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  1. Midnight Rose

    Fantasy The Forest of Beyond {ALWAYS OPEN}

    Maria nodded. "If you wish we can. Tell the others and we'll go to the puzzle."
  2. Midnight Rose

    Fantasy The Forest of Beyond {ALWAYS OPEN}

    Maria hummed along to the tunes. She looked up to the sky and sighed.
  3. Midnight Rose

    Owner of The Forest of Beyond,

    Owner of The Forest of Beyond,
  4. Midnight Rose

    Fantasy The Forest of Beyond {ALWAYS OPEN}

    Maria sighed. "Do you guys want to be allies? We need as much help as we can get. It's fine if you don't want to...." Maria looked at them closely.
  5. Midnight Rose

    Fantasy The Forest of Beyond {ALWAYS OPEN}

    Maria stared at Jack and Kyra. "I didn't expect any other people here, but there isn't really a way out until you reach the highest level." She scratched her head and sighed. "If you're hungry, there are some meat here so feel free to eat."
  6. Midnight Rose

    Fantasy The Forest of Beyond {ALWAYS OPEN}

    Maria thought carefully of where our group were going to head. She ate her meat peacefully and sighed. She felt a presence and looked around. She saw a mysterious figure and watched it carefully.
  7. Midnight Rose

    Fantasy The Forest of Beyond {ALWAYS OPEN}

  8. Midnight Rose

    Fantasy The Forest of Beyond {ALWAYS OPEN}

    "Hey, are we going to move now? By the way, you don't need to worry about Blue. She always manages to find us, so she'll be there when we need it."
  9. Midnight Rose

    Fantasy The Forest of Beyond {ALWAYS OPEN}

    Accepted! :P
  10. Midnight Rose

    Fantasy The Forest of Beyond {ALWAYS OPEN}

    Maria watched as she left and sighed. She looked at the sky and admired the scenery.
  11. Midnight Rose

    Fantasy The Forest of Beyond {ALWAYS OPEN}

    "We should be. If there are any issues then we'll have to wait."
  12. Midnight Rose

    Fantasy The Forest of Beyond {ALWAYS OPEN}

    "I have no clue. I expect her to have food already since she's a shapeshifter."
  13. Midnight Rose

    Fantasy The Forest of Beyond {ALWAYS OPEN}

    Maria handed Evangeline a skewer. "There done now. If you're really hungry, then you can grab as much as you like." She began to eat some meat.
  14. Midnight Rose

    Fantasy The Forest of Beyond {ALWAYS OPEN}

    Maria sighed. "We should keep moving. We still have a lot of challenges to face ahead."
  15. Midnight Rose

    Fantasy The Forest of Beyond {ALWAYS OPEN}

    Maria pulled out a match box and lit a match. She dropped the match into the fire and the fire started. Maria pulled out the skewers and began cooking them on the fire.
  16. Midnight Rose

    Fantasy The Forest of Beyond {ALWAYS OPEN}

    Maria began to cut the meat into pieces and put them on skewers and put the other not edible meat parts aside.
  17. Midnight Rose

    Fantasy The Forest of Beyond {ALWAYS OPEN}

    "...Let's cook it. It'll fill our hunger more if we cook it."
  18. Midnight Rose

    Fantasy The Forest of Beyond {ALWAYS OPEN}

    Maria sighed. "Yeah I'm fine. Thanks Odstarva."
  19. Midnight Rose

    Fantasy The Forest of Beyond {ALWAYS OPEN}

    Maria moved uncomfortably. "I had a bad dream...about my parents."