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  1. KillThemAll

    Ooc Chat

    The way the site has been reorganized is what's really messing with me, to be honest.
  2. KillThemAll

    Ooc Chat

  3. KillThemAll

    Ooc Chat

    I'd RP, but this new layout is messing with my head.
  4. KillThemAll

    Ooc Chat

    That's good!
  5. KillThemAll

    Ooc Chat

    Haha, I knew it~! You doing better?
  6. KillThemAll

    Ooc Chat

    x3 What color is Lucifer?
  7. KillThemAll

    Ooc Chat

    If you believe hard enough, you do.
  8. KillThemAll

    Ooc Chat

    ;3 Ian, what's your cat's name?
  9. KillThemAll

    Ooc Chat

    *i cri* How do I even use this?
  10. KillThemAll

    Ooc Chat

    Yeah. I miss the old site.
  11. KillThemAll

    Ooc Chat

    Joran's character sheet is now literally just a string of code, what have they done? x3
  12. KillThemAll

    Fandom Stranger Things: Montauk (Closed, PM if Interested)

      He was dressed in a dampened formal shirt and khakis. His military boots slammed heavily against the carpeted floor beneath him as he turned away from the monster and back towards the maddeningly never-ending hallway.   Danny Rogers kept running, and running, and running...
  13. KillThemAll

    Ooc Chat

    Soooo good! Read the message~
  14. KillThemAll

    Ooc Chat

    ... What is this site anymore? Gosh, I got to get used to this. Also, Stranger Things is amazing. You fuckers better have watched it by now.
  15. KillThemAll

    The Queen's Madness (Open)

    Ser Rod Cassel Second-Born of Lord Jon Cassel Officer of the Queen's Army Rod continued his ride, pushing his steed to its very limits as it stampeded through the thick and dangerous swamp. One mis-step could mark the end of the horse and its rider, whom valiantly continued his...
  16. KillThemAll

    The Queen's Madness - OOC

    I'm going to write a reply!
  17. KillThemAll

    Fandom The Holy Grail War

    @xEmoBunnehx I might~!
  18. KillThemAll

    The Queen's Madness - OOC

    Waiting gaaame~ Waiting gaaame~ Totally not lame~ The waiting gaaame~ It's a shame that we have to play the waiting game~ Mostly because I'm an uncreative shit and ran out of brain juice to post~ Got a writer's block running coast to coast~ Waiting gaaame~ Waiting gaaame~ This...
  19. KillThemAll

    The Queen's Madness - OOC

  20. KillThemAll

    The Queen's Madness - OOC

    @Veyd Sahvoz Yesss, let it seep into your mind.