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  1. AnnaBloodWorth


  2. AnnaBloodWorth

    Avengers: Age of Youth - Out of Character

    @Crono I'm not sure what I am missing from my CS. What is it so that I can complete it.
  3. AnnaBloodWorth

    Avengers: Age of Youth - Out of Character

    Yeah sorry about this. I didn't realize that someone else had taken the title winter soldier, however I would love to have my character have a brother if that's still ok with you.
  4. AnnaBloodWorth

    Avengers: Age of Youth

    Name: Annabelle Barnes (prefers to be called Anna) Age: 18 Gender: Female Alias: Winter Soldier Child Of: Bucky Barnes Appearance: Tall with an athletic build, she has long dark brown hair and eyes. (for more detail look at my profile picture, sorry I couldn't add it to this post)...
  5. AnnaBloodWorth

    Fantasy Yin Yang academy

    gtg chat later guys :)
  6. AnnaBloodWorth

    Fantasy Yin Yang academy

    Anna smiles for a second afterwards to distract from the previous conversation, "I like your accent"
  7. AnnaBloodWorth

    Fantasy Yin Yang academy

    Anna twiddles with her fingers a bit nervously, "Well ability is that I can draw magic and power from creatures I have encountered. Sometimes I can even partially shape shift into them and then I can also..." she pauses for a second "Nothing...don't worry about it"
  8. AnnaBloodWorth

    Fantasy Yin Yang academy

    Anna looks at Joe in fascination, "If you don't mind me asking, what are you?"
  9. AnnaBloodWorth

    Fantasy Yin Yang academy

    Anna looks at Joe in surprise then leans in close to him. "How do you know about that! About my aura!" Realizing how rude she sounded she backed off looking down. "Sorry about's just" she says unable to finish her sentence.
  10. AnnaBloodWorth

    Fantasy Yin Yang academy

    After finishing my sandwich I watch the guy from before leave with a plain look. So I quickly get up and run after him. "Hey you!" Anna yells. When he stops and turns around from his conversation Anna tiredly reaches her hand out to him. "Hi I'm Anna, Im sorry about before, I just didn't...
  11. AnnaBloodWorth

    Fantasy Yin Yang academy

    Anna reaches the cafeteria and notices two other students already there, she grabs a sandwich and begins to look for somewhere to sit. As she's looking around she make awkward eye contact with a student siting alone who appeared to be drinking out of a flask. She smiles at him but after getting...
  12. AnnaBloodWorth

    Fantasy Yin Yang academy

    After leaving the classroom full of defeat Anna heads over to the cafeteria for some lunch, as she remembers that she forgot to grab some before class started.
  13. AnnaBloodWorth

    Fantasy Yin Yang academy

    Anna feels herself being tugged out of the classroom. She looks back at her fellow student. "Alright I guess, I just wanted to help" She then sighs in defeat and walks herself out the rest of the way.
  14. AnnaBloodWorth

    Fantasy Yin Yang academy

    Anna sighs in defeat, she really thought that she would be able to help in some way. Reaching for a nearby treadmill to help her up she staggers over to the girl with the black fire hair. "Hey um...Jacey if you want we could head over to the nurses office together to see how Micky's doing"...
  15. AnnaBloodWorth

    Fantasy Yin Yang academy

    Anna watches as Micky is carried off, she tries to get up but she has exhausted all her energy.
  16. AnnaBloodWorth

    Fantasy Yin Yang academy

    Knowing the severity of the injuries she knew the cloth would do little to help, Anna calls upon the healing power of a phoenix. "I call you forth from the skies to lend me your power, the power to heal!" Suddenly a ring of fire ignites around Anna. She then bends down over Micky and lets...
  17. AnnaBloodWorth

    Fantasy Yin Yang academy

    Anna looks up quickly in shock from the sudden sound of a fellow student colliding with a wall. She quickly gets up and runs over to Micky. She lightly taps him to see any signs of life. "Hey Micky, can you hear me?" She then opens her bag and takes out her jacket to use as a cloth for the...
  18. AnnaBloodWorth

    Fantasy Yin Yang academy

    As Anna starts to push herself further and further, until she reaches her limit. In this moment she feels another reserve of untapped energy rising out of her, however this energy feels dark. So she throws herself of the treadmill panting.
  19. AnnaBloodWorth

    Fantasy Yin Yang academy

    As the wires attached themselves to Anna, she didn't really notice because, 1. She has a very high pain tolerance 2. She had her headphones in and was currently distracted by her Fall Out Boy song. So she keeps running at a steady pace unaware as ever.
  20. AnnaBloodWorth

    Fantasy Yin Yang academy

    Slowly Anna presses the bright red button on the treadmill, which turns it on. "Oh thank goodness", she sighs in relief as she begins to run on the treadmill thingy.