Search results for query: *

  1. spooktacular

    Fantasy Hunting The Scourge: Character Sheets

    Marcellus Mossmire The Thief Age: 19 Gender: Cisgender male Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Race: Human Appearance: Light brown, straight hair. Almond-shaped, amber (orange-brown) eyes that are tilted slightly upward with thin, light brows and unusually long eyelashes. A delicate...
  2. spooktacular

    Fantasy Hunting the Scourge: OOC

    Sweet! Now I'm even MORE interested lol. Should have my character sheet up soon!
  3. spooktacular

    Fantasy Hunting the Scourge: OOC

    Hey! Very interested in this RP! Quick question, though: how advanced is the technology in your world? Is it supposed to replicate modern day or is it more medieval-like?
  4. spooktacular

    Realistic or Modern -tHE foREsT- (characters)

    Marcellus Maldonado The Stoner Age: 18 Gender: Cisgender male Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Ethnicity: Despite being born in the United States, Marcellus is kind of a melting pot. Part Cuban, part white, part Italian, and he even has a little bit of Southwestern Native...
  5. spooktacular

    Fantasy Fantasy High School

    Making my character sheet right now! Sounds divine c:
  6. spooktacular

    Realistic or Modern Fighting For My Life(Males Needed)

    Marcellus Maldonado The Stoner Marcellus didn't appreciate having his ego battered, not in the least. His self-esteem issues, plentiful and deep, were a hidden bundle of coals burning slowly through a weak-hearted psyche, a quietly smoldering fire that Marcellus preferred not to stoke...
  7. spooktacular

    Realistic or Modern Fighting For My Life(Males Needed)

    Marcellus Maldonado The Stoner Marcellus hated a lot of things — his dad, his job, his apartment, his school, cats — but nosiness, the pure and presumptuous intent to insert oneself into business where they are neither involved nor wanted, was easily number one his lengthy, blood-written...
  8. spooktacular

    Realistic or Modern Fighting For My Life(Males Needed)

    @Z Greatest001 Marcellus Maldonado The Stoner Marcellus had never physically shit his pants before, at least not since he was a tot, but he was sure that this is what it felt like. Sudden, sticky, and a bitch to clean up. No matter which end they came from, he wanted to blow chunks at...
  9. spooktacular

    Realistic or Modern Fighting For My Life(Males Needed)

    @Z Greatest001 Delynn Kierny The Sweetheart Delynn giggled heartily, her small shoulders and short back caving inward as they often did during one of her frequent bouts of soft, high-pitch chuckling with an occasional tiny snort. Like many of her other involuntary physical...
  10. spooktacular

    Realistic or Modern Fighting For My Life(Males Needed)

    Marcellus Maldonado The Stoner Marcellus was, by no stretch of the imagination, irritated as hell. The line was long, the place was chilly, his mango smoothie tasted like ass, and he did not feel like sitting on a plane for who-knows-how-many hours just so he could arrive in paradise...
  11. spooktacular

    Realistic or Modern Fighting For My Life(Males Needed)

    Delynn Kierny The Sweetheart With a smoothie in her left hand and a cell phone in her right, it would be an understatement of the worst kind to declare that Delynn was thoroughly, wholeheartedly, and completely excited for her class trip to Hawaii. The girl was so excited, in fact...
  12. spooktacular

    Realistic or Modern restless

    Astrid Coldagger The Wanderess Face Claim: Yuliya Snigir Age: 18. She was a Senior in high school when the apocalypse started. Gender: Cisgender female Sexuality: Biromantic/bisexual but doesn't like labels. Social Class: Middle Ethnicity: Half white on her...
  13. spooktacular

    Realistic or Modern Fighting For My Life

    Alright, everything should (finally) be complete! Let me know if I need to make any changes c:
  14. spooktacular

    Realistic or Modern The Rosethorn Academy [NEEDS PLAYERS to START]

    Tomorrow sounds great! Can't wait c:
  15. spooktacular

    Fantasy Zodiac High | Always Accepting

    Lola Gray "I just want to spend the rest of my life laughing." {slide=GENERAL} Name: Dolores "Lola" Gray Age: 17 Gender: Cisgender female Pronouns: She/her/herself Sexuality: Heterosexual Likes: + The vintage aesthetic, especially the sassy clothing + She is a...
  16. spooktacular

    Fantasy Zodiac High | Always Accepting

    Hey, thanks so much!
  17. spooktacular

    Fantasy Zodiac High | Always Accepting

    Hey! I'm interested in submitting a character application for this roleplay. Will you be creating a character sheet with questions in the future, or will I be free to post my own?
  18. spooktacular

    Realistic or Modern Fighting For My Life

    Marcellus Maldonado The Stoner Age: 18 Grade: Senior Occupation: Works at a hardware store. Stocks shelves, answers questions, checks out customers, hates every minute of it, etc. Gender: Cisgender male Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Nationality: Despite being...
  19. spooktacular

    Realistic or Modern Fighting For My Life

    NOTE: This is just something that I was independently working on a couple of weeks ago. It is obviously incomplete, but I thought it would suffice as an example of my writing style and ability. Ignore the length and enjoy lol. Writing Sample Intuition. It was not a word Delynn heard...