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  1. soches

    bye for the next month or so

    bye for the next month or so
  2. soches

    now I remember why I hate rping with people

    now I remember why I hate rping with people
  3. soches

    Other What's your favorite Monster?

    adam sandler But seriously I love human 'monsters' like Hannibal Lector or Norman Bates. There's just something about a 'normal' human being snapping, just feels all the way more realistic and terrifying than a fictional monster. Gotta watch people man
  4. soches

    Anime & Manga What was the first anime that you ever watched?

    Sesshomaru will always be my first husbando
  5. soches

    Experiences Where did you roleplay before you came to RPNation?

    I rped on WarriorCats rpg where I roleplayed lesbian cats. Tis now called FeralFront if I remember
  6. soches

    Other Why did you name your pet(s) that? : )

    lol she came with it
  7. soches

    Plotting ~ Detailed ~ Fandoms~

    bump it up
  8. soches

    alright boys and gals I use MALE characters, if that bothers you in certain contexts please...

    alright boys and gals I use MALE characters, if that bothers you in certain contexts please INFORM me beforehand. Please.
  9. soches

    Fandom {Private~Steven Universe~In Too Deep}

    Name/Gem: Citrine Quartz Nicknames: Is usually referred to as Quartz by his commanders. Pronouns: He/him Sexual Orientation: (optional) Bisexual Romantic Orientation: (optional) Biromantic More Below Height: 4'11 Age: 200 years old. (13 in terms of human years)...
  10. soches

    Fandom {Private~Steven Universe~In Too Deep}

    @soches, please edit this post to include the RP overview information.
  11. soches

    Fandom {Private~Steven Universe~In Too Deep}

    @soches, please edit this post to include any OOC information
  12. soches

    Fandom {Private~Steven Universe~In Too Deep}

    @soches, please edit this post to include the character/sign-up information.
  13. soches

    Fandom {Private~Steven Universe~In Too Deep}

    private between @Foxtails
  14. soches

    Fandom Inheritance Cycle ~ Rebellion

    Growling low in his throat and glaring at the Taelan as he passed he brushed his shoulder against the other man's purposefully and grinned at the two children. The mayor only a few heartbeats away seemed to cower in his shadow as he surveyed the boy, Silas, he believed and the girl. Maria, he...
  15. soches

    Fandom {Stellar Control }{Pokemon}

    No, it's cool! haha :P
  16. soches

    Fandom {Stellar Control }{Pokemon}

    Thank you! This is actually a private RP between me and someone else, but I'm welcome to rp with you if you want :)
  17. soches

    Fandom {Stellar Control }{Pokemon}

    @soches, please edit this post to include the RP overview information.
  18. soches

    Fandom {Stellar Control }{Pokemon}

    @soches, please edit this post to include any OOC information
  19. soches

    Fandom {Stellar Control }{Pokemon}

    @soches, please edit this post to include the character/sign-up information.