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Realistic or Modern Fighting For My Life(Males Needed)


Dazed And Confused

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/c1d5731b9355eebb7740f61bfb2e420a.jpg.0fff116ce036f1c8d4b26ccf42f7be5c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="135538" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/c1d5731b9355eebb7740f61bfb2e420a.jpg.0fff116ce036f1c8d4b26ccf42f7be5c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Who ever would have thunk that you would be here of all places, wounded and hungry.....Not to mention surrounded by a bunch of familiar strangers?


It's been about 6 hours since the plane crashed a-and people are starting to lose it. Where are the teachers? The adults? There's no cell phone service, no connection to the outside world and now the sun is setting and the jungle is starting to liven up with the unknown. The pilots dead.


Night has fallen and people are starting to get tense and antsy. Some are going off on their own- will you ever see them again? You all were supposed to be graduating in less than a month and graduation was supposed to be the last time you'd see them- not this. Your futures were supposed to be the brightest, at least thats what your parents had paid for. College, techinical schools, law schools, careers and a family were all supposed to be there for you down the line. Not any more. At least not if you can manage to survive this and make it out alive.



Its the senior trip to Hawaii. Its the last time the entire senior class would be together for the year- graduation didn't count since everyone on the trip weren't considered as part of the "graduating class". 426 students. 12 teachers. 23 civilians. 2 pilots. One fateful crash that took out over half of them. This is their survival story.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/136bbf1d26ad90b1776a8aa1e2a13d9b.jpg.442241ec0016a9ffc0dd73d6bb724a55.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="135537" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/136bbf1d26ad90b1776a8aa1e2a13d9b.jpg.442241ec0016a9ffc0dd73d6bb724a55.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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| Time: 2: 03 P.M |

| Location: Charlotte-Douglas Airport, North Carolina |

| Flight #: 67129 |

| Time of Departure: 2: 10 P.M |


"Alright, Class of 2K17! Are you ready to make tons of last minute memories with each other for one last time?"It was Mrs. Smith, the overly perky assistant principal. She stood atop one of the sticky plastic seats of the waiting area with a megaphone in hand, trying to keep all 426 hormone droven rowdy teenagers in check. Over the intercom the flight attendant announced thast they were now seating Boarding Group C."Alright, line up! Make sure you have your tickets ready!"

As everyone began lining up, Storm sighed and wedged his way in between a couple other students, not bothering to apologize for any elbow bumping he had done to get there. Why'd he have to go on this stupid trip anyway? He sighed, hearing his Mitera already nagging him about not making friends and attempting to fraternize with others. He huffed and straightened up his jacket indignantly and shoving his hand in his pockets, fingering the ticket absentmindedly.

"Kara kata kata kara kata kata katari, kara kata kata kara kata kata katari. Nejireru oto ga koyoi mo hibiku." Raine sang along to the music blasting in her headphones, bouncing up and down excitedly. She'd never been on one of those fly-y thingys before and it was also the first time going to the Port as well so she was just a ball of excitement. It had taken every ounce of self control to not go off and explore this new and foreign place. Instead she had sipped on her blueberry-pomegranate smoothie she'd bought at the kiosk a little ways down from the waiting area and readjusted her knee high black socks about a hundred times while waiting anxiously to board.​

@planetic @TimeToSayGoodbye @LilyannaGaming

Location: Airport, 2:03PM.


Mood: Stressed

Interaction: None

@Z Greatest001

Her music was in full swing when the teacher finally said it was time to go. Groaning she shut down her phone and watched the group, ticket at hand. She sighed as she bit her lip. She traveled in planes plenty of times before. Having to go back and forth to see family. She looked around at the other two students that she plucked from the crowd and handed her ticket as she waited border the plane, happy with the fact no annoying kid would kick her seat today, because no one liked that. She hummed and drummed her hand across the arm of the chair. She watched the crowds and masses figure out where to go and trying to find their lungage as they left the airport. She got up finally and got in line behind storm, rubbing her arm from the sticky plastic that had held her captive.

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Delynn Kierny

The Sweetheart


With a smoothie in her left hand and a cell phone in her right, it would be an understatement of the worst kind to declare that Delynn was thoroughly, wholeheartedly, and completely excited for her class trip to Hawaii. The girl was so excited, in fact, that she was willing to snapshot every grueling aspect of the vacation, from the volcanoes to the flowers to the beaches to everything in between, starting with this lovely and scenic North Carolinian airport line that was beginning to move just a teensy bit faster than a physically disabled snail. Delynn was quite the photographer, however, and her pictures of the airport made the place, daunting lines included, look as inviting as a cozy little bookstore — or, at least inviting enough to fit nicely in her scrapbook, of course. After several carefully positioned shots of the airport interior, Delynn, heel-bouncing like a child in anticipation (or at least as well as she could heal-bounce, with an aching left leg), activated her selfie cam, the handiest thing in the world since mass transportation, if you asked her, and took a handful of group pictures that consisted of herself, a strawberry banana smoothie from the kiosk, a sufficiently gangster-looking peace sign, and some random, unsuspecting strangers crowded in the line behind her that most likely didn't realize her existence. One of them in particular was a notably short little girl just an inch smaller than Delynn with hair so white it almost disabled Delynn's already waning ocular function, who looked to be just as excited, if not more excited than herself. Figuring that her ostensibly anticipating gestures, from hopping to singing to sock-pulling, etc., put her own picture-taking enthusiasm to shame, not to mention how, for a lack of a better term, kawaii she was, Delynn thought the girl would make a lovely addition to her collage, so as to illustrate how exhilarating the trip was beginning to feel to herself and those around her.

"Hi!" Delynn said to the student, not lacking in her characteristic over-eagerness. Taking a moment to observe the girl's adorable Japanese outfit as she returned to normal camera mode, the aspiring journalist smiled widely, as she tended to do. "Could I take a picture of you? I saw you at the kiosk earlier." She paused to shake her smoothie, drawing attention to their similar purchases before going on. "You just look so... excited! And photogenic! What could be better than that?"



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Marcellus Maldonado

The Stoner


Marcellus was, by no stretch of the imagination, irritated as hell. The line was long, the place was chilly, his mango smoothie tasted like ass, and he did not feel like sitting on a plane for who-knows-how-many hours just so he could arrive in paradise jet-legged and angry, as if he couldn't be more POed already, and waste his two first days of vacation reeling from what he knew would be uncomfortable, back-breaking plane seats. It was simply injustice, the stoner declared in his head, so bitter that the figurative bad taste was transforming into a literal dryness of the mouth. The smoothie was rank (he even considered calling it a 'shittie', but then he remembered how juvenile that was), but the taste on his tongue was worse, so he put the bottle to his lips and drank reluctantly as he made a slow, lazy trudge to the boarding line, silently dreaming of how he would much rather be lounging in a pool chair with a beautiful woman by his side than waiting in some sloth-pace line with idiots who hardly liked him anyway. Taking one more sip to make the container half empty, the young slacker was suddenly jolted by a sharp elbow at his left, causing his smoothie to veer slightly from his lips and a small splash of it to cover his blemishless right cheek. Great. And a napkin was nowhere in sight.

"Yeah, man, thanks!" Marcellus called to his assailant, wiping the thick, orange substance from his face with the back of his free hand. "Just what I needed!" Admittedly, his 'shout' to the stranger was purposely said in a moderate, slightly less audible tone, considering the distance between the two teenagers, so that the far more physically imposing boy couldn't hear nor respond, yet Marcellus prided himself on his (bullshit) ability to call others out on their comparative rudeness while still maintaining a level head. It was all posturing, of course, so as to make himself look tougher around those in the more immediate vicinity, yet he smirked pridefully nonetheless and even muttered an almost undetectable, "Asshole," under his breath to further rub it in, similar to the way in which he rubbed the smoothie remains on the back of his left hand into the side of his green cargo shorts. It was risky business, starting fights in an airport, and Marcellus hoped secretly that the tall guy didn't hear him.



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/9848e94bb13bbb3b6f2e0ea35585ac9b.jpg.1b92c352ad045437b96cc5b4dd37b6b3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="143354" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/9848e94bb13bbb3b6f2e0ea35585ac9b.jpg.1b92c352ad045437b96cc5b4dd37b6b3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Raine jumped slightly before looking at the girl blankly for a few seconds. How strange, most people gave her weird looks and kept their distance from her but this girl was different. How curious! She giggled and bit her lip to contain her excitement. A person! A person! Talking to her! She did a little excited squirm before realizing that talking to a person meant she had to listen to them as well. A soft blush flushed her pale cheeks as she pulled her Neko eared headphones down so they hung around her neck. "Ah! Gomen, gomenasai!"She said hurriedly, bowing slightly. She only caught the end of the girls talking. "Photo-genic?"She tilted her head. She didn't quite understand the meaning of the word but she could put two and two together- photo was picture and the girl held a camera so she must want to take a picture."Oh! You want to take a picture! Hai! "Raine said, her face lighting up with a smile as she put up the peace sign and did her usual "kawaii wink" and Tada~!, there it was her signature pose.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/a8963b8ad677d08c3543c5f56b1fdad9.jpg.a7cc173a3051363d4fd955d761b93b67.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="143357" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/a8963b8ad677d08c3543c5f56b1fdad9.jpg.a7cc173a3051363d4fd955d761b93b67.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Storm caught the end of some disgruntled mumblings behind him. Her turned around, staring straight over the head of some girl(@LilyannaGaming ) and to some juvenile deliquent wannabe who he'd probably rubbed the wrong way - literally. "If your gonna talk shit, you gotta do it loud and proud or else thats just rude."He said, arching an annoyed eyebrow. He dealt with these types all the time, they thought they were so cool and macho for standing up to a guy like him because he looked the part of someone menacing- 6'4, sharp look in his eyes and a typically dark wardrobewas all it took for people to assume he was a dick. Not that he necessarily wasn't a dick, cause he was for the most part. He just hated being profiled.

@Penelope Sky



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@Z Greatest001

Delynn Kierny

The Sweetheart


Delynn giggled heartily, her small shoulders and short back caving inward as they often did during one of her frequent bouts of soft, high-pitch chuckling with an occasional tiny snort. Like many of her other involuntary physical responses, Delynn's laughter was sweet, sincere, and childlike, perfectly indicative of her equally kind and innocent demeanor, and, although rather squeaky at times, her giggle could be considered the single most adorable thing about her — besides her small, puckered lips, big doe eyes, and abundance of freckles, of course. None of these features could compare to the shorter girl's most recent pose, however, one that Delynn, a self-declared word nerd, could describe with no other term but cute with a capital O-M-G.

"Eee, you're adorable!" said the redhead, bending her knees slightly so as to achieve the perfect photographic angle. With five rapid clicks of her pastel purple camera phone, to ensure that she had at least one photo for her scrapbook that wasn't entirely blurry, Delynn captured her most favorite Hawaiian — or perhaps she should say Kawaiian? — vacation pic yet (not including the sickeningly artsy shot of a common yard weed she took on the way to her parents' car that morning, of course), and she was eager to show the girl her satisfyingly tumblr results. With a smile so wide it almost looked painful, Delynn gave the stranger an excitable, "Thank you so much. Your outfit is the cutest thing. Wanna see?" before, not pausing to hear a negative response, she ventured so close to the tiny girl that she almost invaded her personal space. Patiently, the teen outstretched her beloved lilac iPhone, the screen facing downward toward the hard, tile floor so that it didn't appear as if she was forcing anything upon her, and waited anxiously for her to view her most aesthetic photo yet — if she wanted to, of course.



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@Z Greatest001

Marcellus Maldonado

The Stoner


Marcellus had never physically shit his pants before, at least not since he was a tot, but he was sure that this is what it felt like. Sudden, sticky, and a bitch to clean up. No matter which end they came from, he wanted to blow chunks at the sight of the guy's chiseled, tanned features. Not because he was ugly, though — even the straightest of men would drool at the sight of Mr. Perfect Blue Eyed Adonis with a noticeable European accent — but because there was no way, on God's green, luscious, and everlasting earth, that Marcellus could beat this guy in a fight. The dude would either smack him upside the head with one of those bulky, muscular arms, outsass him with what seemed to be rapid-fire wit, or kill him with his unquestionable, manly beauty — and Marcellus most certainly preferred 'none of the above'. Snarking back directly would, most definitely, cause an argument to ensue, and it bruised his fragile ego to apologize for the man's own impatient rudeness, so the young stoner took a more... well, stony route, donning what he considered to be his most intimidating facial expression despite the obvious fear in his orange-brown eyes, and, much to his dismay, not appearing the slightest bit formidable in the process.

"I don't know what you're talking about," the slacker replied icily, giving a slight shake of his head as he straightened his typically hunched, inattentive posture. With thin lips pursed and even thinner brows raised, an expression that had the capability of being imposing on the face of a guy far less youthful-looking, Marcellus shot amber-hued daggers above several short heads in the direction of his momentary adversary, hoping to scare him away.



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Location: Airport


Mood: Stressed

Interaction: Marcellus

@Z Greatest001 @Penelope Sky

She glared as a man, (Storm) Stared over her head. She rolled her eyes and turned to the loud girls in front of her. She listened to both conversations as she did not feel like pulling out her phone....again for the twentieth time since being in the airport. She heard what the boy behind her said to reply to the man who called him out and whipped around. "You are a terrible liar. I can't believe you lie straight through your teeth like that." She said giving him her 'casual' or more like deadly look.
Who lies with witnesses right beside them? She thought rolling her eyes and spinning back around, she focused forward and shoved her hands in her pockets. Clearly annoyed.

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Marcellus Maldonado

The Stoner


Marcellus hated a lot of things — his dad, his job, his apartment, his school, cats — but nosiness, the pure and presumptuous intent to insert oneself into business where they are neither involved nor wanted, was easily number one his lengthy, blood-written list (excluding all the important stuff, of course). Despite his obvious pension for hyperbole (see: the entire last sentence), Marcellus was a teen of the more secretive inclination, with a low tolerance for outsider intervention and a silencing tongue to combat the unwanted intruders. In this instance, Marcellus would like to believe that he was the most clever and the most scathing in his response to the dark-haired girl, and his reply, more direct than his typical approach of subtle smart-mouthing, was uttered soon after an irritated scoff and his usual quirk of rotating his jaw when perturbed. "Y'know, I appreciate the concern, sweetheart," the Senior said, speaking in a low tone that he hoped would go undetected by the beautiful Mr. Europe across the way as the slacker loomed closely over the female's tall, slender frame. "I really do. But you're not the first to find me unbelievable. Won't be the last. So I suggest you stay out of it."

Cold but satisfied, the young stoner returned to his straightened, 'alpha male' posture as he shifted his gaze back to the (ridiculously attractive) man who bumped into him. Although rankling, the chick's rude interruption allowed Marcellus a brief moment to regain the composure that he lost after the guy initially spoke to him, which increased the intimidation factor of his intentful glare a small, yet discernible, bit.



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] Astor

Location: Airport


Mood: Pissed.

Interaction: Marcellus

@Z Greatest001 @Penelope Sky

That's how everything changed in a split second. His words set her off. "First off mister wanna be, i have a name and it sure the hell is not no Sweetheart. And i am not afraid to kick the living hell out of you for that. Second:" She held up to fingers and her glare returned to the boy. "I am not 'Concerned' about anyone here. I was just stating the fact you absolutely Suck at lying. I am right in front of you, you do realize this correcto? i can hear every word you mumble even if i dont want to. " She said with her Italian accent very noticeable, she dropped her hand and turning away before she did worse. She was not going to ruin her trip for this douche. She clenched her jaw and teeth and balled her fist. She counted in her head over and over, just as that darn assistant principal had taught her every time she got in trouble for fights. The look in her eyes and posture, however gave her away...with the fact she wanted to punch someone. She did
not like being called any name but her nickname. Sweetheart included on her list of hated names.


Storm watched the small altercation with a small amused smirk on his lips. A sassy girl and a coward of a guy, an interesting combination indeed . However he had one huge overwhelming problem with the argument : they were both in the wrong in some way. "Alright now children, we're gonna make nice here and settle things right now , Kay?" He crosses his arms and glared at both of them, not really meaning to but what's a guy to do if he has resting bitch face? " You," He pointed to the guy,"You need to start speaking up for yourself , no matter who it is. You can't just puss out when confronted by me and then launch a full fledged sass attack on some girl who called you out on your bullshit ." His gaze moved to the girl,"And you, you have a pretty sharp tongue but for what though? Calm the hell down before you piss off the wrong person and get your ass beat. I've seen it happen, it's not pretty"Storm finished, nodding in approval to himself. "Understood?".

@Penelope Sky @LilyannaGaming
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Elizabeth stood in line, absent minded. In her right hand she held a cup of, still hot, coffe, from which she took a sip from time to time. On her left hand she held one of her comics, the latest edition of Spider-man/Deadpool, she took with her in case she got bored during the flight. Reading the comic made her smile, even giggle, sometimes, which made her probably look like a complete fool.

She had her heaphones on, listening to music on the highest volume possible, to which she rythmically and lighlty tapped her foot. She couldn't barely hear anything that was happening around her, except for the few people infront of her who seemed to be fighting with each other. She looked up and saw two guys and a girl. Elizabeth didn't know what exactly they were talking about, or what exactly had happened, but from what she saw, it seemed to her as if the dark haired male was trying to calm down the girl.

Since Elizabeth didn't want to appear nosy, or to intrude into their '
discussion', she took another sip from her coffee before continuing to read her comic.
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Harris boarded the plane, since he was hired by the school for this trip, he was allowed to sit up front. Which didn't matter much to him, just that he wouldn't be bombarded by teenagers just yet. He was always liked by the seniors, hell he had about 5 phone numbered from previous ones. He set his worn suade backpack on the seat, and pulled out earbuds, a map, and a bright red marker. He was going to take his time planning on where to take the kids. Every year he took them somewhere different, so that no trip would be the same. He was thinking about the volcano this year, it hasn't been as active, which meant safety. He looked around, most people looked like they were on the plane, perfect. He stood up, and made his way to the middle of the aisle. "So I hope everyone's excited to party, and make memories! Ok I'm gonna skip the corny shit speeches adults give about safety, and being responsible, because your almost adults! Names Harris for all of you guys, no Mr., makes me feel like a hag. I'm gonna be your guide, and main source of transport so if anyone needs to make a drug run hit me up. Once we land in Hawii, I have buses waiting for us, get your bags and we go, simple? I'm pretty for sure tomorrow's our day on the water, so just be prepared for that. Any questions come ask me, I hate talking to these damn teachers." He made his way back to his seat, sat down, stuck a earbud in, and got to work on the map.


Marcellus Maldonado

The Stoner


Marcellus didn't appreciate having his ego battered, not in the least. His self-esteem issues, plentiful and deep, were a hidden bundle of coals burning slowly through a weak-hearted psyche, a quietly smoldering fire that Marcellus preferred not to stoke, witness, or think about in even the slightest bit, and insults — rude, scathing, so undeniably true insults — were the worst accelerant of all. Pursing his lips, then releasing a sigh, then pursing his lips again, Marcellus removed those narrowed, orangey eyes from his towering assailant to focus on a distant, crowded baggage claim as he pondered an appropriate response, preferring, much rather, to be relaxing on a bright, sandy beach than engaged in what lovely conversation with two temperamental Euros. As the line in front of them began to gain momentum, and half of the the students were so readily boarding the plane, Marcellus figured that their 'discussion' would be short-lived, a God-send in the eyes of a relatively scrawny young man who was about to get his ass kicked by, if not The Mr. Chiseled Muscles himself, a very sassy girl.

After formulating a sufficiently disgruntled and hopefully silencing response, Marcellus nodded his head several times in irritation before muttering a slow and sarcastic,
"Mm, yeah," amber eyes still locked tightly to the crowd of busy, no-nonsense patrons retrieving their luggage from the slowly oscillating baggage claim. Returning his gaze to the man who assailed him, Marcellus raised his voice to a strength that he supposed would constitute as the universal ‘I’m Sticking Up For Myself’ volume. “It’s crystal,” he snapped, head cocked in a usual display of vexation. It felt good to be loud. “Thanks for the advice, and everything. Was real kind of you. But Sweetheart and I have a plane to catch.” He gestured toward the front of the line, swallowing in a way that he presumed would be intimidating. “And so do you.”



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.d987d08a9e80fa0b0db521493ae87e52.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="143506" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.d987d08a9e80fa0b0db521493ae87e52.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Inka-Grace absentmindedly watched as drama unfolded infront of her, and made her tense up in discomfort. With her large, blue eyes holding their gaze on the three infront, she pouted a little, having had to look up from the pages of her book. She couldn't read with so much noise around and when standing up. Why couldn't they all just get on the plane already? What was the hold up? Was there a delay? The whole idea of climbing onto a massive, metal bird with an impossibly large weight and flying through the air in an unnatural fashion made her nerves go haywire, sending sparks of fear to flow through her like another set of veins and arteries.

A casual smirk twisted onto her lips, and she shook her head as the tallest of them all spoke up. Inka-Grace, being reasonably new to the school, assumed that he was the leader of their small group, and that they were all buddies, about to all board the same flight.

Scraping up some courage, Inka poked the tallest one on the arm, assuming he knew the basics of the flight they were all about to attend. "I-uh....Excuse me?" She asked, her soft voice drenched in her Recieved-Pronunciation (RP) British accent. "Do you know when we are going to get on the plane? I didn't really read up on it...Or do any of you know?" With her grey eyes darting between the three, she simply offered a warm smile. "I just want to know how long we are going to have to wait."

@Penelope Sky @Z Greatest001 @LilyannaGaming



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Raine stared at the phone, the vexation obvious on her face.Phones had been considered a privilege in her household and mobile phones were practically gold, as was having a t.v, internet and hot water. "I-If you don't mind..."She said cautiously, biting her lip and taking the iPhone gingerly in her tiny hands and flipping it over so the screen was facing her. Her eyes widened at the image on the screen as she cradled the phone in both hands. She didn't have the privilege of having a cell phone just yet, but she had gotten a computer and discovered a lot of new things via the internet. In fact she'd even found a job doing what she liked doing the most: being cute. And talking to people. Occasionally things would get a bit naughty and she would have to put the people in the computer in check in a way her fayher would be proud of. In those situations she would stiffen up and bark out an order with as much gusto and authority she could manage, usually it went something along the lines of this: "What the fuck did you just say to me, maggot? I will rip that sorry excuse for the male genitalia off of you and shove it so far down your throat that you won't be able to speak another goddamn word without being reminded of what a huge dick you are. Do I make myself clear?" She hated having to go all drill sergeant on them but thats the only way she knew how to be authoritative and plus they didn't seem to mind. Guess everything sounds better coming from a girl with pigtails and knee high socks.

Raine grinned and reluctantly handed the phone back, unconciously moving with the flow of the line as it inched closer to the boarding deck. "I'm used to having my pictures taken but never like this before!"She said in awe, the image of her burned into her mind.

Storm smirked in approval at the guys response, chuckling as he finally sounded sure of himself and somewhat confident about it. "Good job, kid."He said, diverting his attention to the girl who had poked him. His gaze traveled over her, adrenaline spiking temporarily in his veins as he wasn't used to being touched unwillingly nor was he used to strangers feeling comfortable talking to him in ways that weren't confrontational. He cleared his throat awkwardly and involuntarily took a step away from her, luckily it was in the direction the line was moving in and also towards the sound of some chaperone giving his whole "I'm a cool guy" spiel, so it didn't appear so blatantly as and evasive manuver. Dammit, she'd caught him off guard and now he felt out of control of the situation, "Listen, we'll get on when we get on, this lines moving so fuckin' slow."He growled, sounding harsher than intended. Shit, now he was just being an untactful asshole. He heaved a sigh, rolling his eyes at himself before facing her fully and making direct eye contact. "What I meant was, I'm not a flight attendant and we're almost there. Are you a first time flyer or something? Theres nothing to worry about, airports are just really shitty."

@Penelope Sky @xxbetaspiritxx @ReverseWells
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