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Fantasy CS: Beyond the Gate at World's End

Interest Check OOCCharacters • IC


~ Character Tab ~

Only post your characters here if they've been accepted. Character Sheets posted here are public, and as such have alot of information removed.
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"There's more to life then the corners we put ourselves in."


Humphrey Fredrick Stanza • 21 • 21st of February • Male • Heterosexual • The Old Lands

Hummers  Frey



Appearance : Humprey stands at 5"9, with bright blue eyes and long blonde hair he often ties back to get out of his face. His eyebrows are a darker colour, and bushy, giving him a village-boy look as he peers out from underneath them with cheeky, suggestive eyes.


His build is quite filled out, with muscles that aren't overbearing nor overlookable. Despite what some might think, given his humble beginnings, he has better posture then the average streetrat layabout - if only slightly. He is somewhat tanned giving his whole overall appearance a sun-kissed feel.


Humphrey has no notable tattoos or piercing, though a long scar across his right forearm tells a story of an accident with a stove once when he was young. Other then that he seems fighting fit and in good nick, perhaps a good contender for this difficult land.


Humphrey often opts for simple workman's clothing - a leather waistcoat over a button-up shirt, rolled up to the elbows, simple trousers and simple leather boots. Everything about him seems to point to a simple, carefree life.

Personality : Humphrey is a quirky, upbeat sort of lad, though he has been known to kick back and laze around if he thinks he can get away with it. He's pretty fearless in front of a hearty challenge, so long as that challenge isn't a combat he can die from. Jumping a large distance that could cause him serious injury? bring it. Drinking game he'll definitely regret in the morning? sounds like a blast. Fighting a creepy being he's never met before? Nuh-uh, throw the women and children aside!


So he'd claim, anyway. Humphrey has a bit of a soft spot for sweet girls, and he likes to think they have a soft spot for him. He's a cheery sort, quick to crack a few jokes in exchange for a few smiles, but he can also be quite pensive when caught in the right mood. Often he can be caught down by the river, lazing the day away, happy with or without company. He seems quite at home both around people and out by himself.


  He's quite happy to admit when he's out of his comfort zone and quite happy to push the limit of his comfort zone, so long as he's sure he wont get hurt too badly.






"Here to Serve!"


Targilde Mullen • 17 • April 2nd • Male • Bisexual • The Empire


Appearance: Targilde stands at 6 ft with perfect posture, back always ramrod straight. He's of a slim build and quite bony, though his suits - at least - fill him out a little. He has platinum blond hair and pale amber, almond-shaped eyes that hold an endearing sweetness to him. He comes across as quite an innocent person, if a little childish, and he's always immaculately clean of he can help it. He has a pinkish undertone to his pale skin.


He has no noticable tattoos or scars, though he sports a small blue stud in his right ear. Regardless of the weather, climate or job of the day, Targilde is almost always seen wearing well-fitted suits, black with gold buttons, and a small tie around his neck. If one were to look at his closet, all they would see is a collection of identical immaculate suits, lined up neatly and lint-free.


The only other outfit he might occasionally be spotted in is a straw hat to keep the sun off his neck and some simple gardening clothes. These are comprised of thick brown gardening gloves, a pair of blue suspenders with one broken strap, a pair of muddy boots up to the knees which he tucks his trousers into.

Personality: Targilde is a friendly sort of chap, though often a bit on the quiet side. He's very polite, regularly speaking only when spoken too - unless he see's someone is particularly quiet or uncomfortable, then he will try to include them and make them feel at home. He is more of a follower then a leader, but happy to make suggestions when he feels it's appropriate. At the end of the day, he lives his life in service to others, even when they don't necessarily invite the attention. Too bad - you get it anyway.


Targilde comes across as a little on the quiet side, but despite everything he is very childish at heart. And stubborn. One of the first things he ever learned was never disagree with a Master - but saying "Yes, my lord." with a smile on his face and then going off to do something in the Master's best interests... so long as he won't mind by the time he finds out.






(without the arm augments)




Melanie Cerulean Blau • 19 • October 31st • Female • Heterosexual • Veldamar

• Nini, Mello, Melonhead, Shakes, Ceri  •


Appearance : Melanie stands at 5"4 with long pink, wavy hair that falls just past her collar bone. She's quite petite with a slim but slightly athletic build. Her true eye colour was blue... before she got augmented. As it is she has startling neon eyes with black sclera, and extremely long, black eyelashes that frame them well. She's exceptionally pale, the sun seemingly having no effect on her... bar burning, that is. She has a slightly stiff walk to her, and she goes everywhere at a relaxed meander... if she can get away with it.


She has a number of tattoos covering her body - including one written across her inner left, one curling around her right leg, one on her right ankle and a sleeve covering her right arm. Not to mention, one hidden tattoo above her solar plexus.


She has no visible scars or wounds but has two neon pink 8mm gauges, one in each ear. Typically she can be seen sporting a baggy hoodie, various eclectic leggings and comfy hightop shoes. She also has a habbit of wearing nail polish - or did, at least, before she came here - though it's often chipped and messy.



Personality : Melanie is apathetic in a way the word doesn't quite prepare you for. She can be a bit prickly at times, but generally keeps her own counsel about things, unless speaking out about it will have some sort of impact that she's hoping for. She isn't afraid to take action when it's necessary, and she's not afraid to act immediately if she has to, even if it would upset other people. Fearless is a word that could describe her - fearless, but not stupid.


Melanie is fiercely loyal and warmly protective over those she takes a liking to, though she'd never impede their freedom unless she thought their safety was at dire risk. Despite her bristly edge and occasionally sacastic tone, she does have a humourous side to her, though her taste in jokes can seem quite dry to the uninitiated.
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[SIZE=14.6667px]Alexis Helena Mornson [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]•[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]  8 [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]•[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] October 1st [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]•[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] Female [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]•[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] Asexual [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]•[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] The Old Lands[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]•[/SIZE] [SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Lexie[/SIZE] [SIZE=14.666666666666666px]•[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Appearance:[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] Alexis is a typical little girl, she has bright eyes and an easy smile. She has long curly hair, white as a cloud that comes down in ringlets, kept loose around her face. She stands no taller than 4'5 and has incredibly pale skin. Her eyes are a strange shade of blue that look almost violet in the right lighting. Her face is small and she has long eyelashes, pale white much like her hair.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]She has a preference for loose, flowing dresses, often in shades of beige and white, usually coming down to her knees with lace accents. She often goes around barefoot, leaving the bottom of her feet rather dirty, the only thing marring her porcelain skin.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Personality:[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Alexis is your typical child, bubbly and friendly with all she meets, though perhaps a little more well spoken then most. She is incredibly sweet, and thoroughly enjoys being around others, getting to know people and make friends with them.She seems to rely on her companion Oxe for things she is incapable of doing on her own, and often spends time on his back.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]She can be rather naive and has an innocence about her, she has a kind voice that seems to echo slightly as she speaks. She isn't particularly observant, and can be incredibly talkative. She can go on about nothing for days, and loves listening to other peoples stories. She always has an open ear, and seems to trust others easily.[/SIZE]




[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]    [/SIZE]"The bonds of love are strongest of all."

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]    Oxe [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]•[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] 21[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]•[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] January 3rd [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]• [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Male [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]• [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Heterosexual [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]• [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]The North Kin[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]    [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]• [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Zeze,[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]•[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Appearance:[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]  At 6’6, he’s quite tall, perhaps even intimidating to look at. His skin is that of a dark olive complexion and his eyes are an bright amber color. He is slender, but quite muscular, a brawny brutish looking man. There seems to be some light scarring around his mouth and neck, though he wears a black scarf that covers these markings up, he also tends to loop this scarf over his head to mimic a hood.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]He tends to wear comfortable, loose fitting clothing, things that are easy to move in and heavy, but comfortable, boots. He has a chiseled jawline that remains clean shaven, a straight nose and strong facial features. His hair is long and white, often tied back or braided, letting it fall down the side of his neck rather than along his back.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]    [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Personality:[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Oxe is a quiet man, he has deep set eyes that appear to be boring into one, but they often seem blank, perhaps unaware of what he is seeing. He is more of an observer, he doesn’t particularly like talking to others, preferring instead to watch them.  Oxe doesn't seem to talk at all, a grunt here or there, but often remains quiet.[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]He also doesn't seem to be particularly fond of people, and often hangs back when there are more people than he cares to deal with. He tends towards being a bit shy, and seems almost uncomfortable being near those he doesn’t know. Instead he often keeps to himself, letting little Alexis talk to others for him.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]    [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]    [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]    [/SIZE]

(Not as fashionably dressed or beardy)[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]    [/SIZE]

"Trust no one, running or fighting are your only options."

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]    [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Ignatus Buford 3[/SIZE][SIZE=8.799999999999999px]rd[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]• [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]23 years, 4 months, 2 weeks, and 3 days [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]• [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]August 15th, 3:15 PM [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]• [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Uh...Male? . [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]•[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] Homoromantic demisexual [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]• [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]The Empire[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]    [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]• [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Iggy, Nate [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]•[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]    [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]  [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]    [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Appearance:[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]5’10, dangerously skinny. He has long arms and legs and there doesn’t seem to be much fat on him at all. His skin, once an olive complexion, nice if a bit pockmarked, has become almost permanently burnt from exposure, simultaneously remaining sickly looking and pockmarked . He has messy, frizzy, dark brown hair that sticks up at odd angles. It was once curly, though now remains a matted frizzy nest like structure on his head, there are also noticeable streaks of grey in his hair. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]His face is pointed and angular, deep dark circles under his olive green eyes. His nose, though once proportionate, now looks too large for his face, straight with a slight downward hook at the end. His lips are pink in color, and rather chapped. His eyebrows are thick and bushy with spots missing where there’s some scarring.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]He has other scars, along his arms, stomach, legs, some of them could easily be from fights he managed to escape from, while others look like they might be a bit more interesting, if strange.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]. His clothes are what remains of a suit, a ragged jacket with a pocket coming loose and buttons missing, and a faded green handkerchief. The rest of his clothes consist of a pair of loose fitting knee length trousers, once beige but now a dusty brown color, and a loose fitting shirt, that often isn’t buttoned properly. He does own shoes, which are so worn and broken that they barely do the job they are meant to, a pair of black loafers. He also sports a pair of silver wired glass, though the lenses have unfortunately cracked and smudged. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px] [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Personality: [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] Iggy had a personality, once upon a time. Or rather a different personality. He was a sharp young man, fond of books and learning. He had a friendly demeanor that allowed him to be quite cordial with those around him, even if he wasn’t always aware of what was going on around him. He wanted to help people, to make the Empire a better place in whatever way he could.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Since becoming a tribute, since being forced to roam the hell that lies beyond the Gate, Ignatus has lost the friendly smile, the love for books and for others, he is barely recognizable as the vibrant boy he was before. He is paranoid, he doesn’t sleep, he is aware of, and afraid of, everyone and everything he comes across. He is erratic and quiet, he fears being touched and has taken to attacking those who dare do so. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]He is a fearful man, a hateful man. He has nothing but bitterness and paranoia in his heart. His soul, once bright and living, was now dull, faded, nonexistent. [/SIZE]
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"The powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse."

Yuraku Taiko • 18 • 22 May • Male • Panromantic asexual • Yu-koku


Appearance: Yuraku stands at an average height of 5’8”, not remarkably tall or short. He’s comfortable with this fact, and as a result doesn’t slouch or try and augment his stature through any means. He tends to have a slight upward tilt to his head, as though he’s constantly looking up at something just a foot or so above him. For the most part, the way he stands is formal and relaxed at the same time: his shoulders are back and his neck is straight, but he tends to place his hands at his hips and holds them slightly forward, typically putting more weight on one leg than another. A good portion of his height is in his legs.

Yuraku’s features strongly suggest heritage from the east. His face is oval in shape, jaw not overly defined; his low cheekbones give him a slight case of baby-face, though it only serves to make it harder to pin down his age, not suggesting that he could be any younger than 16. His nose is small, rounded at the tip, and without a strong bridge to it. His black eyes are long and sharp, defined by his dark, straight lashes. They have a strong epicanthic fold.

His hair is black, long enough to drape halfway down his back. Depending on the day, he will have it in a high ponytail or just scrape it back into whatever semblance of a style he can get, which usually ends up resembling half a bun and half a tail. He has long bangs, though he sometimes clips them back with a wide horizontal silver clip. As a ‘sword for hire’, so to speak, Yuraku tends to dress simply, in a dark loose top and pants. He also wears flexible black boots, coming up to a little past his ankle; they have rubber soles to grab onto terrain well, and bend with his legs so he isn’t limited in mobility.


Personality: Yuraku was raised to be someone who knew his place in the world, and who was aware of others at all times. As a result, he is perfectly knowledgeable about the fact that, at least to him, he is ultimately useless in the scheme of the world at large. However, he was also taught that people's value to society is judged by their productivity. In a somewhat toxic combination of these two ideologies, Yuraku now believes that he has to do whatever he can, whenever he can, and that this will still not be enough to prove his value.

 Needless to say, he has something of a deprecating view toward himself, discrediting his achievements as they do not make an impact on the world as a whole. He tends to focus outward in a way that makes him seem selfless, but he actually regards his motives as quite selfish: after all, he makes it his business to help others so that he can feel a sense of worth. Still, Yuraku isn’t all that much of a downer: he genuinely likes to be of use to people, and likes to have friends and acquaintances he can count on (though he won’t, until it’s a last resort). Almost ridiculously self-sufficient, Yuraku is responsible and independent, if a little headstrong. He does his best not to be a burden, to the point that he conceals things that make him uncomfortable and won’t reply in an affirmative if anyone asks him.

He’s a bit brisk, replying with short, less articulate replies when people ask him things: however, he is clearly intelligent, and sometimes he’s not even sure how he’s picked up some random tidbits of knowledge. He also speaks formally, though he uses short syllables: he’ll call people ma’am and sir, and use titles when appropriate, even if said person tells him he doesn’t have to. He’s less good with emotions, even if overall he is a kind young man: he never knows what to say to console anyone, or what the right time is to offer advice, so typically he does not. He does try his best, though: he won’t actively reach out to people having a hard time, but he’ll cover their backs more should they need it.
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Alya Aurora Pensieve


“O-Oh, you were talking to me? I’m sorry, I was a little too engrossed in this novel…"

Alya Aurora Pensieve • 19 • 16 May • Female • Heterosexual • The Old Lands

• Al • Aurora •


Alya is 5’6” tall, and has long, curled dark brown hair; which she usually lets loose to do as it pleases, and hazel eyes. She is slender and appears very graceful in her stature and actions, mostly due to her heritage and size. Her skin is slightly browned from the sun, however she is noticeably paler than most girls her age, due to her tendency to stay indoors. She has a single birthmark on her right wrist, the shape of a slightly drooping diamond. Alya most often wears a simple yet stylish long sleeved dress, usually dark blue or burgundy in colour, with gold or silver trimming around the hem, sleeves and neckline. She usually folds her sleeves up to her elbows, or will wear a three quarter sleeved dress. She also wears simple cloth shoes, the same colour as the dress she is wearing. Occasionally she will wear a black or dove grey shawl, particularly in the winter months.


Alya is one of the kindest people you may meet, despite her half faerie side. She enjoys helping others, and hardly ever doesn’t have a smile on her face. However, she is a daydreamer, and often walks straight past distress without even noticing, off in a dream world. She absolutely loves to read, perhaps due to the extra fuel on the fire of her imagination, and spends almost all day reading and then daydreaming about whatever she has read. She can’t help but spend her time in her dream worlds, particularly with all the troubles going on around her.

When she isn’t reading, Alya loves to wander around, especially in forests or by the river, enjoying the scenery, and often lies in nearby fields, watching the clouds go by during the afternoon, or the stars twinkle at night. She finds it peaceful, being able to be alone with her thoughts, even if there were possible dangers lurking about. She prefers to think of everything in the nicest way possible, from the sweetest child to even the nastiest otherworldly creature. Being able to pretend everything is perfect is something she is good at, and she is often making others feel better in this way also.
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Lucas Williams

" The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time."


Lucas Williams • 17 •May 3rd • Male • Heterosexual• Veldamar

• Techno•

Appearance/Glamour:[SIZE=14.6667px] [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]Lucas is 5’10” he has bright green eyes and short light gray hair. He is slim and lean and doesn't have much muscle.He often slouches with a bored expression. He has a tan opal skin color. He has no tattoo, scars, wounds,and piercings.His clothing style is usually a casual style with a hoodie, sweats/jean, and sneakers.[/SIZE]

On Further Inspection

Personality: He is very quick mentally and can make a plan in a snap second. At times he could get a little cocky with his plans and mess up. He loves to fight but will think of a  way to solve the problem, he believes that he can just talk out of most of his situations.He is very smart for his age always coming up with new, yet strange ideas. He can be manipulative to get what he wants when he wants it, this can cause him to lose allies.Most of the time he is friendly and a pleasure to be around.He is distracted easily by objects of great value.


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Lord Larkin Ephraim Wakefield III


"I have no time for those who have no use."


General Info

Name: Lord Larkin Ephraim Wakefield III

Age: 20

Birthday: July 29th

Gender: Male

Orientation: Machina-sexual? (is that a thing? Otherwise, no one has discovered if he’s attracted to anyone/anything, not even himself)

Kingdom: The Empire

Nicknames: The Engineer, Lark (he only allows his younger sister to call him this)

Race: Human


Larkin stands at a nice 6’1”, if he does say so himself, but his straight and proper stature makes him seem taller. His medium-length, raven hair parts to the left, covering his left eye and leaving his whiskey colored right eye to stare out from heavy eyelids. Fair skin covers a lean body, slight signs of muscle showing through his well fitted shirts. On the rare occasion one may catch him with more skin exposed than just his face, they will find no tattoos marring his body. However, upon closer inspection, one might notice an eye patch hiding behind his bangs and the occasional sound of gears grinding coming from beneath his left sleeve. Extensive scarring covers the left side of his body, the result of a train accident in his childhood.

When not in his workshop, Larkin can be found wearing shirts and trousers of the highest quality. Outside his home, Larkin will don fitted, three-piece suits, a silk top-hat, and well-polished dress shoes. He owns overcoats that cost more than some people’s homes. In his workshop, while still wearing expensive clothing, his attire is more appropriate for the workplace. He wears a leather engineer’s apron and goggles to protect him while working. At all times, Larkin will be found wearing gloves: white, silk gloves with his suit, brown, leather, riding gloves for casual, and long, leather gloves while working.


To most, Larkin has a rather . . . abrasive personality. His is blunt and always to the point; if he sees a problem he will bring it up and deal with it. He deals with his personal life the same as his professional – he has no time for anything or anyone who will hold him back – and has almost no friends, only business relations. In his workshop, Larkin has a dogged, almost harsh, focus upon his work and cannot stand disorganization in his workplace. He has been known to enter his workshop and not appear for several days with little food or sleep.

Most view Larkin as elitist, stuck-up and a cold-hearted bastard (all of which he is). This comes from his lack of empathy towards others and their problems. While not quiet, Larkin rarely takes the time to engage others if he does not need to, preferring to ignore their existence until necessary. He keeps interactions with people short and never talks about himself. He absolutely never lets anyone touch him.

Orves Len Barca



"Sharp mind, shape blade"

Orves Len Barca • 23 • July 20th • Male • Heterosexual The Empire
Orv Len •

Appearance/Glamour: As glamour can only work to a certain extend, Orves only manages to appear as though he is exactly five feet tall. Even with this new height, he manages to draw a little bit of attention. His skin tone is incredibly pale with a subtle undertone of green with countless scars marring the surface. His messy hair is a dirty blond colour with a few subtle streaks of dark brown. His irises are a dark umber hue, making is difficult to see the pupil. To conceal how similar he looks to a walking skeleton, he often wears multiple layers of clothes. He prefers to wear either dark colours or colours that are reminiscent of nature, such as blue, green, brown, and grey.   


Personality: Orves may be small, but his personality certainly makes up for that. Although his movements are nearly silent, his voice is loud and boisterous, hardly ever afraid to speak his mind. This of course often leads him straight into trouble. He seems to have a knack for pushing people's buttons and seeing how far he can push the limits. His small stature often allows others to underestimate him, especially his adeptness in combat. He relishes the fact that he is not as weak as others perceive him to be. His inability to be modest is never more prominent than after he is victorious in a confrontation. 


Even though he is brash and quite annoying, if an individual manages to gain his trust, he is loyal to the very end. Of course, he still likes to test the limits and is rudely blunt, but not as severely with regards to a trusted and respected person. Orves is not only underestimated in the physical department, but also in the intellectual one. He often uses this fact to his advantage, which allows his to get away with things that only an "intelligent" creature could.

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Amelia Mavis Flann


"There's always something to look forward to"

Amelia Mavis Flann • 20 • April 3rd • Female• Heterosexual Veldamar
Appearance/Glamour: Amelia is careful not to draw attention to herself. Her tall height accompanied by her slim weight gives her a willowy appearance. Despite this, it is still relatively easy for her to disappear into a crowd. Her hair is a soft hazelnut,  overall a light brown starting at the scalp and gradually fading to blond. Her large eyes are ice blue, with a darker blue ring surrounds the irises. A simple necklace of silver adorns her neck. Some may call her choice of clothes unfashionable, but she calls them practical. She usually wears long sleeved shirts or sweaters and long pants, to hide any bruises or marks that she may have.


Personality: The most memorable quality about Amelia is how forgettable she is. She is almost painfully soft-spoken and appears to have the personality of a wall. What might surprise others is that she actually is intentionally boring and plain. She hates attention with a passion, preferring to stay in the sidelines of action. This adapted personality is her key to self-preservation, as if she is forgettable, then no potential trouble can find her...in theory anyway.

 Behind her dull façade, Amelia is quite troubled. She lacks confidence in herself, she is wary of trusting anyone, and has doubts about the world around her. When faced with options, she is often indecisive, not wanting to make the wrong choice. On a deeper level, Amelia has a strong spirit that rarely shows itself, along with potential to grow and develop as a person.


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