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that's up to you. starting over would be easiest for me personally, and I'm trying to see if my rp partner Macal Cord would like to join too actually. Rikarah has a lover called Christian Ryese he plays, and it would be neat if both Rikarah and Christian had gone back in time. It's even possible Macal would go with Faith, but if that were the case I'd have to make her a little older and also edit some of her information. As of now though it's just Faith at age 20 and Rikarah.
Hmm, I need 14's input before I make a decision, since they were also involved in the old one and might not want to start again...
View attachment 1987Name: Evan Nicholae Kaega

Age: 17

Sex: Male

Race: Werewolf

Appearance: Long brown hair, tan skin, green eyes, about 125 lbs human 250 lbs wolf

Love Interest: any girl who will have me

History/Personality: Personality: Girl lover
;) , brave, strong, and quick thinking. History: Evan has a long sad history. He was a born werewolf. Before he had control at age 10 he killed both of his parents. At age 16 his girlfriend was killed by a mob. He has since then wandered the planet to and fro helping those who need it.
(I am going to edit my charrie a little bit, its the same basic idea though)

Name: Marella Faire

Age: 17

Sex: Female

Race: Werewolf

Appearance:Her dress:

Human: She has creamy brown skin with dark brunette hair that curls at the small of her back. Her eyes are golden brown with green specks. She is of normal height with a muscular build.

WOlf: Her left ear is missing from a fight she recently had with another wolf.
View attachment 1995

Love Interest: none as of yet

History/Personality: Her parents were both were wolves who were owned by a wealthy business man. She is his personal pet and people in town think she is just one of his many foreign mistresses. She is kept on a tight leash doing anything for her "master". This ranges from hunting with him or pleasing him when he gets bored. However she recently escaped and hides in the forest surrounding the town where Frederick lives. She is occasionally spotted and the locals mention it to her old master but he can't find her. She has yet to get rid of the metal shackle on her wrist, she can't break it off.
Name: Blake

Age: 10

Sex: male

Race: Demon


human form: little boy/Blazerstarwing/1186725323_esAnimeBoy.jpg?o=11

demon form: demon/onyxdragonmage/Anime/demon-1.jpg?o=19

Love Interest: not yet...

he is quiet and can be mean. he doesnt like being messed with. when he was little he had parents that wanted to send him to hell. Blake had a power, when he was born he took something with him, the devil. he doesnt like to be told what to do, and if you do, he can kill you. he is scared of himself because of his scary thought about... certain people. he 'feeds' on kindness and friendliness. he wants to be loved by a parent. his parents before tried to kill him, thats how you get rid of him, kill him. so they took him while he was sleeping and tried to bake him. he got away. now he lives on the streets trying to find someone who cares for him. he looks nice and inanest, but he is a demon.
well he can be easily killed, when he is sleeping... i mean, ill think about weaknesses lol thx

also can i post now?
Sure go ahead, and one of the rules that I need to add (forgot) is that you can't kill another character without the controller's permission xD Otherwise we'd be arguing all over the place! You can of course injure them though, that goes without saying.
Name: Catalaya Cenish

Age: 17

Sex: female

Race: Vampire


View attachment 2003

Love Interest: shes a vampire so she'll probably find one

History/Personality:bitten by her vampire uncle at 17 Catalaya was left to live a cold life of blood and flesh. Her parents died before they could realize the fact that there daughter wasn't growing. She sayer the same. She would be a 17 year old girl for the rest of her life. She is currently 100 but looks 17. She is very seductive as vampires should be. She is very secretive and keeps to her self. She can be cold as ice but still able to be friendly.
Oh sorry, I've not been paying much attention… to anything has this rp been revived xD
Name: Jayden Marissa Crosswinds

Age: 17

Sex: Female

Race: Angel



Love Interest:Noperz

History/Personality: Meet her

Name: Carter Jayde Lucias

Age: 17

Sex: Female

Race: Vampire



Love Interest: Nah

History/Personality: Meet her
ok kool, yeah if i try and hurt them and give them a like warning that it might be coming thanks :)

--- Merged Double Post ---

oh wait, i just found out that someone else's person's name is Blake... could i change mine so no one gets mixed up?

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