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  1. Tanimoto Sozen!


  2. Tanimoto Sozen!

    Fantasy Fantasy adventure OOC

    sorry that i haven't been posting a lot XD
  3. Tanimoto Sozen!

    Fantasy Fantasy adventure

    (Toko: I glady accept your quest  i look forward to it) He said to the king. He then got up and walked up to  Tasu (toko: Hi there im Toko im the last leader of the iron bull Templars nice to meet ya) he said with a friendly smile 
  4. Tanimoto Sozen!

    Fantasy Fantasy adventure

    (Toko: welp i better head inside it seems like) he then got up from his chair and walked up to the guard and gave him his invitation and walked in (toko: man i hope im not late) he said as he took a chair (toko: *sighs* it seems like i ask Cadence what happend) he said to himself
  5. Tanimoto Sozen!

    Fantasy Fantasy adventure OOC

     Ye i posted it before you posted yours.... and i couldn't delete so i made it shorter XD
  6. Tanimoto Sozen!

    Fantasy Fantasy adventure

    (Toko: and im Toko and from the great mountains) He said with a smile @MissCrimson121 @animegirl20
  7. Tanimoto Sozen!

    Fantasy Fantasy adventure

    (Toko: well its certainly a surprise) he then took another drink of ale (Toko: so where are you from?) he said with a puzzled look @animegirl20 
  8. Tanimoto Sozen!

    Fantasy Fantasy adventure

    (Toko: oh) he whispered. He then turned his attention to the other lady (toko: yeah thats what it says in the invitation) he then took a drink of ale from his cup @MissCrimson121 @animegirl20  
  9. Tanimoto Sozen!

    Fantasy Fantasy adventure

    Toko took a chair from a another table and sat (toko: so where are you from exactly it doesn't seem your from this place?) he said getting comfortable in his chair (Toko: i'm from the great mountains it snows a lot there) He said hold the cup of ale
  10. Tanimoto Sozen!

    Fantasy Fantasy adventure

    (Toko: well if we take closer look at the Invitation it has fine print which would mean its from some one of like.....nobility maybe) he said taking out his invitation and showing to her (toko: it might be a person of great wealth that sent us our Invitation) He then gave a embarrassed...
  11. Tanimoto Sozen!

    Fantasy Fantasy adventure

     As Toko took a big drink of ale he slowly set the cup down on the table (toko: I....think i might have a had a bit to many) He said feeling a bit Hazy and light headed. He then took out a book about Fire magic and began to read a bit of it (Toko: hmm i didn't know i could make fire Explode) He...
  12. Tanimoto Sozen!

    Fantasy Fantasy adventure

    As toko  Rode his horse in to the Royal town He carried a banner of the Iron bull Templars with him. (toko: *sighs* well i hope i can recruit anyone while im here) Toko then unlatched one of his pockets on his belt and pulled out the invitation  and observed it (Toko: Hmmmm) after about 15...
  13. Tanimoto Sozen!

    I know the feeling XD

    I know the feeling XD
  14. Tanimoto Sozen!

    Fantasy Fantasy adventure OOC

     so do you have a story involved with the rp that will be created in the furture? @Tsuna
  15. Tanimoto Sozen!

    Fantasy Fantasy adventure Characters

    Name: Toko Yegomen Age: 35 Appearance: Race: Human Class: Templar ( Uses a one handed sword  with his right hand  while casting spells on his left) Personality: Social,Enthusiastic,Outgoing,Resourceful. Weapons: One handed sword Power,Abilities,Magic: He can  caste a fire...
  16. Tanimoto Sozen!

    Fandom Lost Planet 2 character sheet

    Name: Gender: Appearence: Weapon: Division: Backstory:
  17. Tanimoto Sozen!

    Fantasy Beasts and Men

    @2PM         but other then that you can be the god of justice
  18. Tanimoto Sozen!

    Fantasy Beasts and Men

    @2PM          well could post it here or private message me it either way is fine
  19. Tanimoto Sozen!

    Fantasy Beasts and Men

    alright we have waited long enough if people still want to join please private message me of your character
  20. Tanimoto Sozen!

    Fantasy Beasts and Men

     just a quick reminder we are still waiting for characters to be submited  Lepton, God Of Justice : Unus, God Of Light : Edite, God Of War : Firena, Goddess Of Life & Death: Kitty_Lover Zotix, Goddess Of Vengeance : AMystery and other