Search results for query: *

  1. Imatree

    Fantasy /Detailed] Gods Among Us: A Modern Fanasty Roleplay

    The world has discovered people walking among us. Superhumans. Each have various powers and abilites that passes humans. They are feared by many, as some of them are unstoppable crimeals. The United Nations wants them all captured and killed for the safety of their race. They made weapons...
  2. Imatree

    Fandom Batman v Superman: Our Version

    @Imatree, please edit this post to include the RP overview information.
  3. Imatree

    Fandom Batman v Superman: Our Version

    Chat here if you have any questions or something on your mind.
  4. Imatree

    Fandom Batman v Superman: Our Version

    Roles: Superman/Clark Kent (TAKEN BY IAMTREE/ME) Batman/Bruce Wayne Lex Luthor Alex Luthor Alfred Side Characters: Perry White Martha Kent Senator Finch Lois Lane General Swanwick Anyone can control: Thugs News Reporters Civilians Daily Planet Employees Military
  5. Imatree

    Fandom Batman v Superman: Our Version

    As you may know, BvS was a failure. Critics gave it low ratings, it's box office lines dropped 68%, and more. I even hated the movie myself. I thought some scenes could be left out, scenes can be rearranged, and even fix the story. I asked my brother when we got out of the theater if I could...
  6. Imatree

    Sector 6-10 Squad

    You know... Maybe I should stick to causal rps. Or maybe I should just ignore these awful people. I am Fuzziestudios. Im surpised you havent put the clues together. Now let me answer some questions. 1: The reason I didnt copy the bbcode code was because 1. I didnt know what that was...
  7. Imatree

    Sector 6-10 Squad

    Cant we just do it along the way like every other rp?
  8. Imatree

    Sector 6-10 Squad

    To kill all androids. He will kill the Captain by...IDK. We'll discover on the way. Jeez, cant you have a little fun? Not everything needs to perfect.
  9. Imatree

    Sector 6-10 Squad

    Oh okay.
  10. Imatree

    Sector 6-10 Squad

    This character hates androids. The captain of this group is an android. He thinks this android is gonna destroy another planet like he did last time and make his squad do it. Matthew is a spy for the enemy because the enemy he works for does not believe of use of androids. They want him gone...
  11. Imatree

    Sector 6-10 Squad

    So where is this character requirement sheet?
  12. Imatree

    Sector 6-10 Squad

    Wow. Wow. I gave you a lot of details. I will make changes.
  13. Imatree

    Sector 6-10 Squad

    I finished the character.
  14. Imatree

    Sector 6-10 Squad

    CLASSIFIED Doc #: SEC6-10S-FASM Date Doc: 05/23/3005 BIRTH NAME: (Required) Alex John Smith NICKNAME(S): FASM RACE: Human AGE: 31 GENDER: Male SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Biosexual DATE OF BIRTH:Oct, 23, 2969 (lol 69) HOMETOWN: Omegaton, Terran BLOOD...
  15. Imatree

    Sector 6-10 Squad

    Okay, Im almost done making the character. This is my first attempt to a roleplay character so dont judge.
  16. Imatree

    Sector 6-10 Squad

    Oh I was ignored/blocked once. What did I do? I made a alt account and went back on that post and trolled her. Good times. This site has a lot of cool features tho. What else is there?
  17. Imatree

    Sector 6-10 Squad

  18. Imatree

    Sector 6-10 Squad

    Oh okay.
  19. Imatree

    Sector 6-10 Squad

    Is the pm the envelope?
  20. Imatree

    Sector 6-10 Squad

    What's PM? I wanna be a traitor.