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  1. VoxMultis

    OOC Chat

    Hey had a busy week but i'll be taking a look at stuff today and tomorrow and should have a character ready by monday!
  2. VoxMultis

    Fantasy CS: Beyond the Gate at World's End

    Lord Larkin Ephraim Wakefield III "I have no time for those who have no use."   General Info Apperance Personality
  3. VoxMultis

    Fantasy OOC: Beyond the Gate at World's End

    @Kindred alright awesome! Thanks for the answers!
  4. VoxMultis

    Fantasy OOC: Beyond the Gate at World's End

    Hey, just a couple questions for clarification. All tributes that come from the kingdoms are human correct? What's the time frame in terms of when the tributes were sent beyond the gate? (i.e. i have a 25-year-old character I'm working on. Would it be recently that he's been sent out or...
  5. VoxMultis

    Fantasy OOC: Beyond the Gate at World's End

    This looks pretty interesting! I really enjoyed the writing style of the Premise, very beautifully put! Think I'll start working on a character for this!
  6. VoxMultis

    Gates: Freefall -- OOC

    Hey I had a question about the link system in this! I was wondering if there were gonna be any more details about specific link powers or if we were going to be given a bit of freedom to create what our links do, within the purview of the classification we have chosen of course. More...
  7. VoxMultis

    Fantasy Reckless Kings [Seeking more Players]

    This seems interesting! I look forward to seeing where this goes!