Search results for query: *

  1. Heafus14

    Fantasy Extra-Dimensional Traveler's Club

    Cleo sat quietly in a chair next to Scarlet and Avery and played with her gold bracelet on her wrist. The old European design of lion curling around her wrist fit her like it was made for her, which Cleo often considered seeing as she and her friends traveled to and fro throughout time and...
  2. Heafus14

    Fantasy Extra-Dimensional Traveler's Club

    I agree with ya'll, I usually just have a character from a typical normal family, so technically I'm the special snowflake because I'm the only one who has a non-tragic backstory. Anyways, I was wondering if it was ok if Cleo was already in the club and is with Scarlet at the booth?
  3. Heafus14

    Fantasy Extra-Dimensional Traveler's Club

  4. Heafus14

    One x One Angel x Demon rp

    ((Hey I'm interested in this, could you tell me a little more about it?))
  5. Heafus14

    Fantasy Ashfallen Academy

    Cleo made her way to the gym along with the other mass of students. Her mind was already wandering to why they could be called so suddenly. Did they get a new instructor? Maybe they were adding new courses for the upcoming year? Eyes drifting from one student to the next, she was careful to not...
  6. Heafus14

    Fantasy Ashfallen Academy

    Appearance:5'6, pale skin, green eyes, brown hair, and average build Name:Cleo Smith Age:18 Gender:Female Sexuality:bisexual Personality: Quirky and reserved at first, but once she begins to open up she is loyal and caring. She can be curious almost to a fault. Bio:Cleo actually had...