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  1. Aleroth

    Fantasy Natural Selection (Fantasy/Open)

    Seems like two new people want to join. Have a look in the Character page when you have the time.
  2. Aleroth

    Fantasy Natural Selection (Fantasy)[New Members Welcome]

    I've had a LOT of work. But i'll try and get it done today.
  3. Aleroth

    Fantasy Natural Selection (Fantasy/Open)

    Personally, I dunno myself. I think most action is centered around the main town of Dunheim.
  4. Aleroth

    Fantasy Natural Selection (Fantasy/Open)

  5. Aleroth

    Fantasy Natural Selection (Fantasy/Open)

    Ah, sorry, I figured that worshippers of something called "The Forgotten Ones" might do so. Reason being is because it reminded me a bit of lovecraft, and the daemon-summoning cultists in his works. If not daemons, are there any specific powers the cultists possess?
  6. Aleroth

    Fantasy Natural Selection (Fantasy/Open)

    Cultists can summon daemons, anything else? as in, powerwise?
  7. Aleroth

    Fantasy Natural Selection (Fantasy/Open)

    Tell ya what, i'll write up a scene for both the cultists and the bandits, and you can say which is better.
  8. Aleroth

    Fantasy Natural Selection (Fantasy/Open)

    Aye, sorry for being a bother, just wanted to make sure that I didn't make a mistake. Since they are so powerful I think Bandits might be a better option.
  9. Aleroth

    Dropkicking a Dragon

    Dropkicking a Dragon
  10. Aleroth

    Fantasy Natural Selection (Fantasy/Open)

    Say, Morgrim, I was planning on having a major force attack the village Yark is in, giving him an excuse to get to Dunheim. Would it be alright for me to use Daemon Cultists? Aside from that, i'm wondering if there's some special process to getting into Dunheim, or if anyone is welcome. @Anaxileah
  11. Aleroth

    Fantasy Natural Selection (Fantasy/Open)

    How's it going for everyone?
  12. Aleroth

    We can rule the land of shit together.

    We can rule the land of shit together.
  13. Aleroth

    I am -the- shitlord.

    I am -the- shitlord.
  14. Aleroth

    owow, now I can actually comment.

    owow, now I can actually comment.
  15. Aleroth

    Fantasy Natural Selection (Fantasy/Open)

    Alright, finished editing, think that would be of adequate length?
  16. Aleroth

    Fantasy Natural Selection (Fantasy/Open)

    Aye, of course. I just felt like having some introductory post, to give others context, should they decide to play with me.
  17. Aleroth

    Fantasy Natural Selection (Fantasy/Open)

    Its more like, am I to control minor characters and the like? I'm asking because some roleplays have a "GM" fit that role. I take it this is the former?
  18. Aleroth

    Fantasy Natural Selection (Fantasy/Open)

    So am I completely free to come up with shit on my own? Cuz if so, It would be a lot easier to improvise shit.
  19. Aleroth

    Fantasy Natural Selection (Fantasy/Open)

    Right, kinda new to this whole thing, but i'll try.
  20. Aleroth

    Fantasy Natural Selection (Fantasy/Open)

    I changed it, have a look.