their secret friendship (twi x des)

twilight sparkle

Yaoi lover
You know when you're a royal you have very few real friends. One day a princess meets a pony of lower class and they become friends. But they have to keep their friendship secret because the princess isn't supposed to leave the castle. Or have any contact with the lower class. What happens when they're caught?

Angelic looked around the castle and sighed. Not as many guards. She quickly galloped to the exit and flew out. She hid her identity with a cloak and trotted through canterlot.
Misty Weather, a gray pegasus with a blue mane, was walking through the marketplace. She was content, using her hard-earned bits for the local goods of the other ponies. "Ahh," she said, "Just another day."
Misty gave a 'oof' as a cloaked pony crashed into her. She gave a grumble as she stood up, recollecting her things. "Watch where you're going."
"Wait!" Misty called after her, suddenly feeling awful. She ran after her. "Hold on, I'm sorry!"
Misty ran fast, before sliding near the alley. She looked around, frowning. "I'm sorry!" She called out, before trotting into the alleyway.
Misty watched the hooded figure fly off. There you are, she thought. She readied herself before she launched into the air after the pony who was apparently a pegasus. "Come on!"
Misty stopped in her tracks, her eyes wide. Did the pegasus... just teleport with unicorn magic?

The next day, Misty was walking through streets of Canterlot, still pondering the events of yesterday.
Angelic was eating breakfast and then trotted out to the garden. "Princess angelic do you need anything?"

Angelic shook her head no and when they had their backs turned took off. She put on her shrawl and trotted to a cafe.
Misty yawned, walking into a cafe. Perhaps a coffee could wake up the tired pegasus- and get rid of her thoughts.
Misty looked around with a sigh. There was no where to sit. She walked up to Angelic. "Excuse me, is this seat taken?"
Misty gave a brief smile, but it fell as Angelic didn't speak. She sat down, and sipped her coffee. "So, how are you today?" She asked making idle conversation.
"That's great! Any plans for today?" Misty asked, putting her cup down to move a piece of her light blue mane out of her face.
Angelic gulped and said"i-im going to visit family in ponyville and thr crystal empire. Im sure shining and twilight are eager to meet up again."
Misty choked on her coffee. "I'm sorry," she squeaked, "Did you just say that you're meeting family. And that family includes Prince Shining Armor and Princess Twilight Sparkle?"
She nodded and paid then galloped for the train. Angelic sighed paying and sat down in an empty railcar and took off her shrawl with her magic stretching her wings.
Misty stared at her coffee momentarily. She just. met. a. royal. She gave a gasp as Angelic took off. "Hey!" Misty gave a frown, and completated following after her. She decided to do so- it wasnt everyday one met a royal!

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