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  1. thewildspirit514

    Realistic or Modern We Are the Apocalypse (w/ a twist)

    Callum Evert Callum froze mid-step as the sharp wind caressed a scent across his nose. It was a scent he knew well: the scent of humans. Both came from the same direction yet one was fainter than the other. Towards him they were traveling, and soon they would be upon him...
  2. thewildspirit514

    Realistic or Modern We Are the Apocalypse

    That's okay! School and work are important!
  3. thewildspirit514

    Upset that nobody has made any move on my RP...

    Upset that nobody has made any move on my RP...
  4. thewildspirit514

    Fantasy RP Types Confusion

    So I started an RP that takes place in the apocalypse with an interesting twist. That twist being that humans are cursed to transform into immortal monsters based upon their fear if it consumes them. The reason why I'm confused about what type of RP it should be is because it's "realistic" by...
  5. thewildspirit514

    Realistic or Modern We Are the Apocalypse

    @MedievalMethods Thank you so much! @Nudge @KaiaWolf When are you two going to join in?
  6. thewildspirit514

    Hello there!

    I actually have already. It's just kinda annoying to play the waiting game, because I want to get it rolling.
  7. thewildspirit514

    Hello there!

    I'm thewildspirit514! It's nice to meet all of you and I hope that we can be friends! My role-playing experience started when I was in middle school, so that's been about 10 years. I actually took a couple year break to focus on school and such, but I wanted to get back into the swing...
  8. thewildspirit514

    Realistic or Modern We Are the Apocalypse (w/ a twist)

    @KaiaWolf Accepted!
  9. thewildspirit514

    Realistic or Modern Apocalypse with a twist?

    I already started the RP, but I just wanted to make sure to see if anyone would be interested in it. It's an Apocalypse RP, but it has a new concept that I thought would be interesting and creative for people to try it out. The idea is that not only did the apocalypse happen but also that the...
  10. thewildspirit514

    Realistic or Modern We Are the Apocalypse (w/ a twist)

    @Nudge Accepted!
  11. thewildspirit514

    Fantasy We may be thieves, but I like to think that we are honest thieves...

    Oh, you did nothing wrong at all!!
  12. thewildspirit514

    Fantasy We may be thieves, but I like to think that we are honest thieves...

    Here it is: We Are the Apocalypse
  13. thewildspirit514

    Realistic or Modern We Are the Apocalypse (w/ a twist)

    Name: Callum Evert Nicknames: Cal, The Walking Grave Gender: Male Age: 8 (physically), 18 (years alive) DoB: October 18th Race: Cursed One (formally Human) Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Black w/ red circles Height: 3' 8" Weight: 20 lbs. Fear: Loneliness/Abandonment Other...
  14. thewildspirit514

    Realistic or Modern We Are the Apocalypse

    Welcome to the "We Are the Apocalypse" RP! This RP is actually something that I've wanted to do with people for a while ever since I created thought it up. While I have seen many other RPs about the apocalypse, most of them deal with zombies or are of a similar structure to the Fallout series. I...
  15. thewildspirit514

    Realistic or Modern We Are the Apocalypse

    Here is where we can chat or if you have any questions.
  16. thewildspirit514

    Realistic or Modern We Are the Apocalypse (w/ a twist)

    Below you will find my character sheet for my character. You may use it for your own character sheet, but you can use any type that you'd wish. Once I look over your character, I will give you a "LIKE" and that will be your acceptance into the RP. In the next tab you will find some of the...
  17. thewildspirit514

    Realistic or Modern We Are the Apocalypse (w/ a twist)

    Callum Evert The wasteland was quiet. Eerily so with only the wind howling whenever it picked up into a freezing blast. The air was thick and icy to any who ventured out into the desolated land. Above, the sky was coated in black clouds that tricked all into believing it was twilight...
  18. thewildspirit514

    Fantasy We may be thieves, but I like to think that we are honest thieves...

    @Birb @xEmoBunnehx @KaiaWolf @Nano @Jack of Cloves @monopoisoner @SleepyBuddha @Deadly Darkness @XxLuluxX I'm very sorry everyone, but I've decided to cancel this RP. I didn't really flesh out this RP as much as I should have and I want to try something else. I've created a new RP if you guys...
  19. thewildspirit514

    Sleepy and in need of eternal slumber.

    Sleepy and in need of eternal slumber.