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  1. straven_bushido

    Discordia OOC and Character Sheets

    first time on here i'm better giving verbal discriptions
  2. straven_bushido

    Discordia OOC and Character Sheets

    Name: Evan Nicholae Kaega Age:17 Appearance: Personality: Quick thinking, brave, talkative. History: Evan has lived on his own for 1 year now. He's kind of a computer nerd. He does know, however, Tae Kwon Do. Other: He tries to be a ladies man but has a severe case of foot in mouth-itis.
  3. straven_bushido


    Evan looked all around. The area was medieval looking that was for sure. He looked at him self. He was in a wolf's pelt vest and slacks. "Ok this is very wierd. Why am i here." He was frustrated. He found the nearest exit and walked out. He then found himself in a wheat field "What the hell is...
  4. straven_bushido


    Evan Kaega opened up the box the mail man just dropped off. He put the new discordia game into his computer it was within seconds that his laptop caught on fire. "OH MY GOD!!!" Evan lived alone so he didn't worry about someone walking into his house. He immediately got the fire extinguisher and...
  5. straven_bushido

    Sign up for Supernatural RP!

    i also agree.
  6. straven_bushido

    Sign up for Supernatural RP!

    Name: Evan Nicholae Kaega Age: 17 Sex: Male Race: Werewolf Appearance: Long brown hair, tan skin, green eyes, about 125 lbs human 250 lbs wolf Love Interest: any girl who will have me History/Personality: Personality: Girl lover ;) , brave, strong, and quick thinking. History: Evan...
  7. straven_bushido

    Hello young traveler. My name is steven and if u want to be my friend fine if not thats fine also.

    Hello young traveler. My name is steven and if u want to be my friend fine if not thats fine also.