their secret friendship (twi x des)

Misty came off the train moments after Angelic, and looked around. "Where did she go?" She mused, before spotting the mare with some guards. "Argh! I'll never get to go past those guards!" She paused. "Unless..."

"Hi! Excuse me! New guard coming through!" Misty said as she pushed past the guards in the resting area. The pegasus, now crystalized due to the Crystal Empire's magic, put on a random guard's armor.

A guard looked at her. "Ah ain't seen you at orientation."

Misty grinned sheepishly. "I uh... overslept?" The guard shrugged and didnt ask another question. Misty rushed to where Angelic was.
Angelic smiled and greeted her cousins and cadence. She was now crystallized and looked beautiful as ever. Angelic adjusted her glasses and giggled.
Misty nearly squealed as she saw the royal family. Still, she stood straight and rigid like the rest of the guards, her eyes pointed towards the family.
Misty stood by the kitchen doorway. She cleared her throat, and said jokingly: "What are you two eating cookies at this hour?"
They froze and twilight blushed embarrassed and angelic hid behind her cousin. "Whimper.." twilight patted her with her wing."its alright angel."smiling.
It suddenly grew awkward. Misty coughed. "I'm joking of course, your highnesses." She gave a large grin. "I was just standing watch so.." She turned her back on them to continue keeping watch. "Just ignore me."
Twilight laughed then said"cmon angelic.Lets have a sleep over with cadence and luna!" Angelic nodded and they washed their glasses before trottingout.

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