer Creator by Joy-Ling

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Name: Rooke Hawkins

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 165 lbs

Eye color: Grey

Description:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/upload_2014-3-24_21-42-55.png.e6b7fd71f6f97a76b9c4bd92428f71e0.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15105" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/upload_2014-3-24_21-42-55.png.e6b7fd71f6f97a76b9c4bd92428f71e0.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Region: Kanto

Starting pokemon: Squirtle

History: (I'll do it later)

Amy other information: Former childhood friend of Jessica back in Odale Town.

Name: Jessica White

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Height: 5'3"

Weight: 121 lbs

Eye color: Brown

Description:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/upload_2014-3-24_21-38-22.png.426b08688d302b54bfd48e4b2dbda142.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15104" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/upload_2014-3-24_21-38-22.png.426b08688d302b54bfd48e4b2dbda142.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Region: Hoenn

Starting pokemon: Eevee

History: (I'll do it later)

Amy other information: She and Rooke were childhood friends before he moved to Vermillion City.



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Name: Zoryn Chimera

Age: 13

Gender: male

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 130 lbs

Eye color: Sky blue

Description: long, ruffled white hair; small scar over right eye; hair on left side swoops over, slightly covering face; necklace with revive-shaped gem; gold bracelet with special technology installed; slate grey shirt, black scarf, sometimes wearing a hooded cloak, pale skin, scar on left arm; khaki pants; cold, harsh glow in eyes when aggravated; inhumanly sharp teeth.

Region: (originally from Kalos) traveling Johto

Starting Pokémon: Zorua

History: DNA mutated into Zoroark, explaining unnatural traits in eyes and teeth. Saved Zorua’s life before, caught shiny eevee, etc.

Other info: formerly of Team Plasma, befriended N, met Ash, battled with Silver several times, slain by Lucario but came back to life when necklace was fixed. Capable of learning far more than four moves.
Name: Dylan Gale

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Height: 5' 8.5"

Weight: 135 lbs

Eye color: Green


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Dylan.jpg.4d21432a3299b9999a7fc5736c739b28.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15108" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Dylan.jpg.4d21432a3299b9999a7fc5736c739b28.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Region: (Flintel Region but is travelling through Hoenn currently.

Starting Pokemon: Rotom (Ghost Form)

History: Future Starlin City Gym Leader who out on a journey to figure out what type of Pokemon he wants to use in his gym. This is the main reason for his journey though he may go through the Hoenn league to figure the answers he seekss.

Rotom (Ghost Form): Dylan first Pokemon and best friend. Also the strongest of all his Pokemon.

Monferno (Caught as a Chimchar): The first Pokemon that Dylan caught. It is quick and really packs a punch.

Grovyle (Caught as a Treecko): Dylan save this Treecko from a raging flood that destroy its home back near the start of Dylan's journey. Grovyle isn't super strong, but it's very fast and comes through when Dylan needs it most.

Any other information: He is a very social person (providing he takes off his headphones) but yet still has a hard time making friends. Dylan loves music and battling. He can also walk for miles and not even realize it because he is always so lost in thought about his tough choice.



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Name: Wind Ama

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Height: 5' 9''

Weight: 120

Eye color: Blue

Description: Scrawny and small, with black, wild hair and a pale complexion. He hates being alone, and is fiery and ready for anything. His temper never gets the better of him, however, he cannot stand insults towards his friends. A deep respect for nature and it's creatures.

Region: Johto

Starting pokemon: Houndour

History: Born and raised into the art of battle, Wind has the utmost respect for his pokemon and allies. For a long period of time, he lived on an island with his father, only living off nature. Therefore, he has great knowledge of surviving in the wild. Houndour had been his guardian since he was a child, and they have a great friendship. He always feels the pain of his pokemon, and thinks tactics before brute force.

Any other information: He dislikes modes of transportation, and gets motion sick easily.
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Name: Fallon Viratonen

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Height: 5'1

Weight: 102

Eye color: Grey

Description: Fallon is a dainty girl with an attitude no one can ignore. Though she's usually nice, if it's a bad day, any little thing can set her off, and anyone can be the victim of her anger. She tends to be very polite and her voice is quiet. Overall, she's very easy to forget about, but she doesn't mind. Her clothing always matches, and she almost always has her Pokemon out with her at all times, seeing as she currently has only two.


Region: Johto

Starting Pokemon: Psyduck, but she has since obtained a Pikachu as well.

History: Fallon was raised in a normal family, and being an only child, got most of the attention of her parents. Her father bragged endless knowledge on Pokemon, and she was eager to listen to what he had to say, and on her twelfth birthday, she got to pick one for her own. Although he tried his best to talk her out of it, Fallon chose a Psyduck as her very first one, and it was then that her father thought her training career had ended. Of course, it had only just begun, and when she was fourteen, her mother granted her permission to explore the world, but not before gifting her a Pikachu. Fallon has never actually caught a Pokemon on her own, and is only worried about increasing her Pokedex data, and making sure she leaves every Pokemon happier than when she found it.

Any other information: N/A at this time.

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Eye color:blue

Description:he is conservative but not very patient. he constantly looks for battles

Region:the second region. I forgot it's name so I will edit it in later

Starting pokemon:piplup

History:he was the son of a hoenn scientist and a trainer so he was raised around pokemon. He was finally given his pokemon at 14 and began a trip to kanto but made a stop on the way.

Amy other information:I don't have Amy other information but I have other information. He has 5 pokeballs and one potion.

Name: Annie Lilia

Age: 10

Gender: Female

Height: A whopping 4"9

Weight: 89 lbs

Eye color: Light Red

Description: Annie is the most innocent, love filled child in the world. She has a tiny body but a huge voice! Do something she doesnt like and she will make you regret it!

Region: Johto

Starting pokemon:

- Pancham (Used more for battle since he is always ready for a fight!)

- Teddiursa (Used more for contest since she is more reserved.)

Annie got both of her teddy bear pokemon from her grandparents. For the girl wasnt spoiled at all, its just that she always got what she wanted~. She never asked for much but only two things. One was to be happy and another was to have a teddy bear for a pokemon. Since one side of her family lives in Kalos they gave her a Pancham while her grandparents who live closer gave her a Teddiursa. Both thought they gave the better pokemon but Annie loves both of them so much! The fight for affection will always be on for the only grandchild.


Annie is the only child birthed by once again, only childs. This means that she is the only grandchild of the rich and famous Lilia and Rossete families. Both known for their power and wealth they pour money into Annies future. Giving her anything that she desires, but that does not make her spoiled. The young girl only likes to things in the world. Her stuffed teddy bear, and her two real bear pokemon. --The rest will be revealed through out the rp --

Amy other information:
Name: James wilson

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Height: 5 feet and ten inches

Weight: 66 kilos

Eye color: blue


Region: Sinnoh

Starting pokemon: Cyndaquil, although now a very high-level Typhlosion

History: He started one day as any other trainer by getting his first pokemon, namely Cyndaquil. He was able to beat every gym in Sinnoh, but never the elite four, he always lost by a fraction. He then moved to Kalos, where he was able to get a mega bracelet, and some of his pokemon can mega evolve. He alter moved back to Sinnoh, to be closer to his parents and to try again at the elite four, although to this day he has not managed to get to the champion. In Sinnoh, he was able to capture Darkrai, which was possibly the most powerful pokemon he'd ever seen.

Amy other information:

His other pokemon are:





Name: alex crane

Age: 12

Gender: male

Height: '5 "2

Weight: 95 lbs.

Eye color: green

Description: <<<<my avatar

Region: Kanto

Starting pokemon: growlithe

History: Growing up, he had no intentoin of becoming a pokemon trainer, until he met growlithe inspired him to rise up to become a gym leader of the hoenn reigon.

Name: Blake Washan

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Height: 6'4

Weight: Its a healthy weight...?

Eye color: Light blue

Description:His hair is naturally flame colored, and his eyes being white-blue, like the hottest part of a flame.

Region: Unova, travelling in Johto.

Starting pokemon: Bagon

History: I lived in Nimbasa, Unova, in a not quite well off household. I will say we went without meals a few times. But, things did get better. When they did, I received a Bagon for my tenth birthday. My trusted partner Lance, (I was expecting a Axew, but Bagon works all the same, besides, I caught an Axew not too soon after.) After that, a few months later, I left home for a journey around the region. I've been travelling the regions for years, happy with my Pokemon.

Any other information: He is an old friend of Cross, and his younger sister is an extremely famous Coordinator.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/upload_2014-4-3_20-9-43.png.93ceb033238ad403506dea04fb12a9d1.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15631" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/upload_2014-4-3_20-9-43.png.93ceb033238ad403506dea04fb12a9d1.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Rinai Takashi

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Height: 5' 10"

Weight: 141 lbs

Eye color: Grey

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/draco.jpg.8c31ac8746f243ab232ad65f7a98d760.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15771" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/draco.jpg.8c31ac8746f243ab232ad65f7a98d760.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Description: He wears jacket like this with a blue undershirt and wears black pants.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/TrexzeshHumanForm_zps38be189c.jpg.51cd8a373833a406d01a5864e95d77a4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15772" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/TrexzeshHumanForm_zps38be189c.jpg.51cd8a373833a406d01a5864e95d77a4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

He's very kind but shy. He knows alot about pokemon. Ways of evolving, type advantages, and different types of strategies. He loves all pokemon and sees potential in all. He's afraid of evolving his pokemon because of the fear that they'll hate him. He adores the cuter pokemon. He would pass up a Ursaring for a Teddiursa any day. He's always quick to jump into a battle to show just because a pokemon doesn't evolve, doesn't mean they can't be strong.

Region: Starts his Journey to the Kanto, but is from the Flintel Region.

Starting pokemon: Oshwatt

History: He is the son of the Cryster City, Dark type, Gym Leader, Myrantha. Myrantha wants her son to take her place after she retires, but his dream is different. He left it to his twin sister, Akira, to inherit to gym instead, as he goes off to chase his dream.



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Name: Valerie Streep

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Height: 4'9"

Weight: 99.208 lbs.

Eye color: Blue


Region: Johto

Starting pokemon: Totodile

History: Valerie was raised in Sinnoh, but both her parents died because of an accident when she was 12. When she was journeying to Johto to live with her aunt after her parents' death, she met Professor Elm on the way. Professor Elm asked her if she wanted to be a pokemon trainer. She said yes, and Professor Elm gave her her first pokemon, Totodile.

Amy other information: She loves water pokemon
Name: Daniel Gryffin

Age: 17

Gender: male

Height: 6'2

Weight: 203 pounds

Eye color: Sky Blue


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf04af697_images(27).jpg.07ed0aaaf1ae744d98a74faf4c43b265.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15908" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf04af697_images(27).jpg.07ed0aaaf1ae744d98a74faf4c43b265.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Just change the eyes to blue)

Region: Johto

Starting pokemon: Cyndaquil was his official starting pokemon, but he inherited Lucario way before then.

History: He was born and raised in Johto by a loving family, but when he was 8, his mother and father died in a tragic car crash. He was in the car, but somehow survived. He grew up under his uncles eyes from then on and inherited the family pokemon: Lucario. His uncle had connections with professor oak and he quickly learned how to be a great pokemon trainer. He wasn't the jock or popular guy, and when he got his first pokemon, he attached to it. They became his best friends as he captured more. Whenever he gets a friend, he becomes very caring and trusting towards them. He trusts to easily. He is sly, cunning, intelligent, caring, loving, likable, and fun. He puts everything before himself and will protect his friends with his life. He is very muscular and thin along with being tall. Being in shape is a plus when he trains his pokemon.

Amy other information: He has multiple personality disorder brought on by the crash that shows at random times



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Name: Necrius Th'ller

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Height: 5' 11"

Weight: 125 lbs

Eye color: Steel Grey

Description: Pale, gaunt, and well groomed, Necruis has an air gloom about him. He wears loosely casual formal attire, allowing his rather small frame cut a striking figure.

Region: Unova

Starting pokemon: Larvitar and Deino

History: Necrius had a turbulent childhood, to say the least. The earliest memory Necrius has is of his now deceased brothers clawing weakly at him with weak, ghoulish talons for the bits of bread their parents would distribute. His brothers would quickly consume the bread, becoming ill and bloated, while Necrius, with wisdom beyond his years, rationed what little he had for the winters where they would sure come up short. And so, with a back covered in weak claw rakes, shallow wounds and pathetic scabs, He bolted from the ramshackle rubble that was their home, his brothers too hungry and weak to follow, and set out to find his parents, his carefully stockpiled food in a tattered cloth for safe keeping. After a week of exhausting searching, Necrius finally managed to find his parents, dead in the snow, looking already skeletons, save for the little flesh that was stretched too tightly on their skeletons. Returning to see what he could do for his brothers, he found them expired as well. At no point did Necrius cry though. He merely cocked his head to the side curiously. He helped himself to what few possessions they had as a family, which came out to be a tattered set of clothing, a small moth eaten cloth sack, and a large stick. It was at the ripe age of 6 that he became a young man, fending for his own survival, and set out. His life was filled with more trials before his tragic luck would have it's fill of morbid decay, and allow him to rise from the dark, dank corners of Black City. With his life owed and lives owed to him, his merry band or 3, Necrius himself, his Larvitar, and his Deino, He now seeks to explore the world in a brighter light, his hard fought wealth a boon to keep him well stocked.

Any other information: Necrius survived by snuggling with his poke-partners, and so he adamantly refuses to put them in pokeballs.
Name: Caelen

Age: 14

Gender: male


Weight: 180 pounds

Eye color: green

Description: has black hair going to his shoulders and overshadowing his eyes. wears a black shirt with cyan highlights and black jeans. wears a black and green overcoat that goes to his knees. wears black boots. has a green satchel over his right shoulder.

Region: hoenn

Starting pokemon: duskull

History: Caelen was kept from going on his journey until his parents thought he was old enough to take care of himself properly and at the age of 13 he got a duskull from professor birch so he could get to know her (duskull is a girl) and so he could familiarize with her moves. from there he set out on his journey heading toward oldale town via route 101.

Amy other information: keeps pokeballs inside his coat.
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