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  1. SentaiSenpai

    One Piece: Burning Blood

    So, I recently bought this game, as I am a pretty big fan of the series, and as it's been eating up quite a bit of my time lately I figured I'd see what everyone thinks of it. Who are some of your favorite characters? Some of your favorite team ups? What complaints do you have about the game...
  2. SentaiSenpai

    Saw a pair of those Kamina shades on amazon for like $50! I feel like that price is too low...

    Saw a pair of those Kamina shades on amazon for like $50! I feel like that price is too low, those shades are a historical masterpiece!
  3. SentaiSenpai

    Pokken Tournament, Let's talk roster.

    Eh, kinda... I mean it's pretty much on par with the SFV roster... Not the worst ever, but there's definitely a list of characters you know should have made the cut. Best examples I can think of would probably be in SFV: Blanka and Sagat, and Pokken: Hawlucha and Hitmonchan.
  4. SentaiSenpai

    Galactic Ultra Mega Super Hyper Intro Thread is GO!

    ^_^ Alrighty! I'll wait for it then. Don't be alarmed if I suddenly go offline when you send it, I might be going on and off a bit frequently right now.
  5. SentaiSenpai

    Galactic Ultra Mega Super Hyper Intro Thread is GO!

    ^_^ I gave the thread a look over, and it looks interesting, but I've never really joined in a dice run RP before, so I think I'm going to keep window shopping for now, but I'm not going to totally close out the idea. Thanks for bringing it to my attention though!
  6. SentaiSenpai

    Galactic Ultra Mega Super Hyper Intro Thread is GO!

    ^_^ ' Well they sound a bit dumb on paper, but one of which that I'm hoping to get going is a humanoid tiger type of character... Though very cartoony and short in stature. Kinda like a slightly taller Garu (From Monster Rancher) very action based and kinda over the top with his moves and...
  7. SentaiSenpai

    Galactic Ultra Mega Super Hyper Intro Thread is GO!

    ^_^ Hello AJ! Thanks for the welcome and hype cookie! xD I know how you feel, I tend to make eccentric characters that have troubles fitting into most RP's so my search is continuing at the moment to make sure I'm not screwing with people's stories or anything. ^_^ The best advice I can...
  8. SentaiSenpai

    I feel like I deserve a mech... Yeah I definitely deserve a mech!

    I feel like I deserve a mech... Yeah I definitely deserve a mech!
  9. SentaiSenpai

    Hiya! :D

    ^_^ Hello! I'm new here myself, and have been roleplaying for a while. Hope you find some good roleplays, maybe we'll run into each other somewhere!
  10. SentaiSenpai

    Other Favourite Breed of Dog?

    Definitely Akitas. Those dogs are gorgeous! And the puppies are possibly the cutest in the world!
  11. SentaiSenpai

    Passed the 10 post threshhold. Huzzah!

    Passed the 10 post threshhold. Huzzah!
  12. SentaiSenpai

    Pokken Tournament, Let's talk roster.

    NO! *Puts on more nostalgia glasses and sulks in the corner.* xD Nah but for reals, I know there are other dragons people like more, but Dragonite has always been my favorite. I think his simplistic design is nice. I feel like some pokemon get bogged down with too many designs shoved onto...
  13. SentaiSenpai

    Pokken Tournament, Let's talk roster.

    I remember a time when he was the strongest pokemon the elite four had to offer, but support is fine I guess... xD Gotta make room for more spam happy sentient decorations.
  14. SentaiSenpai

    Pokken Tournament, Let's talk roster.

    Yeah technically it's not the worst thing to happen to Pokemon *COUGH* TRUBBISH *COUGH* xD
  15. SentaiSenpai

    Pokken Tournament, Let's talk roster.

    TT~TT I just want Dragonite to get some love again, is that so much to ask?!
  16. SentaiSenpai

    Everything that's wrong with your favorite videogame

    One of my favorite original Xbox titles (Because I'm not allowed to call it the Xbox onbe anymore...thanks Obamasoft.) Gladius! -What's Gladius? (So few people know of the game.) -Never made backwards compatible with the 360 -Ended on a cliffhanger, but was not popular enough to warrant...
  17. SentaiSenpai

    Other favorite mythical beast?

    Minotaurs are awesome. I've always thought they were total badasses. I know in their lore there was only one... And he's dead, so I shouldn't be talking like there's plural... But I will keep the hope alive. xD
  18. SentaiSenpai

    Everything that's wrong with your favorite videogame

    Hey you can't be too mad at them... All those Homestuck fans finally got something else to rave about! xD
  19. SentaiSenpai

    Favorite/Main Champ in League of Legends?

    xD Exactly! Armor's for squares! Also when you really think about it, League in it's entirety is basically a very adult metaphor... You're guiding yourself in and out of lane over and over again, in hopes of projecting your 'minions' into their 'base'. xD
  20. SentaiSenpai

    Favorite/Main Champ in League of Legends?

    Before I dropped LoL altogether, I used to main Wukong, and play him where ever... Top, mid, bot, jungle... there was no lane my giant growing stick would not penetrate! xD