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  1. Desire

    My muse was gone for a very long time, but now it's back. Shall be replying to everyone shortly...

    My muse was gone for a very long time, but now it's back. Shall be replying to everyone shortly, and I apologize.
  2. Desire

    their secret friendship (twi x des)

    Misty said nothing, standing straight. She was embarrassed over her outburst.
  3. Desire

    their secret friendship (twi x des)

    It suddenly grew awkward. Misty coughed. "I'm joking of course, your highnesses." She gave a large grin. "I was just standing watch so.." She turned her back on them to continue keeping watch. "Just ignore me."
  4. Desire

    A Grimm Life

    The older gentleman nodded his head. "So, onto more serious business- I've heard a Grimm is roaming around this part of town." He was satisfied when he heard his table's sounds of disgust and anger. Grimms, to most wessen creatures, were the things of nightmare. The kind of person that hunted...
  5. Desire

    their secret friendship (twi x des)

    Misty stood by the kitchen doorway. She cleared her throat, and said jokingly: "What are you two eating cookies at this hour?"
  6. Desire

    their secret friendship (twi x des)

    Misty nearly squealed as she saw the royal family. Still, she stood straight and rigid like the rest of the guards, her eyes pointed towards the family.
  7. Desire

    their secret friendship (twi x des)

    Misty came off the train moments after Angelic, and looked around. "Where did she go?" She mused, before spotting the mare with some guards. "Argh! I'll never get to go past those guards!" She paused. "Unless..." "Hi! Excuse me! New guard coming through!" Misty said as she pushed past the...
  8. Desire

    Hiya I'm a noob

    Hello, welcome to the forums! Don't worry if you're a beginner, you'll be able to expand your skills here. C:
  9. Desire

    their secret friendship (twi x des)

    Misty stared at her coffee momentarily. She just. met. a. royal. She gave a gasp as Angelic took off. "Hey!" Misty gave a frown, and completated following after her. She decided to do so- it wasnt everyday one met a royal!
  10. Desire

    A Grimm Life

    "A toast to Blake!" An older gentleman, with white hair the color of snow, said as he held up his glass of red wine. The people on his table followed his example by raising thier glasses. Most of the people were men in black tuxedos. A few woman in beautiful dresses that were scarlet, jade- dark...
  11. Desire

    Sorry I haven't replied, darlings. I wasn't feeling very good. Will reply tomorrow as soon as...

    Sorry I haven't replied, darlings. I wasn't feeling very good. Will reply tomorrow as soon as possible. :)
  12. Desire

    Doing homework! Will reply as swiftly as possible.

    Doing homework! Will reply as swiftly as possible.
  13. Desire

    A Grimm Life

    A man in a pinstripe suit stepped back in fear, his back pressing firmly against the wall. "What are you?" He was able to wheeze out through panicked breathes. He had dealt with plenty of mobsters before, but not like this. These were m-monsters! There were three creatures, surrounding him...
  14. Desire

    their secret friendship (twi x des)

    Misty choked on her coffee. "I'm sorry," she squeaked, "Did you just say that you're meeting family. And that family includes Prince Shining Armor and Princess Twilight Sparkle?"
  15. Desire

    their secret friendship (twi x des)

    "That's great! Any plans for today?" Misty asked, putting her cup down to move a piece of her light blue mane out of her face.
  16. Desire

    their secret friendship (twi x des)

    Misty gave a brief smile, but it fell as Angelic didn't speak. She sat down, and sipped her coffee. "So, how are you today?" She asked making idle conversation.
  17. Desire

    their secret friendship (twi x des)

    Misty looked around with a sigh. There was no where to sit. She walked up to Angelic. "Excuse me, is this seat taken?"
  18. Desire

    their secret friendship (twi x des)

    Misty yawned, walking into a cafe. Perhaps a coffee could wake up the tired pegasus- and get rid of her thoughts.
  19. Desire

    their secret friendship (twi x des)

    Misty stopped in her tracks, her eyes wide. Did the pegasus... just teleport with unicorn magic? The next day, Misty was walking through streets of Canterlot, still pondering the events of yesterday.
  20. Desire

    their secret friendship (twi x des)

    Misty watched the hooded figure fly off. There you are, she thought. She readied herself before she launched into the air after the pony who was apparently a pegasus. "Come on!"