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Fantasy Fantasy adventure Characters







Race: (Human, elf, angel, demon, vampire, etc)

Class: (Any class you choose. Swordsman, mage, thief, assassin, archer, elementalist, etc)



Powers, abilities, magic:

Skills: (optional)

Biography: (A little background on your character. Doesn't have to be a lot)


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Honoka is a very complex girl. At first glance, she appears to be selfish, pompous, spoiled, and used to having her own way. She can also act arrogant and cruel, usually justifying her less-than-admirable actions with her apparently unmatched beauty, causing her to think that she can get away with anything because the world will forgive her. Because of her beauty and strength, she is used to seeing men and women, young and old alike, fall instantly in love with her. As a result, people forgive her when she acts cutely apologetic or reminds them of her beauty.

She harbored a great fear of getting close to anyone. Deep down, Honoka is a rather-sensitive and vulnerable girl. She is also much more soft and compassionate towards others when she opens up. Honoko is also very sly and crafty when the situation demands it.  She has also a very skilled liar who is excellent at fabricating stories, and her confidence leads her to never consider the consequences of her actions.





Powers, abilities, magic:

Can control air, fire, and lighting






Honoka is a baker's daughter. She had helped her father for a long tie along with her mother. She lived a pretty good life but she was bullied a lot by other girls. When she was younger she was considered a plain jane and bullied by other girls all the time. She had it kind of hard but she did have her few friends. One day the girls played an awful trick on her and she ran off into the woods crying. Her mother had told her many times not to go into those woods. Her mother worried went looking for Honoka. While Honoka was in the woods she ran into the a bear. Her mother found her just in time to save her but died in the process. Honoka never did get fully over that.


As Honoka got older her looks started to change and she noticed how people were acting towards her. People gave her more attention then the girls that would tease and basically do what she wanted and she liked it. She took advantage of this and started to use her looks for just about anything. Which pissed off the other girls. She now lives as a traveler.  
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Name: Tasu

Age: 22

Gender: Male



Race: Human

Class: Hunter

Personality: Tasu is a wandering hunter. He is somewhat like a mercenary, but he usually only takes jobs to defeat monsters not people.

Tasu can be friendly and social, at other times he is distant. He seems to have a sense of justice though he doesn't like getting involved in other people's business if he doesn't have to.

He enjoys adventure and fighting powerful opponents.

Weapons: Sword, handgun

Powers, abilities, magic:

Water attacks - Can create and control various forms of water

Healing - Can heal minor wounds


Biography: Tasu is a wandering hunter. He is somewhat like a mercenary, but he usually only takes jobs to defeat monsters not people.

Age: 19

Gender: Female



Race: Vampire

Class: Assassin

Personality: At first she is distant and possibly rude unless she gets to know. She is a bit territorial at times as well. She can be kind and caring at times when she likes the person. She is always up for a fight or two!

Weapons: Scythes, throwing knives and rarely a dagger. (And most importantly her fangs!)

Power: Hightened sense of smell. Speed. Hypnotism (which she doesnt like to use that often)

Biography: Cadence turned into a vampire at age 19 in a small village. Ever since then, after a few huntings for human blood, she began to stop, almost like a drunk trying to become sober. This way, she goes out and kills the evil people who is up to no good, allowing her to live by taking their blood. However, she feels as if she is a disgrace of a being, hating that she is a monster. Cadence plans to do the right thing and not to murder innocent people, going to kill the guilty.

(Is this alright?)
Name: Toko Yegomen

Age: 35


Race: Human

Class: Templar ( Uses a one handed sword  with his right hand  while casting spells on his left)

Personality: Social,Enthusiastic,Outgoing,Resourceful.

Weapons: One handed sword

Power,Abilities,Magic: He can  caste a fire spell with his left hand and shoot balls of fire at the enemy

Skills: He knows how to Work a forge and make A lot of variety of Knives

Biography:  Toko was born into a Clan of Templars Named Iron Bull and was trained under his father to become a Templar, But at age 33 just before he was to be announced to become a actual Templar  a powerful demon came and  killed off half of the Iron bull Templars. Shocked at the fact that his own clan was almost  wiped out Toko  set off to recruit more templars and to kill the demon and his friends...for good.

( Is it ok?...i hope so)
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Name: Pelilasson (Pell)

Age: 17

Gender: Male


Race: Elf

Class: Elementalist/Healer

Personality: Pell is a serious, cold and direct person that prefers to stick his face in a book than talking to strangers, he is almost emotionless and all he lives for is studying.  With the people he knows well he is a bit different, he is a happy elf that enjoys the company of others and even though he becomes less emotionless he keeps his direct and cold traits. He is extremely sarcarstic and when mad or annoyed can take this trait to God-like levels.

Weapons: A staff

Powers, abilities, magic:

He is able to control water and plants. As an elf he has knowledge of ancient magic.

Skills: He is a proficient healer thanks to his water controlling abilities and is a peak condition athlete.

Biography: Pell's parents were elementaists and healers on his city, when he got his powers he decided to enter the family buisness as well, he has been studying and training in order to become the best elementalist and healer and he won't stop shortly. He decided to go from his city to train so he has been a wandering healer since he tured 15.
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Name: Plutia Iris

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Appearance:plutia (1).png

Race: Human

Class: Mage

Personality: Lazy and friendly. Has a tendency to torture her foes for fun. Would force friends to apologies after a fight. Likes taking naps. Can be scary when angry.

Weapons: Magical Plushy

Powers, abilities, magic: Voodoo control a plushy.

Skills: (optional)

Biography: Plutia likes to wander around a lot. Making plushy and takes jobs that involves fighting just to have an excuse to hurt people.
Name: Pelilasson (Pell)

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Appearance:View attachment 222949

Race: Elf

Class: Elementalist/Healer

Personality: Pell is a serious, cold and direct person that prefers to stick his face in a book than talking to strangers, he is almost emotionless and all he lives for is studying.  With the people he knows well he is a bit different, he is a happy elf that enjoys the company of others and even though he becomes less emotionless he keeps his direct and cold traits. He is extremely sarcarstic and when mad or annoyed can take this trait to God-like levels.

Weapons: A staff

Powers, abilities, magic:

He is able to control water and plants. As an elf he has knowledge of ancient magic.

Skills: He is a proficient healer thanks to his water controlling abilities and is a peak condition athlete.

Biography: Pell's parents were elementaists and healers on his city, when he got his powers he decided to enter the family buisness as well, he has been studying and training in order to become the best elementalist and healer and he won't stop shortly. He decided to go from his city to train so he has been a wandering healer since he tured 15.

Nice character! The picture reminds me of Legolas from Lord of the Rings... lol,  if you don't know who that is, I apologize for being the awesome nerd that I am for literature and movies! :)
Name: Dakota Slive

Age: 21

Gender: Female


Race: Succubus

Class: Assassin

Personality: Dakota is hotheaded and rude to most people, making jokes at the expense of others. She is a dangerous flirt, using her abilities to their fullest extent. She is not afraid to harm others.

Weapons: Small dagger in her thigh band, her claws, her teeth.

Powers, abilities, magic: Can entrance men and women alike, can breathe fire. Can use a "death kiss" if she is filled with anger.

Skills: Extremely agile, can fly, heightened senses

Biography: Dakota was raised as a mercenary from the get go, learning to live off the stupidity and gullibility of others. She isn't quite sure why she was hired for this job, but it pays, so she's up for it. 
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Elrith Fara


















Elrith has a calm, collected personality - something that she had inherited from her Elven mother. However, she is also a jolly, cheerful person despite her past. An adventurous soul and shows a deep care towards others. Her constant struggle is her want to explore the unknown which is usually repelled by her calculating and cautious manner.



Twin daggers


Powers, abilities, magic:

 - can create and wield blue flame

- adept at the arts of fighting

- can use blue flame to surround her body and any object 

for boost and protection

I wanted to add energy manipulation but i'm not sure if that goes under elementalist)



Elrith was the byproduct of a human father and an elven mother. A taboo, as she was considered by both races, especially that of the elves. As a result, Elrith was taken to the human territory and was raised there by her father. Little was learned about magic for her humans focused more on strength and agility. Due to her father's training, Elrith became adept in the arts of close combat, wielding her twin daggers with precision. She began working for small a organization that focused on protecting her city from the monsters and evil people that time and again roam the city outskirts. The half-elf would often retreat to the woods nearby after her small excursions. It was her place of solitude. A place where she can reflect on the past, present, and even her future. It was safe to say that here, she was free to be herself. It was also here that she practiced her magic. What's inherent to her was the only thing that reminded her of her mother. Though limited in her knowledge of her abilities, Elrith vowed to teach herself well, in honor of her mother and for the safety of her loved ones. The peaceful times proved to be the right opportunity for Elrith to travel, seek, learn, and serve.


It was during one of her travels that Elrith received a note, an invitation from the new king.




The story has started!


Feel free to join the roleplay while making your character.

Oh yes, thank you ^^
Name: Sokah

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Appearance: orc.jpg

Race: Orc

Class: Ranger

Personality: Tough, hardened, self-sufficient, antisocial, slow to trust. He is somewhat more morally inclined than most orcs but almost as intolerant of civilization.

Weapons: Twin swords, shortbow

Powers, abilities, magic: Nothing but his fighting prowess, strength and resourcefulness

Skills: Extensive survival and tracking skills, decent stealth

Biography: Sokah was one of the few surviving members of the Broken Spear tribe that was wiped out by human settlers when he was 14 years old. He knew that his best option would be to join the humans, but realized that they were killing orcs on sight. He was forced to survive on his own for several years in the northern forests, occasionally joining a couple bandit gangs and one orc tribe but ultimately leaving. Over the past few years, he has lived in the crime-ridden city of Urson as a mercenary, where he has gained some measure of trust. The King has taken notice of his prowess and summoned him.
This RP looks cool can i join? 


Howard Reeves








Human (Afflicted)




Howard is a silent guy who is often serious when it comes to completing missions or requests. In his role of being an assassin, he is deeply secure on his surroundings and is also cold-hearted when it comes to the scene where he initially murders his assigned target, he would also be trapped in recurring nightmares each day mostly revolving around his dark past.


He has a possession of two sharp daggers made from glaciers or ice.


Powers and Abilities:

Cryokinesis  - Due to a rare condition, he is capable of manipulating ice. He can create, shape and manipulate ice, water frozen into a solid state and appears naturally in forms of snow, hail, icicles, ice spikes and candles, glaciers, pack ice, frost, and polar ice caps, and cold by reducing the kinetic energy of atoms and thus making things colder, for various effects and combinations. 

Cold Immunity - His condition also gives him an unusual immunity to cold areas and temperatures too.

Howard is shown to be skilled at hand to hand combat, when his weapons aren't equipped. 


Growing up in a small village located near the Alps, he was once a normal boy who wished to become a knight just like his father. His mother had disappeared or so they say, some concluded that she died in an accident, while some said that she joined a band of bandits who would raid villages and dungeons alike and with many theories or attempted answers to her disappearance, the rest of the village pretended that she was dead. Along with him was his friend Xavier, who would both travel deep into the mountains and search for rocks and flowers to collect, they would also pretend to be knights and have duels with each other. The winner of the duel gets to have a kiss from Cecil who is another one of Howard's friends and also a love interest, together they would act out stories written from books and watch the sunset at day's end. However all of those nostalgic days will remain in the past along with the history of events that have already happened, as the sun was covered by a band of clouds and the streets were covered in a pile of snow. The years have passed by and Howard had matured into a teenager who still hangs out with his two friends and would jump roof to roof from people's houses that would constantly get them into trouble, aside from that, he has taken interest in lore and the art of combat. The village has recently been visited by a woman in white dressed in the colors of winter, her eyes looked like crystals and her skin was as white as ice and with that many men would attempt to flirt with her, one by one knocking through her cabin and asking her out to dinner. The days have gone by with her visit and so the snowy weather was harsh, as children did not go out to play and ice would freeze into people's doorsteps, though the rumors spread like wildfire mentioning that the woman was a witch who came to bewitch the town with foul weather, while the others have speculated that she was a snow sylph that carries a destructive blizzard wherever she goes, the answer did not reveal itself yet. During the next few days, the snow did not hit that hard and the sounds of children playing were once again heard, with the weather fine and less cold, Howard went up to the hill that held all the moments that took place on his childhood. In the hill were Xavier and Cecil happy to meet him, as well as the village chief and his two twin daughters. They both kept mentioning that a special guest or person would come and join them, as the nervous faces of the twin daughters greeted him and the village chief's smile numb, then appeared a powerful and strong blizzard that whisked away the trees and the grass and with a mist that covered the hill stood the lady in white who's feet weren't touching the ground. Her face didn't seemed promising and with a distorted voice of anger she said "I am Tempesta! Queen of Winter and Goddess of Winds" and with everyone shaking in fear and in cold, her face turned to the village chief and pointed a him and in the eyes of wrath she said "You?! Have you forgotten who i was, the maiden who was your first love, the maiden who sought to capture all your expectations, the maiden who was deceived by false emotions, the maiden whose loneliness was looked after". Everyone stood in shock, as the eldest daughter looked at her in sorrow and in tears muttering "M.. Mother", the goddess seemed to recognize her and comforted her a bit and whispered something to her. Howard and his friends who stood in shock recognized who the lady was and in their thoughts was a fairy tale entitled "The Queen of Winter" on which a man marries the queen of winter and bears children only to go their separate ways after. The conversation between the goddess and the village chief sparked off only to depart and take off with the eldest daughter, leaving them in many questions. A few days have passed and many people were contacted with a curse, which involved the body being covered with thick ice until they were turn into blood-seeking creatures that would hunt the nights in search of food with that also brought the village to a level where it is collapsing. People panicked and children cried, no one could help anyone and everyone was going to get killed. Howard lost his two friends and his father in the remaining days, only to come in contact of the curse later on, however he was able to control the ice that was invading his body and decided to survive and leave the village that once stood, as the remainder of his past.


- The mask that he wears originated from a mysterious lady who lives in a house with chicken legs, she claims that she travels around and sells masks to people.

(This is her house)

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Good character! Welcome to the roleplay. Your character is approved.


Your character is approved! Welcome to the roleplay. Join the story whenever you want.


Is making a character. Other than that, we're done accepting characters for now.

If anyone else is already making a character let me know. Other than that, let's enjoy the roleplay everyone!

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