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  1. TheRoleplayingMaster

    Zombie Survival: Last Stand

    "Its all good. I've done that so many times myself."
  2. TheRoleplayingMaster

    Zombie Survival: Last Stand

    Grayson saw the young man from earlier sprinting by their camp site. He was telling them to follow him and run. Grayson shook nia awake and pointed towards the man from eaelier and started to gather their equipment. Greyson could soon see why the man was running... a gicantic wave of zombies was...
  3. TheRoleplayingMaster

    Fantasy The Blade of Anarchy

    Hey! Is it all right if I join? This seems like a fun rp and I love the story too
  4. TheRoleplayingMaster

    Zombie Survival: Last Stand

    "Yeah your right", greyson said. He dragged the zombie away deep into the woods and returned. Nia had already started to build a camp aroud the truck. Grayson pulled out a sleeping bag and set it up in the back of the truck."one person needs to stand guard. We can take turns. I'll start" he said.
  5. TheRoleplayingMaster

    Zombie Survival: Last Stand

    "Wait. There's an old truck in the woods" grayson said as he looked at the distant heap of rusty metal. "We might be able to get it running". Grayson walked off the roads into the woods with Nia following. As he approached the car he smelled a foul smell. He got close to the window and saw a man...
  6. TheRoleplayingMaster

    Zombie Survival: Last Stand

    Grayson smiled and reached his hand out. "I'm Grayson Jackson. Oh and sorry for the marathon run, but I had to burn of that chocolate pudding", he said with a grin. He surveyed the area. They were were on a long winding road out far into the woods. "We're in Colorado aren't we?" If they weren't...
  7. TheRoleplayingMaster

    Zombie Survival: Last Stand

    "Yep definitely! Just sighn up and I'll accept you!"
  8. TheRoleplayingMaster

    Zombie Survival: Last Stand

    Grayson sprinted behind nia dashing, stabbing and shooting any zombies that crossed his path. Nia seemed to be running down the street so grayson followed. "Shit. I lost my knife in a zombie and my guns out of ammo" grayson said. He saw Nia stop at an intersection,pause and start to run down the...
  9. TheRoleplayingMaster

    One x One Zombie Survival: Last Stand

    Even though this is supposed to be a one on one we already have three people and would love to have a 4th! Great character and you can join whenever you want
  10. TheRoleplayingMaster

    Zombie Survival: Last Stand

    Grayson knew she was right. "Hey nia we need to get to the roof. He grabbed her hand and pulled her with him to the back of the store were there was steps leading up to the roof hatch. One problem... It was locked. "Shit, we can't go on the roof and if we stay well soon be trapped by the...
  11. TheRoleplayingMaster

    Zombie Survival: Last Stand

    Inside the convince store Grayson sat and watched the young man through the window. It was getting dark and he could see a gicantic horde of walkers start to approach. Grayson stepped outside and yelled across the street "Come on! If you stay there your dead! You have to trust us" Behind in the...
  12. TheRoleplayingMaster

    Zombie Survival: Last Stand

    " You got food? Sweet cause' I'm starving", Grayson said as heaproached her. Now that he was closer to her he saw that she was quite tall and looked strong. I wonder what she did before the outbreak he thought to himself. As they walked towards the store Grayson couldn't help but feel like...
  13. TheRoleplayingMaster

    One x One Zombie Survival: Last Stand

    "To survive in this world you need to not only look after yourselves but more importantly look after others" -Grayson Jackson
  14. TheRoleplayingMaster

    One x One Zombie Survival: Last Stand

    Yep I'll do that really soon. Thanks for the reminder
  15. TheRoleplayingMaster

    One x One Zombie Survival: Last Stand

    Even though theirs already two in the rp you can still join kirko! It would be great to have another character.
  16. TheRoleplayingMaster

    Zombie Survival: Last Stand

    Grayson didn't drop his gun but he let out a sigh of relief. "Thanks for not killing me", he said with a smile. He put his pistol back in his holster. "Well I guess we can go find a some more pudding because I'm starving. Why don't you come down and we can go look in the convince store together"
  17. TheRoleplayingMaster

    Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

    <p>Black Fury woke up behind a trash can. He still remembered his fight with the theif a few days ago and how he had fallen off the roof of an old warehouse. Now he had no idea were he was. It was getting dark and he was injured. Why couldnt have I beaten him he thought to himself. The pain grew...
  18. TheRoleplayingMaster

    Zombie Survival: Last Stand

    Greyson heard a splat and quickly ducked behind an old car. He peeked around the corner to see a chocolate pudding mashed on the ground. His eyes scanned along the roof top until he saw the barrel of a pistil glinting in the fading sunlight. He stepped out from behind the car concealing his...
  19. TheRoleplayingMaster

    Zombie Survival: Last Stand

    Greyson ran through the woods. He glanced at the sun and shivered. It was almost nightfall. Without any light he would be ready prey for the walkers. He hurried his pace. He sprinted until he finnaly reached a small road that led into a town. He stopped to catch his breath and walked towards a...
  20. TheRoleplayingMaster

    One x One Zombie Survival: Last Stand

    Great character! You can now start roleplaying! Sorry for the late acceptance!