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  1. Lightning King

    Fantasy Mutagen

    Name: Mike Demital Gender:Male Age: 24 Image of character: Avatar Sexuality: asexual Powers*: Lightning and summoning Personality:Likes to fight but is laid back Background: Demon hunter avenging his family. Extras: Carries a sword that when destroyed comes back stronger.
  2. Lightning King

    Fantasy Character Registration

    Name:Lightning King Nickname(If Applies): Age:17 Gender:Male Sexual Orientation: Asexual Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral Where you live: Kingdom(castle) What Year of highschool your in: sophmore What kind of being you are:Modified human Powers/gifts:LIGHTNING POWERS...
  3. Lightning King

    Fantasy Character Registration

    Name:Lightning King Nickname(If Applies): Age:17 Gender:Male Sexual Orientation: Asexual Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral Where you live: Kingdom(castle) What Year of highschool your in: Junior What kind of being you are:Modified human Powers/gifts:LIGHTNING POWERS Likes:Cake...
  4. Lightning King

    Other What does your desktop look like right now?

    jk<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/sans__undertale__by_elimate98-d9lm71g.png.2ac77f191c9e66e44834a4d4e14adb12.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="145300"...
  5. Lightning King

    Other What does your desktop look like right now?

    im on a phone
  6. Lightning King

    -rolls in like a tumbleweed-

    hello im new here
  7. Lightning King

    Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds
