Hello there!


RPer who hasn't RPed in a long time
I'm thewildspirit514!

It's nice to meet all of you and I hope that we can be friends!

My role-playing experience started when I was in middle school, so that's been about 10 years. I actually took a couple year break to focus on school and such, but I wanted to get back into the swing of things. I'm a little rusty, but that will go away in time. I have a couple of interesting RP ideas that I hope you guys will join in.

Right now, I have an RP that I just started, so if you are interested here's the link:
Casual - We Are the Apocalypse (w/ a twist)

I can't wait to meet all of you!

Welcome to rpnation!

If you're looking for more people to join your roleplay, I'd recommend creating an interest check for it. That's usually where people search when they are looking for new things to get involved in.

Other than that, let me know if you have any questions about anything on the site and I'd be delighted to help if I can.
Welcome, welcome. I wish you luck in rping. Looks like you've got a good start. If you're looking to get some publicity for your rp, you can always post an interest check, if you haven't done so. There is an interest check subforum in the main forum for each genre of rp. That is also where you can look at other people's rp recruitment threads. :)
DaughterofAthena said:
Welcome to rpnation!
If you're looking for more people to join your roleplay, I'd recommend creating an interest check for it. That's usually where people search when they are looking for new things to get involved in.

Other than that, let me know if you have any questions about anything on the site and I'd be delighted to help if I can.
DaughterofAthena said:
Welcome to rpnation!
If you're looking for more people to join your roleplay, I'd recommend creating an interest check for it. That's usually where people search when they are looking for new things to get involved in.

Other than that, let me know if you have any questions about anything on the site and I'd be delighted to help if I can.
I actually have already. It's just kinda annoying to play the waiting game, because I want to get it rolling.

Welcome to RPN! *throws handful of confetti in air* I'm Kestrel, but you can call me Kes. Good luck with your roleplay!

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