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Plotting ~ Detailed ~ Fandoms~


confused yet bemused
Yo, I'm a roleplayer who recently got back into Roleplaying, but I can't find a decent thread that's open or looking for new members. I can write up to three paragraphs which is big for me considering I haven't been writing for a very long time, and I want to get back into the groove of things.

-Please stay active and plot with me! Don't leave me putting everything together by myself because I'm not a genius by any means and I do need help coming up with ideas.

-Please be advanced or semi. I'm not asking for ten paragraphs, but just enough that it makes sense and leaves us both feeling like something was contributed to the plot. Basically I choose quality or quantity. Also, have some interesting characters! I love having different characters because it makes interacting so much more fun! Be different


~Percy Jackson / Heroes of Olympus

~Warriors Cats

~Inheritance Cycle {The books are alright, I'm more interested in the idea of it all}


~Steven Universe



(Honestly, just ask me about anything mkay?)



~Magic / Fantasy

~Apprentice or mentorship


~Furries {To an extent. I only rp Zootopia like characters}

~MXM / FXF / MXF (ONLY if they make sense. I don't like a forced romance that barely makes any sense just because the plot randomly calls for a romance. As long as out characters have some sort of chemistry.

I might add some things later, but thanks for reading and/or considering!

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Hey would you be interested in doing some OC interaction in a PJ/HOO type world? (Greek demigods dicking around xD )
Ooohh...Inheritance Cycle...I liked the books and love the world it was set in. I don't mind having OCs all the way and doing whatever in that world.
[QUOTE="Merry Nara Saws]Do you role play Pokemon gijinka by any chance?

Ummmm, no to be honest. It would have to depend upon the roleplay :/ Did you have any ideas?

sharktrashcan said:
Hey would you be interested in doing some OC interaction in a PJ/HOO type world? (Greek demigods dicking around xD )

Sure! PM me

[QUOTE="Loki Odinson]Ooohh...Inheritance Cycle...I liked the books and love the world it was set in. I don't mind having OCs all the way and doing whatever in that world.

I know right? I LOVE the idea, but I sometimes wished things were different. PM me
soches said:
Ummmm, no to be honest. It would have to depend upon the roleplay :/ Did you have any ideas?
Sure! PM me

I know right? I LOVE the idea, but I sometimes wished things were different. PM me
We could do something like PMD with Gijinkas.
[QUOTE="Merry Nara Saws]We could do something like PMD with Gijinkas.

Okay, that sounds interesting! PM me?
Percy Jackson please! (I can't PM though, I'm new to the site haha)
Calynna said:
Percy Jackson please! (I can't PM though, I'm new to the site haha)
Hello! It's cool, I'll try to Rp you in a minute :)

[QUOTE="Weasel King]If you're still looking for people I'd be interested in a Percy Jackson / Heroes of Olympus Rp.

Oh, yeah definitely! PM me

Noivian said:
/slides in and screeches/ MYSTERY DUNGEON!

Yo, Pm me! SMD FTW
Hey, uh...you interested in Undertale? ^^ I'd be able to do something with you if you are.
I'm all up for a Steven Universe RP! In fact, I do have some plot ideas that we can discuss over. I do detailed, which can range from 1 to 3 paragraphs, depends on the situation and stuff.
I'm up for most of the fandoms you stated (except Inheritance Cycle I haven't read that) and everything relating to Magic/Fantasy! I don't have a plot in mind but I can help out in creating one if you're interested in rping.

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