Ooc Chat

Okies, so I'd like to figure out a better way to handle the roleplay,

instead of everything being in the same thread. If anyone has any

ideas, please let me know.
Probably for the best. And I won't disappear for a month so whatever characters that are semi-important to the/a plot won't disappear with me!
x.x Do I have to remake Aura and Jackal again? D:

EDIT: I thought this was dead because we were waiting for you to organize and stuffs? o-o
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@xEmoBunnehx No, you wouldn't have to remake them. :)  No characters would have

                           to be remade. We'd just restart the roleplay essentially.

Part of it is trying to organize things and stuff. It's been a really really really really bad month

or so, so I've been unable to do almost anything roleplay wise. But a lot of our big players

have been really quiet, things are kind of a mess, and I really want to get some fresh blood

in here. We have a /lot/ of roleplay that's already happened, which is intimidating. I also have

zero idea where my synopsis is, which is one of the few things that would have made this

easier. I've a number of ideas for how to make things less chaotic that I can't put into effect

right now, and I'm honestly overwhelmed by trying to get this up and running in it's current

@xEmoBunnehx No, you wouldn't have to remake them. :)  No characters would have

                           to be remade. We'd just restart the roleplay essentially.

Part of it is trying to organize things and stuff. It's been a really really really really bad month

or so, so I've been unable to do almost anything roleplay wise. But a lot of our big players

have been really quiet, things are kind of a mess, and I really want to get some fresh blood

in here. We have a /lot/ of roleplay that's already happened, which is intimidating. I also have

zero idea where my synopsis is, which is one of the few things that would have made this

easier. I've a number of ideas for how to make things less chaotic that I can't put into effect

right now, and I'm honestly overwhelmed by trying to get this up and running in it's current


I feel you on the bad month. UGH. But take your time, and if you need help, I'll gladly help c: I know Cosmo is still around. (That's about it) Though..it would be extremely weird (for me at least) if we started over. Cause I wasn't here, but hey! New beginnings! Though you could probably ask a mod if they can find your thingie

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